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1课题:课题:ModuleModule 2 2 MyMy familyfamilyUnit 1 Is this your mum?学习目标: 通过本单元的学习,学生可以掌握以下知识要点:1、掌握单词:aunt, brother, cousin, daughter, family, father, grandfathergrandmother, grandparent, mother, parent, sister, son, uncle2、重点句子:(1). -Is this your family? -Yes, it is.(2). -Are these your grandparents?-Yes, they are.(3). -Who is this?-Thats my dad. 3、学习难点:单词意思:brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother(注意这些单词含义 与汉语表达的差异) 课前预习 重点单词:. 预习生词,写出下列词汇的英文单词:1. 父亲_ 2.姐;妹_ 3. 叔叔,伯伯_ 4.( 外)祖父_ 5. 家庭_ 6.父母亲_7. 儿子_ 8. 女儿_ 7。照片_.预习课文完成下列重点短语和句子:1.一张托尼的家庭相片_ 2.在左边_3.在右边_ 4.在旁边_5.在前面_ 6.一个多么大的家庭。_7.这是谁?_ 8.那是我爸爸。_重点句型: Is this your family ? Yes, it is.Is this your sister? Yes, it is.Are these your grandparents? Yes, they are.Whos this ? Thats my dad.2 自主探究 预习课本的内容,找一找下列问题的答案。1. 如何询问家庭的英语表达方式:怎样回答: 2. 如何询问祖父母的英语表达方式:怎样回答: 3. 读本单元对话,并从下列句子中选出正确的答案。(1) Linda is Tonys . A. sister B. mother C. Cousin(2) Liz is Tonys .A. sister B. mother C. Cousin(3) Paul is Tonys .A. dad B. uncle C. brother (4) Mike is Tonys .A. dad B. uncle C. brother 自主归纳: 请同学们认真观察,英语中表示家庭成员的单词,以及家庭成员关系。 我的教与学收获、疑问: 课堂活动 1. 检查课前预习的完成情况。2. 看图画, 并谈论托尼的家庭成员情况。 (Activity 1)3. 听录音, 并找出所听到的人物。 (Activity 2)4. 听录音,并大声朗读课文。 (Activity 3)5. 根据课文内容,划出正确选项。(Activity 4) 巩固练习 3一. 翻译下面关于方位的词组,并用词组造句,比比谁最棒: next to _in front of _behind _on the left _on the right _二、 单项选择( ) 1. My name Wang Hui.A. am B. is C. are D. Be( ) 2. Tom and Peter good friends.A. am B. is C. are D. /( ) 3. - is Miss Li from?-She is from Changsha.A. Where B. What C. Who D. How ( ) 4. - -Im OK.A. How old are you? B. How are you ?C. Good morning! D. How do you do?( ) 5. -Are you from class One, Lucy? - . A. No, I dont. B. Yes, I amC. Yes, I do. D. No, Im not.二. 根据句意及首字母补全单词。三根据首字母完成单词。1. It is a p_ of Tonys family.2. How m_ people are there in Linglings family?3. Damings sister is on the l_.44. Tonys a_ is next to his u_.5. The school is in f_ of the building.四从方框中选择合适的单词填空。My names Rebecca. These are _ friends. There are from different countries. Susan is American. _ father is a doctor. Mike isnt Chinese. _ is English. _ mother is a teacher. _ is _ English teacher. _ are her students.三. 阅读理解 My name is Lisa Gibson. I am from the United States. I am 12 years old. And I am a student at No.2 Middle School in Beijing. Mrs. Wang is our Chinese teacher. My friend is also a student here. Her name is Maria Smith. She is from England. She is 13 years old. Maria and I are new students in No.2 Middle School. We like our Chinese class.( )1. Who is the writer of this reading? A. A teacher in China. B. A student from England. C. A student from America. D. Maria Smith.( )2. What is the writers family name?A. Lisa B. Gibson C. Maria D. Smith( )3. Who is Mrs. Wang? A. The writers math teacher. B. The writers English teacher. C. The writers Chinese teacher. D. The writers student. 我的教与学收获、疑问:her we our my his she he
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