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1. learn about 了解 2. be to set for 将前往 3. places of interest 名胜古迹 4. an exchange visit 回访 5. gather together 集中 6. get close to 靠近相关短语7. release pressure 释放压力8. grow up happily 快乐地成长9. according to 根据10. appreciate poetry 欣赏诗歌11. exchange thoughts 交流想法12. recite ones works 背诵作品13. at the invitation of 在的邀请下14. be impressed by 被给予深刻印象 15. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事16. the best-known tourist spot 最著名的旅游景1. During their one-week stay in Foshan, the students experienced the campus life of Chinese students.在佛山为期一周的逗留 中, 这些学生们体验了中国学生的校园生活 。2. The British students were impressed by the kindness of Chinese students. 英国的学 生们对中国学生的友好印象深刻。相关句式3. At the invitation of a British school, 38 students in Huawen Middle School are to set for Britain for an exchange visit next March.在一个英国学校的邀 请下, 华文中学的38名学生明年三月将 启程去英国进行交流访问。4. It was also said that poetry could help them release pressure.据说诗歌还 有助于缓解压力。5. Its likely that that famous sports star will also run with the torch.很可能 那位著名的体育明星也要参加火炬接 力。1. 新闻通讯的第一句往往为全文的中心句 (topic sentence), 因此这个句子中常包含四大 元素what(事件), when(时间), where(地点)和 who(人物), 而在下文则要补充事件的过程和 细节, 往往包括why(目的或原因)和how(具体 过程)等。2. 注意新闻类型题材的一些常用语, 如It is reported that., As is reported., According to the report.等。3. 新闻通讯报道在于平实客观的语言, 考生 不必追求过分花哨的词汇和过于复杂的句型 。新闻报道写作5月1日,高二三班的学生志愿者li yu和 zhang hua去阳光敬老院( SUNSHINE NURSING HONE)开展 志愿者活动(送水果、打扫、聊天等 )。假如你是学校英语报的记者,请 按下列要求用英语写一则100120词 的新闻报道。 1.时间地点人物活动; 2.老人们的反应 3.简要评论真题回放Students Volunteers Brought Sunshine to the Elderly By Chen Jie, School Newapaper范文It was on May 1 that Li Yue and Zhang Hua,students from Class Three,Grade Two,went to the Sunshine Nursing Home and did some voluntary work. Warmly welcomed by the elderly for their arrival ,they hugged each other in such friendly atmosphere. Then, they were busy working. while Li was sweeping the floor and cleaning the rooms, houses and windows, Zhang was presenting the elderly with flowers and fruits, playing jokes and telling stories. Everything done well, they, together with all the elderly, chatted in the yard. The scene was just like a photo of the whole family. How fantastic human beings!Time for leaving, the elderly people thanked the volunteers for the joy brought. And I firmly believe that Li and Zhang wont forget the day ,it is really worth treasuring as a valuable wealth in their lives.时间上周 地点华文中学 事件一批英国学生到访 行程了解中国学生的校园生活、参观佛山的著名 景点,体验当地文化 佛山印象洁净的市容、友善的学生、美味的食品 回访计划华文中学38名学生应邀明年三月访问英国(2008年佛山一模) 上周, 一批英国学生到达佛山华文中学进行访问交流。假 设你是该校通讯员, 请根据以下内容给当地一家报社写一 篇英文报道。 写作内容假设为了让青少年更了解诗歌, 上个周末广州市教育局在你校举办 了一场诗歌大赛。假设你是学校报 社的通讯员, 为这个活动写一篇报道。写作内容举办目的让青少年更了解和学会欣赏诗歌 举办时间2011年12月11日, 上周日 举办地点第一中学 参与人数200多个来自全市不同学校的高中生 举办详情参赛者背诵自己的作品, 交流经验 参赛者感 受1. 通过比赛与诗歌更靠近了 2. 诗歌可以帮助释放压力, 帮助我们快乐 成长 校长感受鼓励大家像诗人那样思考, 对世界更敏感和 真诚假设你是英文早报的兼职小记 者, 伦敦组委会公布了奥运火炬传递的 路线, 你将为这一事件进行报道, 以下是 报道的内容。基本情况伦敦奥组委员会公布伦敦奥运火炬传递路线 公布时间11月7日具体详情1. 途经多个著名景点 2. 历经1000多个村庄, 城镇和城市 3. 6200多万英国人中的95%的人口都可以目睹 4. 历时70天 5. 在温德米尔湖火炬在汽船(steamboat)上传播, 在 泰晤士(the Thames)河在划艇(rowboat)上传播, 在某 处还会在马上传播 火炬传递者 8000名, 大多数是普通的公众, 但也可能有著名球星, 如:贝克汉姆写作内容例题导写认真审题。新闻报道也是记叙文的一种, 但是与日记类型的经历感受又不完全一样。 日记类型的文章考生不但把自己的所见所闻 描绘出来, 还要注意情感的表达, 而新闻报道 类型的文章需要客观的报道, 因此语言方面可以相对平实一点。句2: (1) 感受校园生活:_ _ 句3: (2) 参观著名景点:_ _ (3) 体验当地文化:_ 词汇整理 翻译或完成下列短语。learn/know about the local cultureexperience the campus life of Chinese studentsvisit / pay a visit to some places of interest / tourist attractions句4: (4) 洁净的市容, 友善的学生, 美味的食品: _ _ _ _句5: (5) 回访:_ the clean city, friendly students and delicious food / the cleanness of the city, kindness of the students and niceness of food(注意并列 词组的词性一致)an exchange visit难句翻译 请用高级结构或优美的句式翻译下列句 子。 句4: 洁净的市容、友善的学生、美味的食品给学生留 下了深刻的印象。The British students were deeply impressed by the clean city, friendly students and delicious food. / What expressed the British students deeply was the clean city, friendly students and delicious food. / The clean city, friendly students and delicious food left a deep impression on the British students. 句5: 华文中学38名学生应邀明年三月访问英国。 In return, 38 students in Huawen Middle School are invited to visit Britain next March. / At the invitation of a British school, 38 students in Huawen Middle School are to set for Britain for an exchange visit next March.精华点评活动报道的第一句是开门见山地介绍活动 的情况:活动的时间、地点、目的和内容都包 含在里面。第二句包含了参与人数与比赛详情, 范文用了伴随状语reciting their works and exchanging thoughts连接了这两个内容。第三 句和第四句都是陈述比赛者的感受, 因此范文为 了显示句子多样性, 用了两个不同的句型: Many competitors said that.(陈述句, 主动语态)和It was also said that.(形式主语, 被 动语态)。精华点评新闻报道的关键在于客观,通俗易懂 。考生写作的时候不用考虑花哨的词汇, 但是要注意新闻文体的常用语,如本文用 到的As is reported., According to.等。 本文的另一个写作难点就是写作内容较多, 考生要运
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