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Unit 1Unit 1 Language pointsLanguage points:1 1、介绍自己和他人、介绍自己和他人 2 2、表达喜好、表达喜好 3 3、反身代词,名词所有格、反身代词,名词所有格 4 4、动词、名词的不同形式变化、动词、名词的不同形式变化选择选择1) Where are you _? Im Chinese.a. in b. at c. from d. to2) He is _ editor.a. a b. an c. the d. /3) He _ at that bank.a. works b. work c. is work d. workes4) They like playing _ football, but we like playing _ piano. a. the/ b. /the c. thethe d. /5) Tom meets Jack, and we _ Mary. a. meets b. met c. meeting d. meet 6) They think we _ Australian, and you think we _ English. a. were, were b. are, are c. is, is d. was, was 7) Mary doesnt like Henry, and she doesnt talk to _. a. her b. she c. he d. him 8) Mary and Kate are teachers, and James _ a teacher, too. a. were b. are c. is d. was 9) There _ a teacher and three students in the classrooms. a. are b. have c. is d. has10) Hello, Im John Smith. _ you do? a. What b. How c. Why do d. How do 11) “Do you play football?“ “No, I _.“ a. am not b. doesnt c. will not d. dont12) What _ they do on Sundays? a. have b. does c. do d. are填空name is Lin Xiaoyan. I work America now. But I Chinese. I like motherland (祖国). And I have some Chinese and one American David Manning. I work _ him in a company now.(in am my my friends with friend) 翻译1) 我为一家美国的公司工作。 2)大卫.曼宁来自哪里? 3)我喜欢看电视。 4)他喜欢游泳。 5)你做什么工作? 6)我是一位经理。开放英语1 第二单元Study aims in this unit:1、Learn to say more about yourself; 2、Learn to describe a typical day; 3、Learn to make offers/requests; 4、Learn to check into a hotel; 5、Revise telling the time with the twelve-hour clock.Unit 2 meeting and greetingpleasedrelaxedflyshameenjoystartNew words in this unitfinishby trainnapreservationsingleregisterSession 1 In this session you:Learn to talk about routines;Learn to describe activities you like doing and dont like doing;Use adverbs of frequency and some prepositions. 1.表达问候的方式Hi! 熟人之间很随便的问候语 Hello. “中性”的问候语,认识或不认识的人都可以用。 How are you? 不常见的熟人之间得问候语, how do you do! 不认识的人之间打招呼的方式。Fine. And you? 在回答问候之后,反过来问候对方“你好吗?” 其他方式:Whats up?How are things?/How have you been?How is it going?/Whats going on?Long time no see.Fine. Not too bad. The same as usual. Pretty good. So far so good.A: Welcome to join us! B: Thank you, Im happy to be working here, Ms.White. A: Call me Jane, will you? My name is Jane White,but everybody call me Jane. Its easier. B: Yes, sir. A: (laughing) And dont sir me either. Now Ill show you your office.新员工第一天上班见面用英语打招呼2.行为动词的否定形式由于do not (dont), does not (doesnt)+动词原形构成。 肯定句 否定句 I like swimming. I do not (dont) like swimming. You like swimming. You do not (dont) like swimming. He/She likes swimming. He/She does not (doesnt) like swimming We like swimming. We do not (dont) like swimming. They like swimming. They do not (dont) like swimming neverOftenusuallySometimesalways由弱到强0%-100%频度副词从 不总 是3、频度副词:频度副词的位置是根据句子的谓语动词来决定的。a、如果是行为动词,那么频度副词要放在动词的前面。I usually go to work by bike. b、如果谓语动词是 be,那么就要放在 be的后面。He is usually at home on Sunday. c、 在含有助动词的句子里,频度副词要放在助动词与行为动 词之间。I dont usually go to work by bus. 4.介词at, for, inat: (在.时时刻)I have tea at breakfast time. (at lunchtime, at dinnertime)for(作为.)She likes fish for breakfast. (for lunch, for dinner)in: (在.期间间)I work in the morning. (in the afternoon, in the evening) Session 2 In this session you:Learn to describe a typical working day;Study the verb to have. 1. 1) 动词动词 have动词 have 有多种含义,主要含义有以下几种: possess 具有(特点) I have black hair.也可用have got (ve got)表达 : I have got (Ive got) black hair. possess (things) 拥有 (东西) I have a car.可以表达为 I have got (ve got) a car. eat or drink 吃,喝 He has lunch in the canteen. Would you like to have a coffee?2).动词动词 have, go和 finish第三人称单单数形式的变变化: 2. 行为动词疑问句构成及其简略回答 行为动词作谓语的一般疑问句需用助动词do/does,并将其置于主 语之前。 Do you eat in the canteen at lunchtime? Does Xiaoyan like flying? 一般疑问句通常只需简短回答,用do/does, 代替句中的行为动词 。 Do you have a canteen? Yes, we do. Does she finish early on Friday? No, she doesnt 特殊疑问句要将疑问词置于句首,这与汉语语序不同。 Where do you have lunch? What time do you start work?When do you finish? Session 3 In this session youLearn language for checking into a hotellearn language for making requests and offerspractise the English alphabetparctise telling the time using the twelve hour clock. 1、12小时的表达法 表达整点过1-30分用past (晚于,过): 12.10 It is ten past twelve.12.30 It is half past twelve. 表示离整点还差1-29分用to (在.之前): 9.40 It is twenty to t
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