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12017-20182017-2018 学年度七年级第一学期期末考试英语试题(八)学年度七年级第一学期期末考试英语试题(八)卷卷 I I I.I.单选选择(单选选择(2525 分)分)( ) 1. There is _ art lesson this morning. Yes. But where is _ art room, do you know? A. an; a B. an; / C. an; the D. the; a ( ) 2. Its six thirty now. He _ breakfast. A. has B. have C.is having D. are having ( ) 3.My shoes are black._ A. What color is yours? B. What about yours? C. What about you? D. What color is your? ( ) 4. Lets play ping- pong. No, its _.I want to watch TV. A. interesting B. relaxing C. boring D. exciting ( ) 5.My mother usually _ at 6:00 in the morning. A. gets B. gets up C. get to D. gets to ( ) 6.Tom needs some help _ his homework. Can you help _? A. to ;he B. with; him C.to ; his D. with; his ( ) 7.Sometimes I feel _ between meals, so I eat something. A. Tired B. happy C. sad D. hungry ( ) 8.Uncle _ exercises. Its not good for his health. A. sometimes B. seldom C. often D. always ( ) 9. Who threw the empty bottles on the floor?- I dont know. Theyre not _. Ask Max, please. A. I B.me C.my D. mine ( ) 10. Mum, _ is my friend, Jim - Nice to meet you. A. That B. this C. he D. it ( ) 11. _ your balls, Jim? A. Where is B. Thats C. It is D. Where are ( )12.- _ he like eating ice-cream. Yes, very much. A. Does B.Is C. Can D. Do ( ) 13.- Look, there _ a pair of socks under the sofa. Oh, yes. The socks _ mine. A. is; are B. are; is C. are; are D. is; is ( ) 14.Hes Marys _, her mothers brother. A. friend B. father C. cousin D. uncle ( ) 15. Your bedroom looks very nice! . -_. A. Thank you B. Oh, no C. No, dont say so D. Youre welcome ( ) 16. Friday is the _ day of a week in England. A. sixth B. six C. five D. fifth ( ) 17. - _ do you have a school trip? -On May 5th. A. What time B. When C. What day D. How ( ) 18.I like vegetables but my sister _. A. isnt B. is C. does D. doesnt ( ) 19.Look! There _ a photo of our English teacher in todays newspaper. A. is B. are C. have D. has ( ) 20. I need some fruit. Lets go to buy some _ A. milk and salad B. bread and ice-cream C. oranges and apples D. carrots and 2strawberries ( ) 21. Mom , can you _ my English book to school? I need it. A. put B. bring C. have D. ask ( ) 22. Whats the _ of the blue jacket? - 150 yuan. A. color B. size C. price D. number( ) 23. Do you often play tennis? No, its a good sport. But its _ for me to learn. A. difficult B. boring C. easy D. interesting ( ) 24. - _? -She is my aunt. A. Is the woman your aunt B. Who is the woman in the photo C. Where is the woman D. How is your aunt ( ) 25. -_? Yes, please. I want a pair of shorts. A. Excuse me B. What can I help C. How much is it D. Can I help you II.II.完形填空(完形填空(2020 分)分)Fox is an eight-year- old boy. He is a good boy. He does _ in all his lessons. He _school and he is always active in class. Every time the teacher asks a question, Fox always _ his hand quickly. Sometimes his answer is _, but the teacher always smiles and says,“Good, Fox. But _ a better answer to my question?” One day, the teacher asks the boys and girls a question. “Swallows(燕子) fly to the south before winter_,”he says. “But why dont cats and dogs do _?” Fox lifts(举) his _ as usual. “Yes, Fox?” Fox stand up and says,“_ they have no wings(翅膀).”26. A. good B. hard C. well D. bad 27. A. loves B. likes a C. goes to a D. enjoys 28. A. gets up B. puts on C. gets on D. puts up 29. A. right B. wrong C. easy D. hard 30. A. has B. there is C. there are D. have 31. A. will come B. is coming C. comes D. is going to come 32. A. different B. these C. the same D. with 33. A. hand B. head C. foot D. eye 34. A. happy B. glad C. happily D. angrily 35. A .Why B. Because C. That D. Where III.III.阅读理解(阅读理解(4040 分)分) A AMy name is Dan and I have two good friends, Nick and Robert. Robert and I are twelve years old. Nick is eleven. My birthday is November 10th ,1996 and Robert was born on September 10th. I like red and they like green. Robert and Nick are in the same school. They have an Art Festiv al and school trip, but my school only has Music Festival every year. ( ) 36. Nick was born in _. A. 1996 B. 1997 C. 1995 D. 1998 ( ) 37. Roberts birthday is_ A. Sept. 10th,1996 B. Sept. 10th, 1995 C. Sept. 10th,1997 D. Sept. 10th,1998 ( ) 38. My birthday is _. A. Nov.10th,1995 B. Nov.10th,1996 C. Nov.10th,1997 D. Nov.10th,1998 ( ) 39. What events do they have at Roberts school? A. Art Festival. B. Music
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