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Introduction to Language and Linguistics- A Course Description and AssessmentLan ChunSchool of English and International Studies BFSU1. Background of the CourseAn obligatory course for Year 3 English majors since late 1980s.Began to teach this course in 2005.Questionnaires and interviews at the beginning and end of every term.2. Description of the Course2.1 ObjectivesArouse students interest in language and linguistics.Dispel a number of myths about the nature of language.Discuss various aspects of language from both a historical and current point of view.2.2 Topics CoveredTopic 1: Facts and fantasies about languageTopic 2: The physical aspects of language Topic 3: The words of languageTopic 4: The meanings of languageTopic 5: The sentence patterns of languageTopic 6: Language in societyTopic 7: Doings things with languageTopic 8: Child language acquisitionTopic 9: A cognitive reading of classical Chinese poems2.3 Supplementary ReadingPoole, Stuart C., 2000. An Introduction to Linguistics. Beijing: FLTRP.Radford, Andrew, et al., 2000. Linguistics: An Introduction. Beijing: FLTRP. Yaguello, Marina, 1998. Language Through the Looking Glass. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Yule, George. 2000. The Study of Language. Beijing: FLTRP. 2.4 AssessmentTerm paper 70%Classroom contribution 15%Classroom attendance 15%3. At the Beginning of the Course: Questionnaire 1Time: 10:10 a.m.Date: 5th March, 2006Sent out: 48Returned: 47Question 1 What do you think linguistics is about?No ideaSome ideaNo. of students1037Percentag e21.3%78.7%1) Linguistics has something to do with the sounds, vocabulary, grammar, meaning and historical development of language. Example 1 语言学对语言有从微观到宏观的研究 ,从词源、词语构成、发音等基本元素,到语言 的美感、逻辑性以及文化背景,逐步培养我们批 判性思维与分析能力。)2) Linguistics has something to do with finding out the essence of language and the similarities and differences across languages. Example 2 与各语言的学习不同,语言学并不要 求学生掌握并会运用某种语言,而是将语言作为 一个整体来研究其在历史上的起源、演变和发展 。Example 3 语言学顾名思义一定与语言有关。从 广义上来讲,语言学包括语言的历史演变,语言 与文化的关系,方言以及语言的地理特征,不同 语言、不同语系之间的关系等等。所以语言学不 单单是一门研究语言本身的学问,而是一个范围 极其广泛的人文学科。3) Linguistics has something to do with investigating the uses of language. Example 4 语言学应该是研究语言在生活 中的作用,分析各种语言现象,在不同环 境中语言的不同用法,等等。Question 2 Do you think it is necessary to offer this course to English major students? Why?NoNot as an obligatory courseYesNo ideaNo. of student s06383Percenta ge012.8%80.9%6.4%1) Linguistics is one of the foundational courses for language students. (15)Example 5 有必要,是理论基础之一,但为何放 到大三才开?Example 6 有必要。有人曾说过:“一个人应该用 一切有用的知识武装自己的头脑。”语言学作为 一门学科,必定有其实用的价值。并且语言学同 社会学、历史学、地理学、美学等人文学科息息 相关,英语专业本科开设这样一门课,能够扩展 学生的知识面,对一个人的综合素质的提高大有 帮助。Example 7 因为我们毕业拿的是“英语语言文学” 学位,当然要学“语言学”。2) Linguistic knowledge will help me learn English and other foreign languages better. (15)Example 8 1)更好地理解语言,甚至可能帮 助记忆单词。2)更好地准备考试,如专八 考试最后三道选择题。3) Linguistic knowledge will help me with translation, literature, and perhaps postgraduate entrance examination. (8)Question 3 What do you expect from this course?Some linguistic knowledge and/or skillsNo ideaNothin gNo. of students4421Percentag e93.6%4.3%2.1%ExamplesNo. 语语言学的基本知 识识对语对语 言学能有一定程度 的了解 16对语对语 言的本质质 的认识认识语语言背后的内涵 9语语言学的研究方 法运用语语言学的方法看待 、分析语语言现现象 8提高英语语水平加深对对英语语的悟性 8提高翻译译能力 希望能对对翻译译有所帮助吧 4构词词法/记单词记单词 的 窍门窍门 我希望学习习构词词法,让让我学会 词语词语 之间间的结结构和应应用模式。 3语语言的使用技巧 说话说话 的艺术艺术 ;通过过改变变一个词词 达到整个句子句义义的变变化。 2语语法结结构希望能系统统地了解汉汉英语语法结结 构的差别别,这样对这样对 翻译译有帮助 。 1Question 4 What requirements have you got for the teacher?About the teacherBe enthusiastic, amiable and humorous. Dont be too harsh on the students. (9)Dont be too lenient. (1)Be responsible. (2) About the way of lecturingBe systematic. Encourage in-class discussions. Illustrate abstract theories with lively examples. Be good at using PPT and multi media.Dont go too fast or too slow.Dont get too difficult or too easy.Add historical and cultural background.Offer immediate feedback.Provide students with autonomous learning resources. Dont brag on when time is up. (不拖堂) (1)4. At the End of the Course: Questionnaire 2Time: 11:40 a.m.Date: 28th June, 2006Sent out: 48Returned: 48Question 1 Do you think it necessary to have this course? Why?YesNoNo. of students462Percentag e95.8%4.2%1) This course helps me understand the basic properties of language and gain some basic knowledge of linguistics. (36)Example 9 学语言的人没有基本的语言学知识,就像农夫 不知道如何使用耕作工具一样。Example 10 可以让我们对语言学有一个大概的认识,而 不会盲目地认为语言学枯燥无味;可以增加我们对语言学 的兴趣,但最好可以在低年级的时候开这门课。Example 11 该课程可以使我们对一些基本的语言问题有 所了解,这些问题我们在平时都很少考虑,或者仅仅是想 当然认为“天生”就是那样。通过学习,可以使我们深入其 中,知其所以然。2) This course helps with my English/Chinese learning. (6)Example 12对语言本身的了解不仅使我们 更了解英语,也改变了对用得太久以至注 意不到的汉语的看法。3) This course benefits my translation practice and translation theory learning. (4)Example 13这门课像是开启了一扇大门, 老师带我们去各处浏览一番,不同的人会 被不同的景色吸引,即使觉得索然无味也 无妨,毕竟有的人可以从这里找到自己的 兴趣。另外,
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