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长沙市天心区教育局教研室 宋 文2012年3月12日 英语课堂教学资源的开发与利用“开发课程资源,拓展学用渠 道”英语课程要求合理利用和积极开发课程资源, 给学生提供贴近学生实际、贴近生活、贴近时 代的内容健康和丰富的课程资源;要积极利用 音像、电视、书刊杂志、网络信息等丰富的教 学资源,拓展学习和运用英语的渠道;积极鼓 励和支持学生主动参与课程资源的开发和利用 。静态教学资源 动态教学资源 预设性动态教学资源生成性动态教学资源正确的教材观 教师必须按照新的教材观创造性地 使用教材。这里所说的创造性包含 二层意义:从内容上处理教材:1. 充分利用教材,挖掘和收集文化背景、文 学艺术和风土人情等方面的内容。1. As busy as bee. 勤奋2. The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟有虫吃3. eat like a bird 吃的很少4. Kill two birds with one stone. 一石二鸟5. teach a fish to swim. 班门弄斧6. cold fish 冷血7. dog ears 卷起的页角8. Love me, love my dog 爱屋及乌9. It rains cats and dogs. 瓢泼大雨10. You are a lucky dog. 幸运儿11. Every dog has his day. 人人皆有得意12. let sleeping dog lie 不可招惹的人13. hold your horse 稍等从内容上处理教材:2. 引导学生对课本的某一话题或语言现象展开 查阅、讨论、研究和练习活动,让学生得出自 己的研究结论。Silent letter hour climb knee Wrong Island honest sandwich Wednesday Christmas从内容上处理教材:3. 以课本为中心搜集或编写补充材料。包括阅 读材料、活动材料、练习材料和测试材料等。Will Knott was a teacher. At 9:00 one evening, when he was in bed, the telephone rang. He picked up the phone and said,“This is 3335683. Who is speaking, please?”“Watt,” a man answered. “Whats your name. please?” said Mr. Knott. “Watts my name” was the answer. “Yes. I am asking you that. Whats your name.”Mr. Knott said again. “I told you. Watts my name,” said the man. “Are you Jack Smith?”“No. I am Knott.”“Will you give me your name. please?” the man asked. “Will Knott,“ answered Mr. Knott. Both Mr. Watt and Mr. Knott put down their telephones angrily and thought, “Thats a rude and stupid man.”Just for fun: 1. Why is 9 afraid of 7?2. What must you do before you return a book to the library?You must borrow the book from the library.Seven ate ( eight) nine.Jokes: Tom: Mom, can I have two pieces of cake, please? Mom: Certainly! Take this piece and cut it in two. Jack: Are you going to play basketball this afternoon?Tom: Yes. Jack: Wonderful. So I can borrow your tennis racket then, right? Teacher: You handwriting is awful, Bob. I cant see clearly. You must learn to write better. Bob: If I did, youd find out my spelling was awful too! 教师节、圣诞节、新年贺卡,英文的祝 福语。 有些学生的动手能力特别强,我就经常 鼓励他们自制生词卡等学具。学生自制 的生词卡片比起教师卡片更贴近生活, 更能引起学生的兴趣。 The student need do better in _.A. English B. science C. mathThey CANNOT _ in the park this Saturday.A. have a picnic B. go skating C. go swimming 51. Which date falls on Tuesday? A. April 13 B. April 22 C. April 24It is about .A. reading booksB. doing sports C. making friendsHave you ever used the following in your classroom teaching? ItemAnswerItemAnswer YesNoYesNo CalendarAdvertisements Application formsTime schedules PostcardsBank statements TelegramsFax messages NovelsBusiness letters HandbooksRules and regulations Short storiesCredit cards Comic booksPoster Street signsTravel guides playsMaps Store cataloguesWashing instructionsGreeting cardsNewspaper Childrens scribblingAnecdotesPoemsCookbooks MagazinesElectronic mail Phone booksWeather forecast Product labelsPamphlets Name cardsAddresses Junk mailDiplomas Informal lettersclothes size1. 激活背景知识,走近课堂教 学资源 从教法上处理教材:用教材教,不教教材案例一:“ My new English teacher” “today” 南京玄武区教师进修学校 特级教师 沈峰全国“建构主义思想与小学英语教学研讨会“ 观摩课S1: I have an English class today. S2: Its sunny today. S3: I am happy today. S4: I had rice today. S5: Its 10th April today. S5: My new English teacher is young. S6: My new English teacher is a good woman. S7: My new English teacher is beautiful. T: Thank you very much. Im good, young, beautiful. I am from Nanjin. My English name is Fanny. And I like to read books and make friends 迅速帮助学生从结构上引出本 节课的主题pen friend的要素 信息:然后,教师适时引出 “ Do you want to make friends with me?” “ How to make friends with me?” 迅速切入 主题 “ We can be pen friends” “ We can write letters” 。 Name: Fanny Hometown: Nanjing Hobbies: Read books, make friends Address: . 案例二:What color do you like?White Black Brown Green2. 整合邻近学科,连横课堂教学 资源Whats 2 and 3? Its 5. 1+2=?2+3=? CUSee you CULSee you later ICI see OICOh, I see ILYI love you BTWBy the way BBLBe back later TYThank you3. 关注英语兴趣,创新课堂教学资源 26个字母的认读 姓氏排序 字母缩写 Family father and mother I love you 4.巧妙设计作业,升华课堂教学资源 Make cards 收集英语标识、广告、指令语1.Business Hours 营业时 2.Office Hours 办公时间 3.Entrance 入口 4.Exit 出口 5.Push 推 6.Pull 拉 7.Shut 此路不通 8.On 打开 ( 放) 9.Off 关 10.Open 营业 11.Pause 暂停 12.Stop 关闭 13.Closed 下班 14.Menu 菜单 15.This Side Up 此面向上 16.Keep Right/Left 靠左/右 17.Buses Only 只准公共汽车通过 18.Wet Paint 油漆未干 19.D
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