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西安高新区商务中心区简介西安高科(集团)公司Brief Introduction to CBD Project of Xian Hi-tech Industries Development ZoneXian Gaoke (Group) Corporation周边环境 Environment商务办公区 CBD内部条件 Interior Condition 路网确定 市政配套确定 高新区行政中心 汽车主题公园The road grid has been settled The public facilities has been confirmed The administration building of XHDZ 功能定位 Function Orientation这是一个具有国际化、现代化水准的集会议交流、文化休闲、商业娱乐、商务办公和高档居住于一体的商务中心区The functions of CBD is an international modern central business district encompassing conference communication, cultural entertainment, commercial amusement, business office, and top-grade residence. 我们的形象定位 Our Image Orientation 国际化的、领航的、示范式的商务中心区Internationalized, Piloting, and Demonstrating CBD国际化Internationalized 形象定位诠释 Annotation Of Image Orientation 科技是国际化的、无边界的 商务中心区是国际交流的平台 商务中心区的设施向国际化看齐Science and technology are international and no frontier . CBD is a platform for international communication . CBDs facilities are in accord with international standards .这里有行政、会议、文化、交流、信息、高级酒店是属于21世纪的商务服务平台various kinds of functions such as administrative center, conference, culture, communication, information and top-grade hotel, etc. are available. It is the platform for business service of the 21st century 陕西国宾馆奥林匹克公园都市之门都市天地都市未来三大功能块 Three Function Blocks 这里有商业、娱乐、休闲、餐饮、高级公寓是工作之余找乐的地方various kinds of functions, such as business, entertainment, recreation, restaurant etc. It is a place where you can take a rest after work; 这里有地区企业总部、外来企业办事处、小企业办公、酒店是财富之泉various kinds of functions, such as regional enterprises headquarter, foreign enterprises office, small-sized enterprise place, top-grade distinctive apartment etc. It is the fountain of fortune “都市之门” “Metropolitan Gate ”v这里是新产品、新创意、新理念展示的地方v这里是国际交流、发现商机的地方v这里是奖励企业精神、社会精英、财富神话的地方v这里是记载高新区发展足迹的地方“Metropolitan Gate” will provide you with a show and communication platform. A city park of memorial will show you the footprints of the development of XHDZ these years. Located in the main entrance of the CBD, Metropolitan Gate is also an important window of CBD. There will be some representative landmark buildings here, just as the role lle de France gate plays to the lle de France area. “都市天地” “Metropolitan Plaza ”v这里是工作之余找乐的地方v这里是可以体味到都市生活的各种乐趣的地方v这里有店铺,有餐厅,有办公也有住家,和纽约,伦敦,巴黎的市中心一样v这里是对过去集市型商业精神的回归,又迎合当代都市人个性化需求的地方v这里有逛不完的街、看不完的人、找不完的乐、24小时不停息的都市疯狂vThe “Metropolitan Plaza” is a place of leisure and entertainment. The shopping and entertainment district in the style of residential block supply you a relaxing and happy environment. Here you can enjoy happy life and city prosperity in a place similar to the “Xintiandi” in Shanghai and the “Languifang” in Hong Kong.“都市未来” “Metropolitan Future”v这里是创造“财富神话”的地方v这里是商务集聚区v这里是交易成本最低的地方It is a place wealth will be generated. It is a place has gathered with business activity. It is a place with the lowest trade costs 我们的设想 Our Assume一、“组团开发”的建设模式二、 “建筑林”的意向三、气势宏伟的景观主轴线四、师法自然的造景手法五、景观环境的“无边界”1. Group areas development mode 2. Image of “building forest”3. A grandiose axis4. Landscape gain inspiration from the Nature 5. “Immensity” view功能比例 Function Scale序号用地功能用地面积积比 例建筑面积积 (万)建筑面积积 比例容积积率1总总用地面积积195.7万 (2934.9亩亩)318.81.632道路广场场绿绿化市政35.3%3净净用地64.7%318.8100%3.193.1商务办务办 公25.6%177.855.7%4.53.2商业娱乐业娱乐10.4%35.211.0%2.23.3酒店宾馆宾馆1.3%7.02.2%3.53.4公寓22.6%87.527.5%2.53.5会展会议议1.6%3.81.2%1.53.6其它公用设设施3.2%7.52.4%1.5建议总体容积率 Advice Plot ratio按总占地面积计(2934.9亩)R=1.63按扣除行政中心、汽车城后的面积计(2318.9亩)R=2.06Calculate as the total land area(196ha) Plot ratio =1.63Calculate as the land area besides administration building&urban green space (155ha) Plot ratio =2.06参加项目概念性总体规划设计的有以下三家设计公司:There are three international design companies attending the International Competition Conceptual Planning & Design:黑川综合企画 (日本) KISHO KUROKAWA architect&associates(Japan)熙林综合建筑事务所(韩国) Heerim Architects&Planners(Korea ) 何显毅(中国)工程建筑师楼有限公司 ( 香港)HO&PARTNERS(CHINA)ENGINEERS&ARCHITECTS LIMITED (Hong Kong)谢 谢 大 家 ! THANKS!西安高科(集团)公司 Xian Gaoke (Group) CorporationTel: 86-29-8589180 Fax: 86-29-8589182 公司地址:西安市丈八东路 8号陕西省妇女儿童活动中心八楼 Address: 8th Floor, Shaanxi Women& Children Activity Center, No. 8, East Zhang Ba road, Xian.
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