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英语必修4 复习 (重点句子+短语 )1.尽可能地 2.同意做某事 3.诺贝尔和平奖 4.同意某人做某事 5.为反对而战,跟斗争 6.考虑做某事 7.意味着做某事 8.离开;起程;出发 9.过着的生活 10.涌上心头,涌入脑海。asas possible agree to do sth. the Nobel Peace Prize agree with sb. fight against consider doing sth. mean doing move off lead a life crowd in 11.进行研究 12.偶然地 13.偶然遇到 14.降低死亡率 15.打算给的,打算作用的 16.在那时 17.仅次于 18.一个又一个故事 19.蔑视:瞧不起 20.继续,坚持do some research on by chance come across cut the death rate be intended for at that time second to story after story look down upon carry on21.确定,确认 22.直到现在 23.献身于,投身于 24.属于某人自己的 25.也,又 26.查阅,参考,谈判 27.人类 28.与某人争论 29.争论有关事情make sure by now devote to of ones own as well as refer to human being argue with sb. argue about sth.1.为而奋斗 2.毕业于 3.装备良好 4.多亏,由于 5.发展中国家 6.过着舒适的生活 7.坚持做某事 8.适合于 9.以为食 10.轮流做某事struggle for / fight for graduate from be well equipped thanks to developing countries lead a comfortable life insist on doing sth. be suitable for feed on take turns to do sth.11.根据,按照 12.聚集,集中 13.因为,由于 14.导致 15.需要 16.摆脱 17.梦想 18.在将来 19.试验 20.建立,增强according to focus on because of lead to in need of get rid of dream of in the future try out build up21.出售,待售 22.富含;在某一方面很丰富 23.使免受 24.更喜欢做某事 25.对感到满意 26.宁愿,宁可for sale be rich in keep free from/of prefer doing be satisfied with would rather1.(计划)失败;毫无结果;跌倒 2.对满足 3.穷的;缺少的 4.撞到某人身上 5.崩溃;抛锚 6.对友好,和蔼 7.以而闻名 8.挑出;辨别出 9.断绝;切断 10.作为的结果fall down feel/be content with badly off knock into sb. break down be kind to be famous for pick out cut off as a result of 11.因而生气 12.在的边缘 13.(灾难,战争等)爆发,突然发生 14.突然起来,突然发作 15.处理,对付 16.对评价很高 17.去野营 18.五星红旗 19.被认为是 20.出现,调大be angry about on the edge of break out burst into deal with think well / highly of go camping five-star red flag be considered as turn up 21.取笑 22.分发;耗尽 23.同样长度的 24.产生,引起 25.直到现在 26.担任主角;主演make fun of give out of the same length bring about up to now star in 1.也 2.把介绍给 3.吻某人的脸颊 4.调查 5.英语口语 6.总的来说,通常 7.避免做某事 8.靠近,接近 9.保护 而不受10.环顾as well introduce to kiss sb. on the cheek look into spoken English in general avoid doing sth. close to defend against protect from look around 11.给留下印象12.与竞争 13.捡起,学会,用车接送,好转 14. 对的态度 15. 打算做某事 16.丢脸,丢面子 17.舒适,快活;自由自在 18.背对;背弃 19.而且,还有,和一样好 20.与 相似impress sb. with sth. impress sth. on sb. make a/an impress on sb. compete against / with pick up attitude to / towards intend to do / doing sth. lose ones face at ease turn ones back to as well as be similar to 21.误解 22.对表示尊敬 23.目前,现在 24.用同样的方式 25.很可能有希望be wrong about show respect for at present in the same way be likely to 1.以 而闻名 2.打理农场 3.对 熟悉 4.根据模仿;仿造 5.难怪,不足为奇 6.玩耍,嬉戏 7.对某事物感到好奇 8.取乐;非认真的 9.穿过,传遍 10.达到(某一数额或规模)be famous for run ones farms be familiar with be modelled after no wonder fun and games wonder about sth. in fun run through run to sth.11.参加 12.为做准备 13.面对面地 14.例如 15.为 提供 16.与 相比较 17.不但 而且 18.靠近,接近 19.活跃起来 20.在的前面take part in prepare for face to face for example provide with compare with not only but also get close to come to life in advance of 21.承认做(过)某事 22.提前admit doing sth. in advance1.Everybody sits and waits in the _ (树荫)of the trees while the family begins to _ _and _ _(睡醒)(离开)2.For forty years Jane Goodall has been _ (呼吁)about making the rest of the world understand and _ the life of these animals. (尊重 )shade Wake upmove offoutspoken respect3.She _ _(主张)that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for _(娱乐)or advertisements.4.She is _ _busy _ but she says. (他的生活是忙忙碌碌的)5.However, the evening _ _ all _(这一切都是值得的)has arguedentertainmentLeading alifemakes itworthwhile6.We realize that the _ (联系)between members of a chimp family is _ _ _in a human family. (一样紧密)7._ _ I _ _an (很偶然地) (看到) article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi, a _(专家) in womens diseases.bond as strong asBy chancecame acrossspecialist8. _ made her succeed later on was the _and _ she showed to all her patients.9._ _ study at medical college like Lin Qinaozhi and _,_her good work?whatkindness considerationWhy notcarry on后来使她成功的是她对所有病人献出的爱心和体贴为什么不像林巧稚那样去读医学院,继续她的事业呢?10.There was _ _ _(数不胜数的故事) of how Lin Qiaozhi , tired after a days work , went late at night to _ (接生)a baby for a poor family _ (这些家庭)could not pay her.11.That was a _ (在那个年代)when girls education was always placed _ _(排在之后)boysstory after storydeliverwhogeneration second to1.Indeed , his _ (晒黑的)face and arms and his slim , strong body are just like _ (那些)of _(千百万 ) of Chinese farmers , _ _(he has struggled for the past five _.( 过去50年来,他一直在努力帮助他们)2.Dr Yuan Long Ping grows _ is called _ hybrid rice.sunburntthosemillions for whom decadeswhat super被称为“超级杂交水稻”的稻种3.This special strain of r
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