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7.1 What is Electrical Engineering?7.2 The Belief of HIMA 7.3 A Letter of Scientific CommunicationsPrat 7 Miscellneous7.1 What is Electrical Engineering 7.1.2 Specialized English Words affectionately 亲昵地 fascinating 迷人的 B.Sc. 理(科)学士学位(Bachelor of Science之 略) M.Sc 理科硕士学位(Master of Science之略) M.Eng. 工科硕士学位(Master of engineering之略) Ph D. 博士学位(Doctor of Philosophy之略) per annum 每年 geologis 地质学家 geophysicist 地球物理学家encompass 包含 walks 方法,路径,方面 warble (鸟的)柔和叫声 potion 饮料(旧字),有魔力的饮料 garage 车库 soothe 平静,镇定,安慰 soothing music 令人舒畅的音乐 umpteen数不清的,无数的 ubiquitous 无处不在的 gadget 小机械,小器具 innards 肠胃(口语)cellular phone 蜂窝电话,手机 computed tomography 计算机断层扫描(图象)(CT ) comprehensive 全面的,综合的 comprehension 理解(力) accredited 公认的,官方认可的(定语 用) minor (in) 副修课程 minority 少数(民族) budget 预算,专用开支 inventory 清单,目录 award 奖金,助学金; 颁发,授予 renowned 著名的 Recognize 承认,授予荣誉,奖励等innovation 革新,新技术,新思想 fellowship 会员资格,研究生奖学金, 友情 learned societies 学术团体 house 给住所 take off起飞,突然离去,突然大受欢迎 elective选修课;选修的,有选举权的 tickle 骚痒,激发,使有兴趣 intellect智力 adventurous 喜欢冒险的,喜欢探索的 adventure 奇遇,冒险 thirst for 渴望,渴求yearn for 渴望,渴求 itch 渴望,渴求,痒 brood 孵雏 conduct指导,主持 survey 观察,综述,调查 a competitive lot 一群求胜心切的人,一群上进心强的人 secure 获得,给予安全 flickwith 用轻打 heritage文化遗产 inherit 继承 inheritance 继承,遗物,遗产7.1.3 Notes 本文是一篇向社会,主要是中学毕业生介绍 大学相关专业的招生宣传材料。它和正规专 业介绍及招生简章不同。内容是客观真实的 ,文字上具有一些文学色彩,口语的运用和 对话口吻的行文方式显得亲切自然,颇有鼓 动煽情味道,但又不是广告。 The alarm clock which wakes you up with a soft warble, the coffee maker which almost hands you your early morning potion as you walk in to the kitchen, the almost-magical wireless garage door opener, the cassette/radio in your car that plays soothing music to keep you calm as you work your way through rush-hour traffic, the elevator that takes you up to your office on the umpteenth floor at the touch of a button, the ubiquitous telephone you cannot imagine living without, the computer on your desk that does all your arithmetic and more, and the list is endless All of these are EE products, with decades of dedicated efforts of electrical engineers behind them. 在这个长句中,前面是一串罗列的名词,其中一些带有后置定语 从句。而“the ubiquitous telephone”的后置定语从句“you cant imagine living without”中现在分词短语“living without”是 “imagine”的状语。换成如下解释性说法意思就更清楚了:“You cannot imagine life without telephone.” The alarm clock which wakes you up with a soft warble, the coffee maker which almost hands you your early morning potion as you walk in to the kitchen, the almost-magical wireless garage door opener, the cassette/radio in your car that plays soothing music to keep you calm as you work your way through rush-hour traffic, the elevator that takes you up to your office on the umpteenth floor at the touch of a button, the ubiquitous telephone you cannot imagine living without, the computer on your desk that does all your arithmetic and more, and the list is endless All of these are EE products, with decades of dedicated efforts of electrical engineers behind them. 全句译为“清晨用柔和鸟鸣声把你唤醒的闹钟;几乎是把香浓美 味的咖啡直接递到刚在进厨房的你的手中的咖啡壶;就象变魔术 一样的无线电车库开门器;当你在上下班交通拥堵不堪的路上艰 难开车前行的时候,在车上播放出优雅的音乐,让你烦躁的心情 平静下来的录放/收音机;只要一按电钮,就把你送达位于高高 楼上的办公室的电梯;一旦生活中没有了它就无法想象的、无处 不在电话;你桌上的那台包揽了你的各种计算以及别的事儿的计 算机,等等, 这个名单可没有尽头 ,所有这些都是EE 产品,是它背后的电气工程师们几十年来不懈努力的结晶。”With an annual operating budget of about $ 2,700,000, research funds totaling about $ 2,3000,000 annually, and an equipment inventory running to almost $4,000,000, we are now of the leading engineering departments in Canada. 句中“withto almost $4,000,000”系介词短语,用作状 语。注意句中有多个现在分词的运用,均为定语, “operating”,“leading”, “engineering”为前置定语,放在 所修饰词的前面;“totaling”, “running”为后置定语, 放在所修饰词的后面。 全句可译为“系的年度运行预算约270,000加元,年度 科研经费约2,300,000加元,仪器设备费用达到近 4,000,000加元。我系现在是全加拿大领先的大学工程 系部之一。”7.2 The Belief of HIMAtailored订制的 cornerstone 基石 University of Kassel 卡赛尔综合大学 competencies 竞争力 caliber 标准 hollow 空洞的 rest assured that放心 unparalleled无双的 cement 加固 longevity 长寿7.2.3 Notes 这是一家公司的自我宣传介绍材料的一部分 。这种材料都是正面介绍宣传自己的长处和 优势。行文庄重,注意修辞。虽不乏溢美之 词,但其基本内容必须符合事实。 And furthermore, our long-term, stable corporate culture means our customers can rest assured that, by choosing HIMA as a safety partner, they have made the best technical and commercial decision for their plant and operations that will be supported well into the future.这是一个由三个句子组成的复合句 “assured that, by choosing HIMA as a safety partner, they have made the best technical and commercial decision for their plant and operations”则是从句的宾语从句,而“that will be supported well into the future” 又是“plant and operations”的定语从句。主语谓语动词宾语从句And furthermore, our long-term, stable corporate culture means our customers can rest assured that, by choosing HIMA as a safety partner, they have made the best technical and commercial decision for their plant and operations that will be supported well into the future. 全句可译为“此外,我们长久稳定的企业文化 意味着我们的客户一旦选择了HIMA作为安全 伙伴,就可以安心释怀,因为他们为自己的 工厂和工厂的运作作出了最好的技术和商业 选择,可以得到可靠的支持,确保自己的未 来。”7.3 A Letter of Scientific Communications 7.3.2 Specializ
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