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出国留学考雅思、新托福、备考大学四六级,就来徐州朗阁www.xuzhou.longre.com 快速有效的构思雅思大作文话题快速有效的构思雅思大作文话题在雅思写作的考场上,很多考生会出现很难想出合适的观点,觉得无话可说,极其痛苦,有时甚至“Cannot reach the word number”(达不到考试的字数要求) 。针对这种现象,朗阁海外考试研究中心的老师将从以下几个角度,和大家分享一下雅思写作的常见构思方法,希望有所帮助。最常用的方法:根据题目中关键词列出提纲,依据提纲思考出相应的理由。以 2014 年 2 月 15 日雅思写作真题为例:Some people think success of life is based on hard work and determination, butothers think there are more important factors, like money and personalappearance. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.烤鸭们可以从题目中的 success of life, 仔细想想这样的生活包含的方面。Success of life:a well-paid professional job and an affluent materialistic life style, makegreatcontributionstosociety,haveaccesstohighreputation(beappreciated and valued), have happy and harmonious family, maintainoptimistic mood (keep the spirit of perseverance), be healthy physically andmentally它们又与 hard work and determination 有什么关系呢?Hard work:a well-paid professional job and an affluent materialistic lifestyle;make great contributions to society;have access to high reputation (be appreciated and valued);出国留学考雅思、新托福、备考大学四六级,就来徐州朗阁www.xuzhou.longre.comDetermination:have happy and harmonious family;maintain optimistic mood (keep the spirit of perseverance);he healthy physically and mentally;同样的道理分析另一个观点:成功的生活还需要别的要素,诸如金钱和个人形象。事实上这个观点考生还是可以很快就有素材的:Money:satisfy peoples needs: regular tourism, enjoy entertainment, eat nutritionalfood, success of lifePersonal appearance:烤鸭们可以列举一些自己熟知的名人或偶像, 依据外在的形象获得成功生活的人, 比如Facebook CEO, 巴西球星内马尔,阿根廷球星梅西等。针对这道题目, 提纲先列到这里, 烤鸭们可以依据自己的遣词造句的技艺书写出很漂亮的文章。下面再介绍几种考生们在考场上能够灵活运用的议论文思路拓展方式:从人的要素出发,凡事以人为本,因此那些能为人们带来益处的事物总是我们所推崇的,而那些不利于人们的事物则应该为我们所摒弃。1. 人的健康 HealthPhysical healthPsychological development (stress/pressure/too much frustration)请看下面这道考题:2014 年 5 月 15 日雅思写作真题:出国留学考雅思、新托福、备考大学四六级,就来徐州朗阁www.xuzhou.longre.comEmployers should give their staff at least a 4-week holiday a year to makeemployees better at their jobs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?那么这道题目烤鸭们在立意时就可以从这个层面上去努力。写作思路是:Agree:1). Be beneficial to employees themselves in their fitness level2). Be conducive to their mental health3). Workplaces are the biggest beneficiaries可以看出,在这道题目中,关于人的健康就为烤鸭们提供了 2 个段落的构思。2. 人的教育 EducationAcademic successGeneral knowledgeCareer achievement教育的宗旨是传播和创造知识,Education is aimed to spread and create knowledge,教育同时可以培养一个人的人品和人格 shape personality。请看下面这道考题:2014 年 3 月 8 日雅思写作真题:Some people say that all young people should be required to stay in full-timeeducation until they are at least 18 years old. To what extent do you agree ordisagree?具体的思路就可以沿用上面的思路:Agree:1). 培养一个人的人品和人格2). Shape personality3). Career achievement出国留学考雅思、新托福、备考大学四六级,就来徐州朗阁www.xuzhou.longre.com3. 人与家庭 FamilyGeneration gaps:communication between adolescents and adults is very limited;we cannot eliminate the generation gaps, but should bridge over them.Husband & Wife / Parents请看下面这道考题:2014 年 5 月 10 日雅思写作真题:In many countries nowadays, more and more women have full-time jobs as men,it is logical that men and women should share the household responsibilityequally. To what extent do you agree or disagree?基本思路是:Agree:1). Communication (Husband & Wife )2). Husbands accountability3). Be beneficial to childrens sound development朗阁海外考试研究中心的老师要提醒考生们的是: 在分析这道题目时最好与笔者在文章开始时介绍的那个办法相结合,也就是要打开题目中的关键字眼:share the householdresponsibility (look after the kids, the old, cooking, washing, watering theflowers, childrens education, )4. 人与人之间 Relationships普通人 common people某一类人 kids, adolescents, young adults, adults, old age出国留学考雅思、新托福、备考大学四六级,就来徐州朗阁www.xuzhou.longre.com最灵活的写法是可以从具体的人 people who , 人的需要 demands 找切入点,人的需求 peoplesdesires(understandingandconfidencebetweenpeopleandfriendships), 还有民主 Democracy, 民主的社会应该使公民的人权 human rights 得到保证,并做到对每个个体有同等的待遇。请看下面这道考题:2014 年 4 月 26 日雅思写作真题:People can work or study on the internet without going to school or company. Dothe advantages outweigh its disadvantages?More disadvantages than benefits:Benefit 1: 从人的需要 demands 找切入点,人的需求 peoples desiresDrawback 1: understanding and confidence between people and friendshipsDrawback 2: 这个思路可能不在上面列出的内容里(online education degree isunlikely to be accepted by companies)其实从以上分析可以看出, 在议论文的思路拓展上往往是几个方法结合使用。 烤鸭们要多做话题的思路分析,再配上自己优秀的语言文字定会写出令考官满意的文章。
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