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19 9 上上 Unit8Unit8 基础训练部分基础训练部分一、记忆训练部分一、记忆训练部分(一)重点(一)重点词汇梳理词汇梳理1穿成那样be dressed like that2寻找重要事情的线索look for clues to sth important3不见了go missing4给嫌疑人做笔录make notes on the suspects5一个中等身高的男人a man of medium height6说实话tell the truth7在案发现场at the scene of the crime8联系警方contact the police9被刀所伤be wounded with a knife10流血而死bleed to death11一份高薪工作a well-paid job12根据记录according to the record13有罪的be guilty of14被指控be charged with15强行闯入break into16呼吸沉重breathe heavily17悬赏offer a reward of18与无关have nothing to do with19入狱be in prison20防范,提防(某事)guard against sth(二)重点句子梳理(二)重点句子梳理1侦探就是寻找重要事情线索的人。A detective is someone who looks for clues to something important.2昨晚七点,他最后被看见离开他的办公室。He was last seen leaving his office at 7 p.m. yesterday.23他们想知道受害人是在别处被杀还是在他被发现的地方被杀。They wonder whether the victim was killed somewhere else or killed at the place where he was found.4我们正在请任何看到不寻常事情的人联系我们。Were asking anyone who saw anything unusual to contact us.5我们正在检查现场为获取更多有助于破案的线索。Were checking the scene for more clues which will help solve the case.6我们不确定这是否使他树敌。Were not sure whether this made him any enemies.7受害人的父母已经悬赏50000 元为获取任何导致凶手逮捕的信息。The victims parents have offered a reward of 50000 yuan for any information that leads to the arrest of the murderer.8或许不止一个人与此案有关。There was probably more than one person who had something to do with the murder.9一位单身的年轻人昨天被谋杀。A young man who was single was murdered yesterday.10那位老板做了违法的事。The boss did something which is not allowed by the law.11受害人想要把老板所犯的罪行向警方报告。The victim wanted to report the crime that his boss had committed to the police.12原来,他与此案无关。It turned out that he had nothing to do with this case.13他曾经入狱六个月。He was once in prison for six months.14我们需要防范身边任何可能的危险。We need to guard against any possible danger around us.15你因谋杀而被捕。You are under arrest for murder.二、基础练习部分二、基础练习部分(一)重点语法强化(一)重点语法强化定语从句专项练习 ( )1Do you know the girl_ is talking with our teacher?3-Oh, she is my sister.(2014.滨州)Awho Bwhich Cwhat Dwhom( ) 2.- What kind of movie do you like?-I like_scary monsters. (2014.达州)A. which hasB. that isC. which are D.who are( )3. People _ overweight need more water than thin people.(2014.呼和浩特)A. who is B. which are C.that is D. who are4. 这就是我们去年参观的那家工厂。This is the factory _ last year.5. 那把沾满了血的刀是在玉米街附近的垃圾桶里找到的。The knife _ near Corn Street.(二)重点专题强化(二)重点专题强化( )1. Do you often see her _ fruit at the gate?A. selling B. sell C. to sell D. sold2. 昨天晚上有人看到那个小偷从窗户闯入海伦的家。_9 9 上上 Unit8Unit8 综合训练部分综合训练部分一、单项选择( )1. Once the robbers_ his house and_ a lot of moneyA. broke;brought out of B. broke down;took awayC. broke out;brought away D. broke into:took away( ) 2.The young man had some bad fish yesterday. _, he felt sick this 4morning.A. Because B. Because of C. As a result D. As a result of ( ) 3. It is reported that the victim was attacked _ a gun_ a short, fat man.A. by, with B. with, by C. for, to D. to, for ( ) 4. What happened to him?He was_ murder last week,A. charged of B. guilty with C. arrested with D. guilty of( ) 5. Please find out the _ words and then put them in the blanks. A. lost B. missing C. gone D. losing( )6. Where and when _ the robbery _ place?A. was, taken B. did, take C. has, taken D. has, been taken( ) 7Once the robbers_ his house and_ a lot of moneyA. broke;brought out of B. broke down;took awayC. broke out;brought away D. broke into:took away( )8.Do you have your summer plan, Bill?Well. I want to go _ to relax with my family. A. interesting somewhereB. nowhere interestingC. somewhere interestingD. anywhere interesting二、词汇运用1. He is a man of great _ (财富), and he is very generous to the poor. 2.You _ (呼吸) more slowly when you are asleep than you are awake.3. The hairdresser was charged with _ (kidnap) the millionaires son.4. His nose is _ (blood). Maybe he should go to see the doctor.5. Linda is such an honest girl that she never_(说谎). 6. It is reported that the _ (谋杀案)took place in front of a clothes shop7 His uncle has been in _ (监狱)for many years for theft8. I must tell him the _ (true) about this business because he will leave here in a minute. 9.Our teachers and parents often warn us to pay attention to _ (safe). 510.He wrote dozens of books, but this is _ (probable) his best-known novel.三、翻译句子1. 工作太多,休息太少常常导致疾病。 _2. 当我气喘吁吁地到那儿时,电影已经放映 10 分钟了。_3. 我不确定他是否在这儿结交了朋友。_
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