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1Unit1Unit1 WhereWhere diddid youyou gogo onon vacation?vacation?第 3 课时 Section B (1a-1e)学习过程学习过程:BeforeBefore listeninglistening1. 课前预习 1 和 2.2. 根据课前准备 3 的内容,两人一组对话。然后全班展示。3完成 1a. 并小组内核对。4. 大声朗读1a 中的短语5. Do 1b. then talk in groups.6. 你还知道哪些类似的形容词?请你写出来吧! _WhileWhile listeninglistening1. 1c Listen twice, and answer the question.2. 1d Listen twice again, fill in the blanks.3. 模仿秀:跟读录音内容,并大声自由朗读。AfterAfter listeninglistening1. Ask and answer questions about Lisas vacation. Begin your questions with:Where did Lisa go on vacation?What did she do there?Did she eat anything special?How was the food?How were the people there?知识巩固知识巩固:I. 用句中划线单词的反义词填空,完成句子。1. The hat is too _. Id like a cheaper one.2. The boy stopped _ and started to laugh (笑) when he saw his mother. 3. The museum is _. Lets visit some interesting places. 4. The man was friendly to us, but that woman was kind of _.5. How was the food there? The noodles were _, but the chicken was awful. 2II. 从方框内选择适当的句子补全对话,其中有两个多余选项。A:A: Hi, Jenny! Long time no see. B:B: Hi, Nancy. A:A: (1)_B:B: I went to Haikou and Xiamen. A:A: Really? How was your vacation?B:B: (2)_ I had great fun and I took a lot of wonderful photos. A:A: (3)_B:B: Sure. Look at this photo. Im swimming in the sea. A:A: Did you enjoy the sunbath (日光浴) on the beach? B:B: (4)_ Look at this photo. I am lying on the beach and enjoying the beautiful sunshine. A:A: How beautiful these photos are! B:B: (5)_II. 根据短文内容,从方框中选择适当的单词填空。because, crowded, delicious, weather, on, photos, boring, wereThe (1)_ was sunny and warm today. My parents and I went to Beijing (2)_ vacation. I was very happy, (3)_ it was my first trip to Beijing. First we went to Tianan Men Square. It was great. Then we went to the Palace Museum. I didnt have fun there. It was too (4)_ in it. After that we had lunch.The food was (5)_ and cheap. I liked it very much. In the afternoon we went to the Great Wall. There (6)_ many people th ere, but it wasnt (7)_. We took lots of (8)_ there. At five oclock, we went back to the hotel. We were tired but happy.课堂反思课堂反思:1,本节课你学会了哪些描述性的形容词。请你列举出来:_.3. 你还有哪些问题?_家庭作业家庭作业:A. It was fantastic. B. Yes, I did. C. Where did you go on vacation? D. Thank you. E. No, I wasnt. F. Can I have a look at the photos? G. That sounds great!31. 结合课堂反思中存在的问题对所学知识进行针对性的复习。2. 根据提示,向大家介绍一下你昨天做的事情。把它写下来吧。3. 预习下一个学案,完成课前准备。
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