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Quotation No: 报价单号报价单号:Version No. 01 版本号:版本号: Date of Quote: 报价日期:报价日期:Currency: 币种:币种:Offer Valid: 报价单有效期:报价单有效期:Name: 姓名:姓名:Titile: 职务:服务助理职务:服务助理Telephone: 电话:电话:Email: 邮箱:邮箱:Lead time: 交货期:交货期:QTY 数量数量Extended Price 总价总价14,000.00QTY 数量数量Extended Price 总价总价43,200.0012,000.009,200.009,200.00SERV.001人工服务费800.002013/3/252013/3/2530 Days2,000.00Product Description 产品描述产品描述差旅费Spare Parts (备件)备件)Part Number 物料编码物料编码3. Payment Term for labor: 100%TT100%TT before service. 人工服务费用付款方式:100%服务费用预付。4. If there are parts to be repairing or purchase, another quotation will be provided, parts repair and purchase charge does not include in this quotation. 如有备件需要维修或采购,相关报价单会另外提供,备件维修及采购费用不包含在此报价单中1. About field service, four hours is minimum labor hours, the final hours depends on the actual service hours. The extra fee will be charged refer to below: 现场维修服务,4小时为最低收费小时数,最终收费时数根据实际服务时间而定。超出部分计费标准如下: 工作时间段 (9:00-17:00) CNY人民币 800/小时(hr) 工作时间段 ( 17:00-9:00 ) RMB 1000/小时(hr) 工作时间段 (国定假日holidays) RMB 1200/小时(hr)SERV.001Remarks(备注条款)(备注条款)Above quotation include 17% VAT. 以上报价均含以上报价均含17%增值税增值税2. Payment Term for Spare Parts: 100%TT before shipment. 备件付款方式:100%货款出货前付清。Part Number 物料编码物料编码Price 价格价格主板4,000.00Product Description 产品描述产品描述Unit Price 单位价格单位价格OUT.005035-638989960510-81810068-8007Email: 邮箱:邮箱:274744281qq.comxiaoxia.rensemilab.com.cnTotal Price: 总价总价Reference: 内容:内容:Quotation for Spare Part and Service fees2 Months AROLabor Charge (人工费用)(人工费用)5. If there are any confuses, please contact Semilab. Semilab have the power of related interpretation 如有任何疑问,请联系Semilab。 Semilab拥有相关解释权。Customer Contact: 客户联系人:客户联系人:元国亮元国亮PLEASE DIRECT QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS QUOTATION TO: 报价联系人:报价联系人: Telephone: 电话:电话:15834218476任小霞任小霞Fax:传真:传真:Address: 地址:地址:Semilab Trade(Shanghai) Co.,Ltd 3rd Floor, B2 Building, BETWIN, No. 889,Shangcheng Road, Pudong, Shanghai (200120), P.R.China Tel:+86-21-58362889 Fax:+86-21-58362887 E-mail:semilabsemilab.com.cn www.semilab.com www.semilab.com.cnQuotation 报价单报价单Customer Information 客户信息客户信息Quotation Information 报价单信息报价单信息 Customer Name: 客户名称:客户名称:晋城市鸿诺光电有限公司晋城市鸿诺光电有限公司1811303252晋城市南村镇放马坪村鸿诺光电有限公司晋城市南村镇放马坪村鸿诺光电有限公司Page 1 of 1
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