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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料托福口语之人物类话题解题思路-智课教育旗下智课教育在托福口语考试中,人物类是一种经常会出现的话题。本次小编就 来和大家分享一下这则托福口语备考资料,希望可以帮助大家备考。 面对托福口语中的人物类话题我们该怎样应答呢?托福口语中人物 类话题的解题思路是什么呢?本次智课教育小编以一则题目为例,为大 家展示一下托福口语考试中人物类话题的解题思路。下面就跟着小编一 起来看看这则托福口语备考资料吧! Describe a character in a book, film, or poem, explain why you like him or her. Please use specific details. 一.思路扩展 这个题目让大家描述一下在文学作品中的人物,我们可以从多个角 度思考这个问题。第一个角度,从这个人物的背景,后来的经历,以及 最后的结局和影响,和自己喜欢这个人物的原因来介绍这个人物。另外 我们也可以简略的介绍一下这个人物,然后着重介绍一下这个人物对自 己的影响,最后也可以加入对于作者的一些描述。 通过这个题目,也给大家了一个备考的方向。比如大家在平时要养 成阅读或者观看文学作品的习惯,增加自己的人文修养。所以小编在这 里首先给大家分享一下小编将要组织答案的人物的文学背景。远大前程(Great Expectations),又译孤星血泪,是狄更斯Charles Dickens 晚年写 成的小说。故事背景设定在19世纪中前期的英国,主人公皮普(Pip)是个 贫苦的孤儿,与姐姐和当铁匠blacksmith的姐夫共同生活。在偶然的情 况下,他成为富有的老处女郝维辛和她的侄女艾丝黛拉的座上客。皮普 一心想作“上等人”,疏远了真正的朋友。但最终,他惊异地发现他的 保护人实则是他帮助过的在逃的囚犯,关键时刻救助他的也是他的贫贱 朋友。皮普恢复了纯朴的天性,对远大前程的期望终成一场幻梦。 二.范文 I would like to describe one of the main characters named Pip in the novel Great Expectations. Pip is born in a poor family, living a suffering childhood, but becomes a self-made millionairebecause of his goodness in his adulthood. In his whole life, he loves a beautiful and haughty woman named Estella. I like this character because I admire his spirit and kindness. Even though he goes through plenty of hardship, he is still willing to help economically disadvantaged people in the community. Besides, his love for Estella is passionate and genuine, after his whole miserable life, he possesses his true love and meets her in the old and shabby castle. 三.词汇 1. expectation:n. 期待 Their hope, and their expectation, was that she was going to be found safe and that she would be returned to her family. 2. suffering:adj. 受苦的; They began to recover slowly from their nightmare of pain and suffering. 3. go through:参加;经受 He was going through a very difficult time. 4. hardship:n. 困苦;苦难 Many people are suffering economic hardship. 5. passionate:adj. 热情的;热烈的He is very passionate about the project. 6. genuine:adj. 真实的,真正的 There was a risk of genuine refugees being returned to Vietnam. 四.句型 1. I would like to describe one of the main characters named Pip in the novel Great Expectations. would like to:愿意,想要,固定搭配。named作为后置定语修 饰character.在文章的第一句中就指明了自己将要描述的人物姓名以及 出处。建议大家在组织文章的时候,要把自己的观点在开头就表现出来 。2. I like this character because I admire his spirit and kindness 表明自己喜欢这个人物的原因。 3. Even though he goes through plenty of hardship, he is still willing to help economically disadvantaged people in the community. 具体的表明自己喜欢这个人物的原因。Even though引起的条件状 语从句,即使他经历过很多苦难,他仍然愿意去帮助那些在经济上陷入 困境的人们。 以上就是智课教育小编要和大家分享的托福口语之人物类的解题思 路,希望对考生有所帮助,考生也可以登录智课教育论坛下载更多关于 出国考试相关的资料学习。
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