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Unit 1 Basic Writing节日介绍 春节,是中国最有活力的、最重要的传统节日之一,于农 历正月初一庆祝。 春节前,人们都忙于准备一切,如大扫除、布置房子、买 新衣等。 显而易见,中国人很重视春节,尤其是团圆饭。 无论离家多远,人们都会在除夕这一天动身回家并在团圆 饭之前出现。 在新年第一天,人们会盛装打扮,探亲访友,互相祝福。 到了晚上,人们还会放烟花。 看着天空这美丽的烟花,人们不禁会期待美好的将来。写作内容 你的外国笔友Jay对中国春节非常感兴趣,请根据 下面提示写一篇五句话作文。、文体时态人称说明文一般现在时第三人称Festivals introduction Step 1 审题的步骤:1.农历农历 正月初一 _ 2.团圆饭团圆饭_3.除夕_4.探亲访亲访 友_ 5. 互相祝福_6. 放烟花_7. 不禁做某事_pay a visit to relatives and friends the first day of the first month of the Lunar Calendarthe family reunion dinnerNew Years EveStep 2 翻译词组give each other best wishesset off fireworks cant help doing sth. 进步之处 逻辑关系非常清晰!尤其是3-4句 。 新学的短语运用得当! 书写有进步!存在问题 部分同学仍然分段写5句话作文。 定语从句运用不当。 语感较弱,中国式英语表达较多。典型定从病句(严重) 春节,是中国最有活力的、最重要的传统节日之一, 于农历正月初一庆祝。 误:The Spring Festival is one of the most energetic and important traditional festival in China, which is celebrated on the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar. 误: The Spring Festival, which is one of the most energetic and important traditional festival in China, and people celebrate it on the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar. 正: The Spring Festival, which is one of the most energetic and important traditional festival in China, is celebrated on the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar. 先行词在哪?典型病句(严重) 春节前,人们都忙于准备一切,如大扫除、布置房 子、买新衣等。 误: people are busy getting everything ready, such as do the cleaning, decorate the house, and buy new clothes. 正: people are busy getting everything ready, such as doing the cleaning, decorating the house, and buying new clothes. 典型病句(严重) 无论离家多远. 误: No matter what how far from home,. 正: No matter how far away from home,. No matter how.(程度) 例: No matter how poor you are, I will always love you. 无论你多穷,我都永远爱你。 No matter what(是什么)=whatever 例: No matter what the reason is, I wont believe it at all. No matter what happen, I will always beside you. No matter who=whoever 例:No matter who is in trouble, he will help him as usual.The Spring Festival, which is one of the most energetic and important traditional festival in China, is celebrated on the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar. Before that, people are busy getting everything ready, such as doing the cleaning, decorating the house, and buying new clothes. It is obvious that Chinese attach great importance to Spring Festival, especially the family reunion dinner and that why people will set off for home on the New Years Eve and turn up before the big family dinner no matter how far away from home. On the first day of New Year, people will dress up, pay visit to relatives and friends, giving best wishes to each other and also they will set off fireworks at night. Watching these beautiful fireworks in the sky, people cant help looking forward to the wonderful future.
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