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托福语法之名词性从句名词性从句 名词性从句 主语从句 宾语从句 表语从句 同位语从句名词性从句 名词可以做什么成分? 主语,宾语,表语,同位语两大类连接词 1. that + S + V + 只起到引导作用 不充当成分 本身无词义 省略? 2. wh- what, who, whom, which, where, when, why, how, whether 充当成分 不能省略 句子语序特殊疑问词引导的名词性从句特殊疑问词引导的名词性从句特殊疑问词引导的名词性从句特殊疑问词引导的名词性从句规律:名词性从句的理解问题 wh- / how what + S + V - S V 的内容: what he said where + S + V - S V 的地点: where I stay特殊疑问词引导的名词性从句特殊疑问词引导的名词性从句特殊疑问词引导的名词性从句特殊疑问词引导的名词性从句 when + S + V - S V 的时间: when Jack left why S + V - S V 的原因 why Jenny refused Forrest特殊疑问词引导的名词性从句特殊疑问词引导的名词性从句特殊疑问词引导的名词性从句特殊疑问词引导的名词性从句 how + S + V - S V的方式;S如何地V how students should behave how much S + V - S V的程度;S在多大程度上V;S有多么地V how much I love you特殊疑问词引导的名词性从句特殊疑问词引导的名词性从句特殊疑问词引导的名词性从句特殊疑问词引导的名词性从句 whether + S + V - S是否V Whether he comes to the party or not is none of my business. 主语从句- that 连接词 That he survived in the earthquake is a miracle. He survived in the earthquake. X is a miracle. That Bill divorced Juliet is not surprising. Bill divorced Juliet. X is not surprising. 主语从句中的that连接词不能省略!That引导的主语从句后置 避免头重脚轻 +尾部焦点原则 1. It + be + adj. + that-从句 It is natural that they should have different views. It was obvious that she did not want to come. It is strange that he knows nothing about it.写作练习 如果一个社会想要进步,抛弃传统很必 要。 It is important that important / essential / vital / crucial / significant / 进步make progress 抛弃传统reject traditions It is essential that a society should reject its traditions, if it wants to make progress.That引导的主语从句后置 2. It + be + n. + that-从句 It is a pity that he cannot swim. Its a wonder that he is still alive. It was a disappointment to your mother that you failed the exam.写作练习 保护和推广自己国家的历史和文化遗产是年青一 代不可避免的任务。 It is an unavoidable task that 保护和推广conserve and promote 国家的历史和文化遗产national historical and cultural heritages 年青一代young generations It is an unavoidable task that the young generations conserve and promote their national historical and cultural heritages.That引导的主语从句后置 3. It + be + v-ed + that-从句 规律:it后面跟动词的被动语态形式,再接that从句 无主语,理解成“据。” It is said that there has been an earthquake in India. It is reported that the enemy troops have crossed the border. “人们”作主语,进行主动理解;或者直接砍掉,做肯定 理解 It is believed that Japanese are weird. It was rumoured that he was suffering from a kidney stone. It must be pointed out that English is actually not difficult.写作练习 人们普遍认为国际旅游业促进了跨文化交流。 It is widely accepted that 国际旅游业international tourism 促进promote 跨文化交流cross-cultural communication It is widely accepted that international tourism has promoted cross-cultural communication.That引导的主语从句后置4. It + vi. + that-从句;It + vt. + O + that-从句 It happened that she was not in that day. 碰巧 It turned out that she used to be a man. 结果是 It occurred to me that perhaps she was lying. 突然想起 It struck me that we ought to make a new plan. 我忽然想起 (strike)写作练习 父母和教育家认为,电视“成功”阻碍了孩 子心理的发展。 It occurs to parents and educators that a successful destroyer 心理的发展mental development It occurs to parents and educators that TV has been a successful destroyer of childrens mental development.主语从句特殊疑问词 what, who, whom, which, where, when, why, how, whether 不能用if 人们是否应该到了某一年龄就应该被强制 退休是一个公众话题。 at a certain age be forced to retire 公众话题 public focusWhether people should be forced to retire at a certain age has been a pubic focus. 找到能够处理我们越来越多垃圾的地方是 许多政府都非常头疼的一件事。 处理dispose of headache Where we can dispose of the increasing rubbish is a great headache to many governments.表达表达表达表达“越来越越来越越来越越来越”的写作升级的写作升级的写作升级的写作升级 (1) mounting + n. mounting修饰的名词 n. 为 抽象、不可数名词 Eg. mounting price / criticism / complaint / praise表达表达表达表达“越来越越来越越来越越来越”的写作升级的写作升级的写作升级的写作升级 (2) ever + adj. 比较级: The English exam is becoming ever more difficult.表达表达表达表达“越来越越来越越来越越来越”的写作升级的写作升级的写作升级的写作升级 (3) increasing 修饰可数名词: an increasing number of + 可数名词复数 修饰不可数名词: an increasing amount of +不可数名词 修饰形容词:increasingly + adj. The English exam is becoming increasingly difficult. 宾语从句 that 类连接词 Experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered. 不充当成分 只起到连接作用 可以省略 wh- 连接词 谓语动词的宾语 I wonder why he deserved his well-paid position. 介词的宾语 That will depend on where we shall go. 不定式的宾语 Armed with a torch, the vicar went up into the clock tower to see what was going on.宾语从句特殊疑问词 what, who, whom, which, where, when, why, how, whether 可以用if 说到教育,大部分人认为其是终生的学 习。 When it comes to the majority of a life time study When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that it is a life time study. 他们声称,通过补习,孩子可以获得很多 实践技能和有用的知识。 补习extra studies 声称claim, maintain obtain, gain practical skills useful knowledge By extra studies, they maintained that their children are able to obtain many kinds of practical skills and useful knowle
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