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全球商界最有影响力的十位女性财富杂志最近评选出了全球商界50 位最有影响力的女性,在此我们选 出前十名,希望大家都能从她们的经历中获得启发。1. Indra Nooyi 英德拉努伊Chairman and CEO of PepsiCo Indra Nooyi joined PepsiCo in 1994 and was named president and CFO in 2001. She has directed the companys global strategy for more than a decade and led PepsiCos restructuring, including the 1997 divestiture of its restaurants into Tricon, now known as Yum!. In 2007 she became the fifth CEO in PepsiCos 44-year history. Business officials rave at her ability to drive deep and hard while maintaining a sense of heart and fun. According to Business Week, since she started as CFO in 2000, the companys annual revenues have risen 72%, while net profit more than doubled. Shes back on top for the fourth year, delivering strong profits on $43 billion in sales. Her August deal to buy Pepsis two biggest bottlers should produce some $300 million in annual cost savings. One weak spot: Consumers panned the rebranding of Gatorade and Tropicana. 英德拉努伊于 1994 年加入百事可乐, 并于 2001 年被任命为总裁兼首席财 务官。她指导公司的全球策略达十余年,领导了百事可乐的重组,包括1997 年 剥离旗下餐馆,组建为百胜公司(Tricon ,即现在的 YUM !)。2007 年,她成为 百事可乐 44 年历史上第五位首席执行官。业界管理层盛赞她不仅有投入和拼命 的工作干劲,同时还保持着用心感悟,享受一切的良好心态。商业周刊称, 自从她 2000 年担任首席财务官以来,百事可乐的年度收入增长了72% ,净利润 增长了一倍多。 这已是她第四次位居榜首, 而百事可乐去年的销售额达430 亿美 元。今年 8 月,百事将购买两大灌装厂,此举将使百事可乐每年节省3 亿美元的 开支。美中不足:佳得乐和果缤纷改头换面后,遭到了消费者的严厉批评。2. Irene Rosenfeld 艾琳罗森菲尔德Chairman and CEO of Kraft Foods Irene Rosenfeld was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Kraft Foods in June 2006. She was appointed to the additional post of Chairman in March 2007, following Altria Groups spin-off of Kraft. Rosenfeld has worked for 25 years in the food and beverage industry. She holds a Ph.D. in Marketing and Statistics, a Master of Science in Business Administration, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Cornell University. This pianist and avid Rollerblader has advertised heavily during the recession to keep sales of macaroni and cheese and Kool-Aid flowing. Revenue was up 15% in 2008, and the stock - a recent addition to the Dow 30 - outperformed the S she was told that women dont do these jobs. Bartz moved on to the computer industry and became CEO of Autodesk in 1992. According to Forbes, Bartz transformed Autodesk from an aimless maker of PC software into a leader of computer-aided design software, targeting architects and builders. On January 13, 2009, Bartz was named CEO of Yahoo!, the internet services company which operates the third most-visited website in the world. She is betting on display ads, content, and mobile capabilities to give the web pioneer new life. After six months on the job, she forged a deal for Microsoft to power searches on Yahoo.com. 1976 年,巴茨到制造集团3M工作,但在要求到总部工作遭到拒绝后离职。 她被告之:“这不是女人该干的活。”巴茨转行到电脑业,并于1992 年成为 Autodesk 的首席执行官。福布斯杂志这样写道:巴茨“将Autodesk 从一个 漫无目的的电脑软件制造商转变成为电脑辅助设计软件的领头羊,瞄准建筑师和 建造商。” 2009 年 1 月 13 日,巴茨被任命为雅虎的首席执行官,该公司运营着 世界第三大网站。她把工作重点放在展示广告、内容和移动业务上,希望以此给 这个网络先驱带来新生。上任六个月后,她同微软达成了一项协议,助推 Yahoo.com的搜索业务。9. Ursula Burns 厄休拉伯恩斯CEO of Xerox Burns first worked for Xerox in 1980 as a summer intern and joined a year later after her masters degree. She worked in various roles in product development and planning throughout her 20s. Her career took an unexpected turn when in January 1990 a senior executive offered her a job as his executive assistant. Initially fearing that this would be a dead-end job, she accepted and rose through the ranks, becoming executive assistant to the chairman in 1991 and eventually becoming vice president for global manufacturing in 1999. In 2000 she was named a senior vice president. She was named CEO in July 2009 succeeding Mulcahy. In July, Burns became the first black female CEO on the Fortune 500. With 2008 profits down and the stock trailing the S&P, this straight-talking operator is charged with strengthening a company thats still rebounding from near bankruptcy in 2001. 伯恩斯于 1980 年以暑期实习生的身份开始在Xerox 工作,一年后拿到硕士 学位后正式加盟该公司。30岁之前她在产品开发和策划部门担任了多项职务。 1990年 1 月,一位高管让她担任其行政助理后,她的工作发生了意想不到的变 化。她起初担心这工作没什么出路,但她还是接受了,并逐渐升职,于1991 年 成为总裁行政助理,最终于1999 年成为负责全球制造业务的副总裁。2000 年, 她被任命为高级副总裁。2009年 7 月,她接替穆卡西,出任公司首席执行官。 同年 7 月,她成为财富 500 强中首位黑人女首席执行官。2008 年公司利润下 降,股票表现也不如标普指数, 这位快人快语的掌舵人肩负着增强公司实力的重 任,自 2001 年几乎破产以来,公司仍处在恢复阶段。10. Brenda Barnes 布蓝达巴恩斯Chairman and CEO of Sara Lee Barnes became chief executive earlier this year after Sara Lee announced a major restructuring that included the planned sale of product lines totaling $8.2 billion in revenue. At the same time, Barnes is tackling corporate inefficiencies by encouraging shared purchasing between divisions and less bureaucracy. Barnes raised eyebrows when she left PepsiCo in 1998 to spend more time with her family. Ever since Barnes got back on the on-ramp into the corporate world, she has been the most oft-cited example in the business press of a woman who ditched her corporate career to spend time with her family, only to regain corporate power. Since taking the helm in 2005 after a
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