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2012 年中考真題2012 年安顺市初中毕业生学业(升学)考试 英语科试题特别提示:1、本卷为英语科试题单,共 96 个题,满分 150 分。其中第卷 70 个题占分 85 分, 第卷 26 个题占分 65 分,共 8 页。考试时间 120 分钟。 2、考试采用闭卷形式,用笔在特制答题卡上答题,不能在本题单上作答。 3、答题时请仔细阅读答题卡上的注意事项,并根据本题单各题的编号在答题卡上找 到答题的对应位置,用规定的笔进行填涂和书写。 第卷(共 85 分)I. 语音(共 10 分,每小题 1 分) A. 找出画线部分读音不同的单词。 1. A. panicB. blackboardC. chaseD. catch 2. A. dreamB. pleaseC. breadD. breathe 3. A. foundB. soupC. mountainD.around 4. A. chefB. churchC. chairD. chess 5. A. relationB. instructionC. actionD. questionB. 根据所给音标,选出正确单词。6. / test /A. tasteB. tableC.takesDyour; Mine 7. /evr/A. everB. veryC. everyDWho; a 8. / hjU:d /A. humidB. hugeC. hungerDat 9. / spU: n /A. sportB. spokenC. spoonDsome; any 10. / me s /A. mathB. messC. miceDThere hasII. 单项选择(共 20 分,每小题 1 分)11. Would you please lend me _ English book? _ isnt here. Ayour; IByou; MyCyours; Mine 12. Could you please give some _ to the _ teachers? Aadvice; manBadvices; men Csuggestion; manDsuggestions; men 13. _ is your mother? She is _ English teacher. AWho; theBWhat; /CWhat; an 14. I like going to school _my bike AinBonCby 15. Would you like to have _ coffee? No, thanks. I dont want _ drinks now. Aany; anyBany; someCsome; some 16. Look! _ some juice in the glass. AThere isBThere areCThere have2012 年中考真題17.I think _ not difficult _ English every morningA. that; keep readingBits; keep reading C. that; to keep readingDit; to keep reading 18.You can hardly swim,_you? _But my mother says shell teach me during my summer holidayAcant;No Bcan;NoCcant;YesDcan;Yes 19.Im going to take my driving test tomorrow_! AGood luckBCongratulationsCCome onDCheers20.The old man _ in Shanghai, but he _ in Haikou now. Abe born; liveBwas born ; live Cis born; livesDwas born; lives21.Hurry up, _ finish your homework! AorBbutCandDwhile 22.His grandparents live _ in a small house, but they dont feel _ Alonely; alone Balone; lonelyClonely; lonelyDalone; alone23.Do you know whether the man _ by the door is Mr. Smith? Sure. Weve known each other for a long time. AstandBstandingCstoodDstands 24.My father would rather _ than _ Astay at home; to go outBto stay at home; to go out Cstay at home; go outDto stay at home; go out 25.If there is _ pollution, the air in our city will bedirtier.Aless; moreBmore; muchCless; lessDmore; more 26.When I went into the room,I found _ in bed Ahim lyingBhe lyingChe liesDhim was lying 27.Its difficult for the village children to cross the river to get to schoolWe think a bridge_ over the river Awas builtBshould be builtChas been builtDis being built 28.Mrs. Wang always asks us to _ conversations in the English classes Amake upBturn upCend upDlook up29.The policewoman asked the little boy _. Awhere did he liveBwhere he lived Cwhere he livesDwhere does he lives30.How he wants to get a high mark in the final term examination! Yes_ ASo is heBSo he doesCSo does heDSo he isIII. 完型填空( 共 15 分,每小题 1 分)One day, a poorboy whowas31to pay his way through school by sendingnewspapers door to door, was so32that he decided to beg for a meal at the next house However, he lost his nerve(神经) when a lovely young woman opened the door 33 a these words, Howard Kelly left that house2012 年中考真題meal he asked for a drink of waterShe thought he looked hungry so she 34 him a large glass of milkHe drank it slowly, and then 35 “how much do I own you?”“You dont own me anything,” she replied“Then I thank you from the bottom of myheart” 36 Years later the woman became 37 ill and was finally sent to the hospital in a big cityDrHoward Kelly, now famous, was called inWhen he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes38 in his doctors clothes, DrKelly went into her room and recognized her at onceFrom that day on, he paid special 39 to her, and decided to do 40 best to save her life At last the woman was savedDrKelly asked the business office to pass the final bill to him. He looked at it and then wrote 41 on the side. The bill was sent to her room. She was 42to open it because she was sure that it would take the rest of her life to pay for it offFinally shelooked, and the note on the side of the bill caught her attentionShe43 these words:“Paid in full with a glass of 44 , DrHoward Kelly”45 of joy flooded her eyes31AwantBtryCwantingDtrying 32AthirstyBhungryCtiredDsleepy 33AInstead ofBInstead forCThink ofDThink for 34AbringsBbroughtCcarriesDcarried 35AsaidBaskedCspokeDtold 36AWithBFinishCOverDLeave 37AveryBbadlyCa littleDworse 38APutBWoreCDressedDReceived 39AadviceBideaCattentionDlook 40AherBonesCtheirDhis 41AanythingBnothingCsomethingDeverything 42AsurprisedBafraidCexcitingDexcited 43AreadBreadsClookedDlooks 44AmilkBwaterCorangeDlemon 45AW
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