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Unit Five New words1.conveyvt.1)express2)communiteAll this information can be conveyed in a simple diagram. 3)carry,transportYour luggage will be conveyed to the hotel by a taxi. 4) give ones poverty to The old farmer conveyed his farm tohis son.更多资源xiti123.taobao.com 辨析: convey The company has a fleet of trucks for conveying produce to the wholesale market. carry The train carries baggage, mail, and passengers. transport Huge tankers are used to transport oil. 2.advertise vt.为.做广告;为.宣传vi. (登)广告征求人或物advertise forI _ my house in the “Daily News”.The company is _ typists in the newspapers.The shop keeper _ an assistant in the local newspaper n. advertiseradvertisement ncplace/ put an advertisementadvertisedadvertising foradvertised for3.considerationgive sth considerationWe will give your proposal consideration.takesth. into consideration Your teacher will take your recent illness into consideration when judging your examination. in consideration ofWe turned back in consideration of the worsening weather.4.charge: n in charge ofin ones charge in the charge of sb.take charge of The scientist is _ the research project.The research project is _ the scientist.She _ the family business when her father died.in charge ofin the charge oftook charge ofcharge: vt.charge sb. with=accuse sb. of charge money for sth.charge atHe was charged _ stealing.How much do you charge _ a haircut?Suddenly the wild animal charged _ us.with forat5.blame vt. 责备,指责blame sb. for sth.He blamed you _ the neglect of duty. Many children are afraid of _for making mistakes in speaking English. His companion, _for the accident, had not been driving carefully.being blamedblamedforblame sth. on sb. The police blamed the traffic accident on Jacks careless driving.Its no use blaming our defeat on him. be to blame= be responsible for sth badWho _ for starting the fire?A. is to be blamed B. is to blame n. U 责备,指责take/ bear the blame forput/ lay the blame for sth. on sb.6.hand in hand: mouth to mouth face to face neck and neck shoulder to shoulder arm in arm back to back side by side7.react vi. react toreact on/ uponreact againstChildren tend to react _ their parents by going against their wishes.How did she react _the news? The two react _ each other. againsttoupon8.annoy vt.恼怒;使升起;打扰;困扰annoy -be annoyed bywith sb. at sthangry- be angry; make sb. angry;be angered by mad- be mad ; go madThe teacher was _ because the children wouldnt stop talking.He has a habit of biting his nails and it_. A. makes me angry B. annoys me annoyed9.accuse vt.charge sb. withaccuse sb. of sthShe _ him _ stealing her watch.A. charged; of B. accused; ofC. charge; with D. accused withThe judge asked the _ man to stand up. A. accusing B. accused The angry man gave her an _ look.A. accusing B. accused10.associate vt.associate withbe associated with=be connected withThey associate turkey with Thanksgiving.I didnt want to be associated with it at all.vi. 结交,交往associate with11.get across =make oneself knownI couldnt get my point across in the debate.He found it difficult to get his idea across to them.The teacher tried to explain the problem but the explanation did not get across to the class12.appeal vi. 1) 呼吁,恳求appeal to sb. to do sth.appeal to sb. forThe government is appealing to everyone to save water. The victims families of the murder have appealed to the Supreme Court to have a definitive answer. He appealed to his friends for support. 2) 有吸引力,迎合爱好appeal to sb.The magazine is intended to appeal to working women in their 20s and 30s. 3) vt.【美】将.上诉,对.上诉He appealed his case to a higher court. n.1)呼吁,请求C U He made one last appeal to his father to forgive him.2) 吸引力,感染力U13.figure n.C 1) 外形;体形;人影;体态;风姿I saw a _ in the darkness.A. man B. figure C.shadow D. shade She has an attractive figure. 2) 人物;名人He has become a figure known to everyone. 3) 数字Where did you get those figures? 4) 图表;图解;插图;画像;塑像Our textbook has many figures tohelp explain the lessons.vt.1) figure out work outcalculatePlease help me to figure out my income tax.2) 认为,以为;估计I figure that youd want your coffee.16.profit n. profit money gained by businessmake a profitHe made a profit of fifty thousand US dollars on his house. benefit C; UShe had the benefit of a good education.be of benefit to sb.be beneficial to sb.sth. benefit sb.sb. benefit from sth. The book was not of much benefitto me.We profit from the work of the specialist. advantage C;UIs there any advantage in getting there early?have the advantage (over sb.) ofHe had the advantage over other boys of being born into a rich family.take advantage of16.Keep an eye out for keep an eye on keep ones eyes open turn a blind eye tocatch sb. eye更多资源xiti123.taobao.com 17.attach 1) attach oneself to 2) He
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