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普通学科 38专业学科 62小学语文小学数学小学英语 20小学音乐 15小学体育 15小学美术 12小学幼儿园幼师专业 1210012东港区2010年招考小学、幼儿园教师小学数学试卷简记:试卷共10页,两张,提供草稿纸。试题总体分两部分,即综合知识和教育相关知识,所占比例分别为65%和35%。详细结构大体如下,记忆有限。试题综合知识65教育知识35高中语文 20高中数学 20高中英语 20其它学科 5教育学 15教育心理学 15教育法律法规 51.选择 2.选择 3.语言组织4.古诗鉴赏 5.填空 1-8选择 9-12填空 13计算题 1-10单项选择 11-25完形填空 简答题选择题若干,填空题若干 填空题若干0.5分/个,选择题若干 填空 两个选择题分别考查汉字读音和病句辨析。 语言组织题是以张艺谋婉拒伦敦奥运会导演为背景的讨论:张艺 谋该不该担任伦敦奥运会导演,题目以网络回贴的形式呈现,要 求表明观点和理由,力求简短有说服力,限60字。 诗歌鉴赏对江乡故人偶集客舍的鉴赏,两题:1、“风枝惊暗 鹊,露草覆寒虫。 ”描述的情景及情感。2、“羁旅长堪醉,相留 畏晓钟。 ”一句哪个字用得最好,为什么? 填空题是文言文补补全。有劝学、前赤壁赋等,共6题。数学选择和填空考查的知识记得不清楚,大致有集合的运算、函 数的图像、函数解析式、双曲线和椭圆、三视图、多面体的面积 和体积计算、函数的定义域、对数函数的定义域、曲线的切线、 多项式展开式的系数、等比数列、等差数列、偶函数的性质、直 线与圆构成的图形的面积计算。 简答题:已知(1)化成 的形式 (2)三角形的三边分别为a、b、c,其中 ,若b所对的 是x,求x的取值范围及此时f(x)的值域。试题内容回忆:语文部分:数学部分:英语部分:In a certain police station an officer bought some fresh mushrooms (蘑菇) fromthe market. He was so pleased with what he had bought that he agreed to share themushrooms with his brother officers. When their breakfast arrived the next morning, each officer found some mushrooms on his plate.“Try the dog with a piece first,” suggested one careful officer. He was afraid that The mushrooms might be poisonous. The dog seemed to enjoy his mushroom, and the officers then started to eat their meal, saying that the mushrooms had an unusual but pleasant taste.An hour later, however, there was confusion(混乱)when the gardener rushed in and told them that the dog was dead. At once, the officers jumped into cars and rushed to the nearest hospital Stomach pumps were used to get rid of the remains of the mushrooms. The officers had a very unpleasant time.When they returned to the station, they sat down and began to discuss the matter. Each man explained the pains that he had felt and they all agreed that the pains had grown worse on their way to the hospital. Then the gardener was called in to give a detailed description of the way in which the poor dog had died. “Did it suffer much before death?” asked one of the officers, feeling very pleased that he had escaped a painful death himself. The gardener looked rather surprised. “No!” he said, “It was killed instantly when a car hit it.” 单选为高中常见单选题 完形填空内容是下述文章,但有所不同。下述文章是从网上找的,也 是一篇完形填空,但是原文略有改动,所考查的知识点也有所不同, 文中标注的是网上原题的考查点。仅供参考。其它学科:题目给出一段有关上海世博会的材料,结合材料回答问题: (1)结合政治生活的知识就世博会给上海市一些合理的建议。 (2)用辩证法分析上海世博会是怎样“为世人展现了一次文化盛宴”。 教育学:常见教育学知识及小学教学特定知识教育心理学:心理学基础知识和教学中常用心理学知识教育法律法规:法律规定的教师的权利3分、 法律规定的为提高教师素质而制定的教师制度1分、 教师的法律责任1分
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