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五条黄金定律态度端正,有远大的理想和人生目标,有 强大的学习动力;学习得法,既会学习也会考试;时间安排合理,学习效率比一般同学高;学习内容合理,基础知识与基本功扎实;心态平和,有强烈的自信心.一、选择填空 考查重点:词汇、语法、习惯用法等。解题方法:1. 直接法 2. 排除法例:( )Can you tell me _ the Shanghai Railway Station?A: how can I get toB: which is the way toC: where is D: how I can arrive inB练习题:( )1. Its _ to travel round theworld.A. a great fun B. great funnyC. great fun D. greatly fun( )2. Please tell me how much _is free.A. bag B. parcelC. luggage D. thingCC( ) 3. I saw only Miss Li in the office._ teachers are having ameeting in the hall.A. The other B. OthersC. Other D. The others( ) 4. Peter, show me your _ hand.Whats in it ?A. the other B. otherC. another D. others AB三个区别1. 两个“另一个”:the other (两者中) , another (泛指) 。 2. 加S和不加S: 加S相当于名词;不加S,相当于形容 词。 3. 加the 和不加the: 加the , 表示指定;不加the,表示泛 指。( ) 5. There are many trees on _ side of theplayground.A. either B. bothC. all D. anyD两者三者都bothall都不neithernone任何eitherany在之间betweenamong( ) 6. _ people like watchingTV.A. MostB. Most ofC. The mostD. The most ofA many people most people many of the people most of the people( ) 7. _ the men astronauts _ the women astronauts has been to the moon.A. None of, and B. Neither, norC. Both, and D. Either, or( ) 8. _ is the easiest in _ .A. Lesson Six, the Book ThreeB. The Lesson Six, the Third BookC. The Six Lesson, Book ThirdD. Lesson Six, the Third BookAD表示顺序的方法1. the + 序数词 + 名 词2. 名词 + 基数词 ( ) 9. Please come to my officeif you have _ questionsto ask.A. some B. anyC. all D. eitherBsome 用于:1. 肯定陈述句。2. 语气婉转或希望得到肯定回答。 3. 意为“某个”,如:Theres some woman at the door. any 用于:1. 否定陈述句。2. 疑问句。3. 肯定陈述句,意为“任何”。4. 在条件状语从句中,意为“一些,什么”。 区别:sometime 某一时间sometimes 有时some time 一些时间 some times 几次(一些次数)( ) 10. If you spend _ moreminutes on your Englishevery day, you will bebetter at your English.A. few B. a fewC. little D. a littleB形容词、副词的比较级前可以加:much, a little, a lot, even, still 等,但不可以加: many, a few。但是,比较级修饰名词时,如果是可数名词,比较级前可加a few, many; 如果是不可数名词,比较级前可加a little, much。如:a little more time, many more books.( ) 11. We felt _ after weheard the _ news.A. exciting , excitedB. excited , excitedC. exciting , excitingD. excited , excitingD现在分词作形容词, 常用于物,且含“主动”或 动作还在进行。过去分词作形容词, 常用于人,且含“被动”或 动作已完成。( )12. How excited they were_ the beautiful sea !A. seeing B. watchingC. to look D. to see把原句改为: They were excited _ the beautiful sea.D( ) 13. Its late. My father is still_ work.A. on B. at C. for D. withBC( ) 14. I am_ seeing you again .A. eager to B. expecting toC. looking forward toD. making up my mind to( ) 15. I _ your help. I can do itmyself.A. neednt B. dont need toC. need D. dont need( ) 16. _? He is tall and fat.A. Whats heB. What does he likeC. How is he look likeD. What is he likeDD( ) 17. Its raining so hard that the waterin the river can be seen _ .A. rise B. raise C rising D. raising( ) 18. What will you _ at the meetingtomorrow ?A. say B. speak C. talk D. tellCA( ) 19. Is there anything wrong withyour bike ? _ .A. Yes, it works wellB. Yes, it doesnt workC. No, it doesnt workD. No, Ill have it repaired( ) 20. Hes allowed to smoke 10 cigarettesa day, _ ?A. has he B. hasnt C. is he D. isnt heBDs + 形 = is + 形s + 过去分词: 1. = has + 过去分词(现在完成时)2. = is + 过去分词(被动语态)(该过去分词是及物动词,且后面无宾语)( ) 21. Please tell me _ .A. what wrong is with youB. what wrong with you isC. what the matter isD. what your trouble isD宾语从句四要点:1.连词 2.语序 3.时态 4.人称Whats wrong with you ?Something is wrong with me.Whats your trouble ?My trouble is 可以用回答问题的方法来判断陈述句语气( ) 22. My mother made a card _ me _a birthday present.A. give , as B. to give , asC. give , for D. to give , for 动词不定式1. 加 to 2. 省 to 3. not to 4. what to 5. Its to He has no pen to write with.He has no paper to write on.He has no house to live in.B( ) 23. The old lady _ the house sinceshe moved in.A. hasnt left B. has been awayC. has been left D. had left短暂动词 延续性动词begin to study study buy have die be dead join the Party be a Party memberbe in the PartyA( ) 24. _ of them knew whatthe other was doing.A. Neither B. AnyC. All D. EveryA( ) 25. She has been in _ hospital fora few days. I will go to _hospital to see her tomorrow.A. the , the B. the , a C. the , / D. / , the D有定冠词,表示具体的场所,没有定冠词,表示抽象的概念 。( ) 26. My uncle spent _ thatvillage after he was retired.A. three years and a half inB. three and a half years onC. a ha
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