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辽宁省英语第39讲 阅读理解 在近3年辽宁各地市的中考试题 中,阅读 理解大多数地方均为4篇,在形式上以选择 型(4选1)为主要类型,并且大部分地区都会涉及一定量的图画或表格,以增强试题 的趣味性。各地话题 涉及广泛,文体以记叙文和说明文为主,少量涉及议论 文,词数均在200左右。记叙文的话题 以故事类为 主,包括教育故事、情感故事、哲理故事等,以道德教育为目的,每年至少有2篇涉及该话题 ,约占阅读 理解所有考查话题 的50%。预计 2016年仍会涉及该话题 。广告图表类阅读 理解的考查约 占阅读 理解所有考查话题 的25%。这类话题 一方面增加了试题 的趣味性,另一方面贴近生活实际 ,能教会学生一些英语在生活中的运用。分析近三年辽宁试题 可知,广告图表类涉及较多的是34组不同的小广告或图表组合,也会偶尔涉及某一个海报或某一则信息,所涉及的内容多贴近人们的社会生活,或是一些奇闻轶 事。预计 2016年仍会涉及该形式。说明文以介绍类为 主,包括饮食健康、咨询建议、文化风俗、科普知识、社会热点、人物介绍、广告信息等,内容涉及广泛,以了解知识为 目的。每年中考试题 中至少有1篇涉及该话题 ,约占阅读 理解所有考查话题 的25%。预计 2016年仍会涉及该话题。中考英语“阅读 理解”题主要是考查考生综合运用所学语言知识的能力。很多同学在做题时 常常有一种“读得懂做不对”的感觉。那么有必要对阅读 理解这种题型及其解题技巧作一些简要的分析。从近几年的中考阅读 理解情况看,短文体裁多样,题材各异,文章涉及科学知识、社会文化、政治历史、人文环境和日常生活等方面,充分体现其时代性、实用性。短文难度逐年加大。常见题 型有主旨题、细节题 、推断题、猜测词义题 和判断正误题 。做阅读 理解练习应 先看问题 ,弄清考点。在阅读 短文之前,快速浏览问题 ,以便在阅读 短文时做到心中有数,快速、准确地捕捉所需信息。其次要注意先易后难。做题时 不必拘泥于书中所呈现的语篇顺序,应遵循先易后难的原则。如可先做细节题 再做推断题,因为细节题 大多能直接从文中找到答案,而推断题则 需对短文进行深层理解,再作判断。(一)主旨概括题主旨题主要考查学生对短文中心思想或作者意图的掌握。做此类题时 ,应通读全文,理解文章大意,充分理解主题句的意义。短文往往围绕 主题句展开,主题句通常出现在短文第一句或最后一句。主旨大意题主要的设问 方式有:Whats the main idea of this passage?What does the passage mainly tell us?What does the passage mainly discuss?The writer means to tell us that _.The main idea of the passage is that _.The passage is mainly about _.From the passage we can learn/conclude that _.The last paragraph is chiefly concerned with _.Whats the best title for the passage?What would be the best title for the passage?The best title for the passage is _.(二)细节理解题细节题是用来进一步表达主题,体现中心思想的,往往针对短文某个细节 来设题 。做此类题时 ,应快速捕捉信息,可能是一些事例、数字等,阅读时 要有针对 性。细节 理解类题 目常见的设问 方式有:Which of the following is true/false/mentioned?What does the writer pay the least attention to?Choose the right order of the events given in the passage.All of the following statements may be true/false except _.Which of the following is not the result of.?Which of the following best characterizes the main feature of.?【例1】(2015,辽阳) It was Sunday.I had one last patient to see.I reached her room in a hurry and stood at the doorway.She was an old woman,sitting in the chair,trying to put socks on her feet.I spoke quickly to the nurse and had a look at her chart noting (病历表)I stood looking down at her.“Could you help me to put on my socks?” she asked.I didnt answer,but I said something like this,“How are you feeling?Your sugar and blood pressure were high but they are better today.The nurse mentioned you are anxious (渴望的) to see your son whos visiting you today.Its nice to have a family visit from faraway.I think you really look forward to seeing him.”She stopped me with a serious voice,“Sit down,doctor.This is my story,not your story.” I was surprised and embarrassed (尴尬的)I sat down.I helped her with the socks.She began to tell me that her only son lived around the corner from her,but she hadnt seen him for five years.She believed that the stress caused her health problems.After hearing her story and putting on her socks,I asked if there was anything else I could do for her.She shook her head and smiled.All she wanted me to do was to listen.I often thought of what the woman taught me and I reminded myself of the importance of stopping,sitting and listening.The storyteller should be listened towithout interruptionI believe in the power of listening.I know that healing (康复) takes place when someone stops,sits down and listens.【文章大意】本文通过讲述一位医生与一名患者之间的经历,让人懂得倾听是一剂良药。1The old woman was my _.Adoctor Bfriend Cpatient Dnurse【解析】细节理解题。从第一段第二句I had one last patient to see.和第四句She was an old woman.可知,这位老人是我的病人。答案:_C_2I _ the old woman when I saw her at first.Adidnt listen to Bcarefully looked overCknew a lot about Doffered help to【解析】细节理解题。从第三段开始She stopped me with a serious voice,“Sit down,doctor.This is my story,not your story.”可知,起初医生只顾自己夸夸其谈,而没有倾听患者的心声,引起了患者的不满。答案:_A_3The old woman lived a(n) _ life.Afantastic Beasy Chappy Dlonely【解析】推理判断题。从第二段中The nurse mentioned you are anxious to see your son whos visiting you today.可知,她急切地想见到儿子。另外从第三段中She began to tell me that her only son lived around the corner from her,but she hadnt seen him for five years.可知,她五年没见到自己的儿子。所以她过的是一种很孤单的生活。答案:_D_4The underlined word “interruption” means _.A打动 B打岔 C打乱 D打击【解析】猜测词义题。根据倒数第二段最后一句:The storyteller should be listened towithout interruption.可知,讲述者应该被倾听,不应被打断、打扰。答案:_B_5Which is the best title (题目) of the passage?_.AWe should be thankful to othersBThe real meaning of loveCListening is powerful medicineDHelping others is necessary【解析】主旨大意题。通过文章中医患之间的对话可知,作者希望人们之间多一些倾听,因此C项最恰当。另外,其他三个选项的主题分别是感恩、爱和助人,和主题不符,因此排除。答案:_C_If you are hungry,what do you do?Get your favorite meal and stay quiet after that?Just like your stomach,your mind is hungry,too.But it never lets you know,because its busy thinking about your dream lover,favorite star and many such things.So your brain just pays attention to your needs and never lets itself grow.When your mind stops growing,your creativity
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