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红宝书红宝书 网址:www.hongbaoshu.com 通用网址:红宝书红宝书 19When Paul Osman, the Sales Manager of Jayal Motors which makes mopes, visited a city to break into a new market, finding an agent was his first job. He was fortunate to be introduced to Adam Fortesque, a well established agent, mpressed by the Jayal mopes to put his assistant, Eve Sorrell, l ing Paul in his proposed expansion into the export market. who is sufficiently ihe pon to the job of A in an purpose B for the aim C for the try D in an attempt 20Such changes show that selection and evolution can be controlled, to a certain , by man ew varietIn fact, changes are continually taking place in all living ies are constantly developing. things, and n A advantage e B purpos C effect ex Dtent 21More psychologists have found that all caregivers share a common characteristic: All caregivers believe that they are the best people for the job. In other words, they all felt that they could do the job better than anyone else. Social workers _caregivers to find out why they took on the responsibility l erly relative. of caring for an edA questioned B interviewed C inquired D interrogated 22While a manager communicates mostly to information, a leader uses communications to build relationships. A manager overwhelms others with l eaves them cold. A leader touches their hearts by combining his ei aspirations in a common cause. details and sti l l h th rvision wit A transport B carry C convey D express 10红宝书红宝书 网址:www.hongbaoshu.com 通用网址:红宝书红宝书 练习四:练习四:语法与词汇语法与词汇 1ers younger brother, will not be at the picnic, _to the intment. Andrew, my fath familys disappo A. much B. more C. too much . much more D2atures than _. The state of Maine generally has cooler temperA. there are most other states B. most other states which have C. most other states have . having most other states D3ower, _to nearly all of the United States, can be raised lmost any garden. The columbine fl from seed in a A. native B. how native is e is it C. how nativ. is native D4o record moonquake and meteorite In the scientific station _designed t impacts. A. instruments were B. were instruments C. stands instruments. instruments stand D5_in London one more day. Joes father, along with his two uncles, _A. demand that he stay B. demands that he stays C. demands that he stay . demand that he stays 11D红宝书红宝书 网址:www.hongbaoshu.com 通用网址:红宝书红宝书 126 From birth, nightjar chicks solicit food by walking to the front of an adult bird, reaching up , and _. bill A. they peck at itsB. peck at its bill C. pecking at its bill . at its bill they peck D7They overcame all the difficulties and fulfilled the plan three months ahead of something we had not expected. time, _isA. that B. what C. it . which D8The time for the general offensive was approaching. The commanders order _all civilians should evacuate the village. soon came _A. when B. before C. as . that D9Jean doesnt want to work right away because she thinks that if she _a uldnt be able to see her friends very often. job she probably woA. has to get B. were to get C. had got D. could have got 10Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we _during the day. A. should have doneB. would have done C. may have done D. must have done 红宝书红宝书 网址:www.hongbaoshu.com 通用网址:红宝书红宝书 1311 what her parents wished for. _in an atmosphere of simple living wasd A. The girl was educateB. The girl educated d C. The girls being educateD. The girl to be educated 答案及详解 练习一练习一 1 to take ones revenge on sh. for sth.= to avenge/revenge oneself on sb. for sth. 因某事对某人采取报复。 附属于,隶属于”。句意:这所中学附属于一所师范院校。 2 be attached to“ 3 coping with“妥善处理,应付;对付”,本句中指“处理(邮件)”。又如: successfully cope with the situation 成功地应对局面。 4 be critical of“对挑剔,对吹毛求疵”。句意:如果你真正了解政府 所面临的困境,你就不会对其削减开支那么吹毛求疵了。 5 exception(例外)与 to 连用。句意:此外,英语用法规则的许多特例使得 英语用法很难掌握。 6 expect sth. of sb.意为“指望某人会做某事”。句中 expect.of 词组的过去分词 形式作 roles 的定语。句意:在这样的情况下,对老年人所扮演的角色的期 望,使他们几乎无法得到心理上的满足感,从而无法享受正常的幸福。 7 issue from“从流出;来自”。如:His difficulties issue from his lack of knowledge.他的困难来自知识的缺乏。 8 get on sb.s nerves“使某人心烦(不安)”。句意:那吵闹的音乐扰得我心神 不定。 红宝书红宝书 网址:www.hongbaoshu.com 通用网址:红宝书红宝书 14 at the risk of “冒的危险,处于危险中”。 90expire of “死于”,同 die of 意思相同。在戏中女主角因伤心而死。 111avail oneself of sth. “使用某事物,利用某事物”,为固定搭配。如:You must avail yourself of every opportunity to speak English. 你要利用一切机会说英 语。 练习二练习二 1crack“(使)爆裂,破裂”,指(使)硬而脆的物体“裂开缝”,如:a cracked cup 一只有裂纹的杯子。A split“劈开,裂开”,常指服装、木材等(顺纹)裂 开而成为两(或多)部分,如:to split
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