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2006年杭州市初中毕业生 学习能力考试目标 研讨 杭州市教育局教研室 周瑜1 中考改革的背景n新课程改革的进一步深入 立足过程、注重个性、促进发展n 减轻学生过重的学业负担进一步降低难度 0.72; 0.75评价上存在的主要问题 n1评价内容:仍然过多地偏重于语言知识( 对课本 上的词汇、句型和语法规则机械模仿,死记硬背 ) ,忽视学生的语言实践能力;忽视语言在情景中的 实际应用;忽视语言交际过程中情感的体现;忽视 文化在语言交际中的影响等等。n2评价标准:仍然过多地强调共性和一般趋势,即 以一把尺子来衡量所有的学生,忽略了个体差异和 个性化发展的价值,没有立足于每个学生终身学习 和发展。n3评价方法:仍然以传统的笔试为主,侧重量化的 结果。而这种量化往往表现出僵化、简单化和表面 化的特点,不能体现学生在英语学习中个性特点、 自身努力、进步和发展。它往往把复杂的课程教学 简单化,丢失了英语教学中最具有活力、最有意义 、最根本的内容,即语言的自然属性和语言教学的 最终目标。n4评价主体:基本上没有形成教师、学生、家长和 教学管理者等多主体共同参与、交互作用的评价模 式。评价仍然是以教师为唯一主体进行单一的评价 方式,学生则是处于消极的被评价的地位,这样的 评价往往是一家之见,缺乏可信度。n5评价模式:仍然过于关注结果,忽视学生在学习 英语的各个时期努力程度和进步状况,不注意全面 反映学生的实际英语水平( 显性的和隐性的语言知 识、语言技能和语言应用能力 ),只注重终结性评 价(往往是一次书或几次 )这样的评价不可能客观 、真实的反映学生的英语水平,不可能发挥评价激 励和促进学生发展的作用。n6评价功能:仍然过于体现检查、甄别、选拔和评 优的功能,没有真正体现评价对英语教学实行有效 的监控和反馈,激励学生在学习过程中不断体验进 步和成功,通过对所学语言知识的体验、感受、巩 固、把握以及亲身参与语言实践,促进学生综合语 言应用能力提高的功能。2 基本框架n综合素质评定n学习能力考试n高中招生录取2006年杭州市初中毕业生学习 能力考试命题思想n以新课程思想理念为指导,以课程标准 为依据,考查学生运用基础知识、基本 技能解决实际问题的能力和初步的创新 能力。n适合高中普及,进一步降低难度。学能考试的命题n思想立意不变n考试内容有变紧扣课程标准的要求n试卷结构可能有变n整卷试题的难度略降n试题形态更新发展3 解读2006年杭州市初中毕 业生学习能力考试(英语)说 明n 口试 口语测试是一种主观性的语言测试,它能直接反映学生外语口 语表达的基本水平。培养学生的口头表达能力,是中学英语教 学的重要内容之一。英语课程标准 对中学生应掌握的说 技 能作出明确要求: 五级:1. 能就简单的话题提供信息,表达简单的观点和意见 ,参与讨论;2能与他人沟通信息,合作完成任务;3能在口头表达中进行适当的自我修正;4能有效地询问信息和请求帮助;5能根据话题进行情景对话;6能用英语表演短剧;7能在以上口语活动中语音、语调自然,语气恰当。口试的主要特征:n交互性。口语活动大多需要有交流对象,通过 交流传递信息。在英语口试中,交流的对象可 以是真实的。也可以是心理假设的。n情景性。情景性主要指口试任务中参与者的身 份关系和交际目的。语言交际都是由特定身份 的人在一定的交际目的下进行的语言交流活动 。比如,旅客询问火车或飞机班次;顾客买东 西;售货员卖东西等。n得体性。得体性包括两个方面,即非文化交际 的得体性和跨文化交际的得体性。前者是指礼 貌规范;后者是指尊重不同国家或民族的文化 习俗。口试的评分标准:n阅读短文, 要求流利,正确,有表情。n能就所读短文的内容回答有关问题,要求 回答快速、正确。n能就初中生熟悉的有关话题和测试员进行 自由谈话。要求自然、切题、得体和会使用交际策略。Sample 1I. Read the passage with correct pronunciation and intonation. 30%Ladies and gentlemen, Im very glad to have this chance to tell you something about our school. Our school is very big. It is made up of six grades. There are 1,500 students in 30 classes. There are three science labsand two sound labs in the three teaching buildings in our school. We study Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry, biology, P.E., music and art. Besides, a computer course is also offered inour school.The students in our school study very hard. We are always ready to learn from each other and help each other. After class, weoften listen to music or play ball games. We enjoy our school lifevery much. Ladies and gentlemen, my friends will tell you more about our school. Ill stop here. Thank you.II. Try to answer the questions about the above passage. 30% 1. What did the speaker tell his foreign friends? 2. How many students are there in the speakers school? 3. Are there several labs in the speakers school? What arethey? 4. How many subjects are offered in the school? Nine or ten? What are they? 5. What do the students do after class?III. Free talk. 40% 1. Do you like travelling? 2. How many places of intesest have you ever been to? What are they? 3. If you want to get in touch with a travel agency(旅行社) , but you have to stay at home for some reasons. What will you do then?( by telephone; ask somebody to ; use computer on the line, ect)Sample 2Look at the photo carefully and then answer the questions.About the photo What are these people having done? Where and why, do you think? Whats the photographer probably saying right at the moment? What time of year do you think it is? Why?General 1. Are group school photos popular in your school? 2. Have you ever been in one? If so, do you ever look at it?Why? When? 3. Do you like having your photo taken? Why?/Why not? 4. When did you last have your photo taken? What was theoccasion?Sample 3nOral Test 1.doc浙江省初中学业考试英语 例卷 n2005年浙江省初中学业考试卷_.doc2006年杭州市初中毕业生学 习能力考试(参考卷) n2006年学习能力考试样卷.doc阅读理解第二节Part Text typeFocusTaskMark s 2Brief descriptions of 5 people and a set of 6 factual texts with a common theme, e.g. extracts from holiday brochures, book reviews, film guides, descriptions of consumer goodsReading for detailed understanding 收集信息 辨别信息Matching each of 5 descriptions of people and their needs to one of the 6 texts10第二节:在第61至65题中,Susan, Mike, Jane, George 和Tom正 计划参加一个夏令营。阅读下面六个夏令营的介绍选项(A、B、 C、D、E和F),选出符合各人需求的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将 该选项涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。61. Susan, a biology student, has a particular interest in wildlife. She is curious about how people and wildlife can co-exist peacefully in an area. She would like to study the environment and wild animals. With information she gathers in the camp she hopes to complete her project on wildlife.62. Mike is eager to stay away from the busy city life for a while. He and his classmates have decided to join a summer camp where they can learn outdoor skills and learn to solve problems all by themselves.63. Jane is longing for a break from school life. She wants to try something different and exciting. She is especially interested in mountain biking and water sports.64. George is a born leader and is popular among his classmates. As a chairman of the
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