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生物质型煤的制备与研究陈 震1,李 伟2,高 翔2(11 中国矿业大学(北京)化环学院,北京 100083 ;21 新汶矿业集团 良庄煤矿,山东 新泰 271219)摘 要:介绍了开发生物质型煤的必要性;生物质能源是可再生的清洁燃料,把生物质和煤粉碎至 80 %。313 实验室制备生物质型煤的要求(1)生物质与煤粉的配比应考虑最终灰熔点的高低,即阻熔效果要好。一般要求生物质型煤的灰熔融性S T 1250。 (2)制得的型煤要有一定的机械强度,包括冷抗压机械强度( 350500N/球)、落下强度 ( 75 %)、转鼓强度( 70 %)等。(3)着火点要适中。煤的燃点高,多在370420,生物质的燃点约为250,二者配 比量要适中。 (4)为使SO2排放浓度控制在400600mg/m3,甚至更低,满足大量中小锅炉无烟气处理 设施的要求,有必要在生物质型煤中添加固硫剂 或固硫助剂,以提高低温反应活性和固硫率为基础,进而提高抗高温分解性能。 实验表明,以石灰石(CaCO3)为固硫剂,在 反应温度、钙硫比及原料煤的粒度等因素适宜 时,固硫率可达70 %以上。反应最佳温度为850 900;当其它条件相同时,固硫剂的固硫效 率随钙硫比的增加而增加;原料煤的粒度越小, 固硫剂的固硫效率越高。 (5)由于大量采用生物质,型煤的热稳定性较差,故可使用复合粘结剂,以保证其机械强 度、燃烧性能、成灰物、固硫率,并且不产生二次污染。 (6)由于大量生物质具有吸水性,因此该型煤防水性较差,易受潮,可加入适量的防水剂。4 结 论(1)生物质型煤的推广应用是型煤发展的新阶段,其燃烧工况好、效果佳,是工业用燃料型532006年第3期陈 震,等:生物质型煤的制备与研究2006年第3期煤炭加工与综合利用 COAL PROCESSING large diameter three2product HM cyclone with pressurized feeding for de2slimed coal as its main separation equipment ;low2tension PBK6 switch cabinet for power distribution ,centralized control of all equipment re2 alized and operation personnel cut down;the concrete modu2 lar coal preparation plant matches the international advance2 ment and provides a feasible mode for coal preparation plant construction in China. Keywords:coal preparation plant ; concrete structure; modular structural element ;design;applicationSlime2water treatment by two2stage thickening and two2stage slime recoveryZHANG Chun2lin , et al. ( Tangshan Guohua Sc. based on yearsexperience in plant design and operation ,view2point and proposal for equipment selection for slime2water thickening and recovery given. Keywords: coal preparation plant ; slime2water treat2 ment ;two2stage thickening and two2stage slime recovery;e2 quipment selectionApplication in jigging machine conversion from the technology of YT214 jigZHU Jia2yao, et al. ( Tianchen Mine, Shandong Zaozhuang Mines Group Co, Zaozhuang , Shandong277523, China)Abstract:Making use of technology of YT214 jig ,the existing SKT214 jig at Tianchen Coal Preparation Plant was converted in such parts as low2pressure air supply system , control system and air2water chambers;advanced technology of YT214 includes compound air2chamber ,common air valve for multi2chambers , multi2and compound2frequency digital control ,built2in deflected buoy ,novel soft2covered valve ,pro2 grammable controller ,etc; after conversion ,consumption of low2pressure air reduced and concentrate yield increased. Keywords : YT214 jig;compound air chamber ;conver2 sion;applicationDesign concept for an advanced,practical and high2efficient coal preparation plant WANG Zheng2jun ( Beijing Huayu Eng. Co. Ltd. , Beijing100011, China)Abstract :On the history review of coal preparation plant design in China ,peculiar points in recent year design and some phases mis2considered ,and from the preliminary discus2 sion on the reasonability of products determination ,adaptabil2 ity of core cleaning process ,importance of raw coal prepara2 tion and slime recovery ,practicability of equipment and their control ,necessity of byproduct comprehensive utilization ,and humanity design ,a design concept for an advanced ,practical and high2efficient coal preparation plant was given that opti2 mization of single operation and overall performance be co2re2 alized and the later stressed ,advanced andpractical technolo2 gy be co2existed and the later stressed ,following the principle of“dealing with concrete ,innovation and high2efficiency”, seeking after“practicability ,adaptability and good usage”. Keywords:coal preparation plant design;advance;prac2 tice;high2efficiency;conceptionPreparation and research on biomass coal briquettesCHEN Zhen , et al. ( Sch. Chem.biomass is a clean and renewable fuel ,a biomass coal briquette can be produced with dry process by mixing it in suitable proportion with coal ,crushed them to 3mm ,and adding with small amount of binder and sulfur fix2 ation reagent ,which becomes a fuel for industrial boilers with good combustion efficiency and lower SO2emission ,being ac2 cordant with strategic requirement for sustainable develop2 ment in China. Keywords :bio2energy; industrial coal briquette; sulfur2 fixation agent ;preparation;researchConversion practice for a 35t/ h FB boilerDING Hui ( Yuneng Thermoelec. Co. , Huaibei Mines Group , Huaibei , A nhui235047, China)Abstract :In view of the drawbacks of existing UG235/ 31822M15 FB boiler as low combustion efficiency ,inferior airtight at furnace wall ,and serious abrasion of pipe acces2 sories, conversion measures taken as installation of more buried tubes in dense2particulate region ,heat exchange tubes , material re2circulated facility for particulate separator ,and re2 construction of partial furnace wall ;after such conversion ,the boiler operation and parameters were more stable ,vapor pro2 duction increased ,carbon content in flyash reduced ,mainte2 nance work lessened ,and economic benefit improved. Keywords :FB boiler ;conversion;performance
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