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2013-9-23 name Using Software Applications Packages class Applications and Benefits of Database D85F 34 2011-11-27 2 Contents1. Introduction . 31.1 What is the database . 31.2 Advantages of database access . 41.3 The main purpose of ACCESS . 51.4 Picture . 52. Advantage of the query . 63. Conclusion . 64. Bibliography . 63 1. Introduction This report describes the access database applications and benefits. It is easy to use and has powerful features. Therefore, by a number of computer programmers of all ages. As the access database is simple, so some of the companys technical staff so that more junior staff through it clearer understanding of the situation within the company and deployment. Access the database through the companys employees to show the company slates developments. Since the database is simple, and easy to understand, so there are general staff can understand. 1.1 What is the database Database is a collection of information on a variety of, access databases in a single data file information such as users manage all their data can be stored separately in separate storage space, these spaces are called “table.“ If you want to save the data, compared with each type of information to create a table. If you want to query, form or report data in multiple tables will be merged together, define relationships between tables. If you want to search for and retrieve the data meet the specified criteria, the query is created. Enquiries can also update or delete multiple records, and the implementation of embedded or custom data calculation. The seven main database NO. 1Table that a variety of data content, the key is to establish a database of different forms, the associated data have the same characteristics, needs one to one relationship. In the subsequent query can be set to find the required data. NO. 2 queries Its main purpose is to have a correspondence between the different tables, using the conditions defined in line with the data query, and you can check out the new data, modify, delete, generate the conditions for separate lookup table. NO. 3 Forms Simply put, this feature enables users of the system and between the human contact, it is an application program interface to facilitate data display, create, modify and print output, into operation. Different form controls can perform a particular macro or VBA program. NO. 4 Report Implementation of data format printing (large database management systems can be configured print report format), you can create group reports, aggregated Subtotal other computing operation. NO. 5 It is a special type of website, its main use is for and deal with inquiries and data from the Internet or Intranet, and these data stored in Access or SQL Server database. Also includes data from Excel. no. 6 Macros Macros for certain series of actions automation, without the need for a separate programming language to achieve the same functionality. 4 no. 7 modules System developers to use, the use of VBA program code written in language 1.2 Advantages of database accessNO.1 Storage is simple, easy maintenance and management Access management objects are tables, queries, forms, reports, pages, macros, and modules, the above objects are stored in the suffix (.Med or. Accede) database file, user-friendly operation and management.NO.2 Access is an object-oriented object-oriented development tools, object-oriented approach to database systems in a variety of functional objects, it will be a variety of database management functions encapsulated in various types of objects. It is an application system as composed by a series of objects, each object that defines a set of methods and properties to define the objects behavior and foreign, users can also expand as needed to object methods and properties. Through the object s methods, properties, operations and management to complete the database, which greatly simplifies the users development. At the same time, this approach based on object-oriented development, making application development easier. NO.3 Access is a visualization tool
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