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密级:学校代码:I0075分类号:学号: 工商管理硕士学位论文胜任力模型在新世界地产公司员工招聘与选拔中的应用研究学 位 申 请 人:张秀兰揩导教师:刘艳巧教授学位类别:工商管理硕士学科专业:工商管理授子单位:河北大学答辩日期:二O一一年十二月C!丑吕吕且f且ed index CODE:10075U.D.C NO:A D且吕吕ert丑t且on for the Degree of M.M丑n丑gementThe OomPetenOe mode! 且n reOrl且tment 丑nd 吕e!eOt且on of the 丑PP!且O丑t且onC丑nd且d丑te:lh丑ng Z且l!丑nXlPerS且吕or: Vrof.L且l Y丑nq且丑oAO丑dem且O Degree APP!且ed for: MBAXPeO且丑!ty: MBAUn且Ser吕且ty: Hebe且 Un且Ser吕且tyD丑te of Or丑! Ex丑m且n丑t且on: DeOember, 2011摘 要I摘 要招聘与选拔作为人力资源管理的第一个环节, 就是通过招聘、 筛选, 找到合适的人,井将他配置到最适合的岗位上。但在很多企业中,尤其是中小型企业,普遍存在招聘流程不规范,方怯不科学,从而导致招聘工作效率低下等问题。面对此种境况,人力资源工作者必须找到解诀问题的有效途径。胜任力模型是随着近些年来我国人力资源管理理论和实践能力的不断提高而提出一个新概念,它逐渐被企业应用于员工招聘与选拔当中。从国际上的应用现状来看,在人力资源管理各模块中,胜任力模型应用效果最好的是用于员工招聘与选拔模块。本文通过阐述胜任力这个理论的研究现状及其相关理论, 目前胜任力在实际工作中的应用研究。进而以新世界地产公司为例,针对其在人才招聘与选拔工作中所面临的问题和困惑进行深入分析,井根据企业的现实情况,设计了员工招聘与选拔系统,构建了管理人员与员工的胜任力模型,找到了一条符合公司长远利益的发展道路。最后分析了该理论研究未来的发展趋势。论文的研究成果改进了公司招聘与选拔系统,井将胜任力模型逐步应用到人力资源管理系统的各个环节,从而帮助新世界地产公司打造自身的核心竟争力。因此,系统研究胜任力模型及其应用不仅有理论意义,而且有现实意义。也希望本文的研究成果对进一步深入研究胜任力模型有一定的参考价值。关键词胜任力模型新世界地产招募与甄选AbstractIIAb吕tr丑OtTalent is the core comPetitiVeness of the enterPrise, so human resource management will become one of the imPortant contents of enterPrise management. Recruiting selection as a human resource management of the first link, nothing but is through the recruitment and selection, for enterPrise find the right PeoPle, and he will Put the most suitable for jobs. But in many enterPrises, esPecially small and medium-sized enterPrise, ubiquitous recruitment Procedure is not standard, method is not science, leading to Problems such as low efficiency. Face this kind of circumstance, our human resources workers must find the effectiVe ways to solVe the Problem.ComPetency model is in recent years as Chinas human resources management theory and Practice ability constantly imProVe and Put forward a new concePt, it was gradually enterPrise aPPlication in recruitment and configuration of. From the international aPPlication to the current situation, in the human resources management module, the comPetency model of aPPlication effect of the best is used in emPloyee recruitment and selection. This PaPer e“Plains the comPetence of the theory research status and the related theory, at Present the comPetence in the research on the aPPlication of Practical work. And then to new world real estate comPany as an e“amPle, this PaPer in the recruitment and selection of facing Problems and Puzzles, analyzing and according to the enterPrise the reality of the situation, the design of staff recruitment and selection system, to construct the management Personnel with the staff of comPetence model, found a way consistent with the comPany long-term interests deVeloPment road. At last, the PaPer analyzes the theory study the future trend of deVeloPment. The research result of the thesis imProVed recruitment and selection of the system and will gradually aPPlied in the comPetency model of human resource management system of each link, and helP new world real estate comPanies to build their own core comPetitiVe ability. Therefore, the system research comPetence model and its aPPlication in the selection of not only a theoretical significance, and is of Practical significance. Also hoPe that the result of this PaPer on a further research comPetence model is of some reference Value.Key word吕 ComPetency Model New World Real Estate Enlist And Selection目 录III目 录第 I 章导论II.I 研究背景II.2 国内外相关研究现状2I.2.I 国外研究现状2I.2.2 国内研究现状3I.3 研究的内容和方怯5I.3.I 研究内容5I.3.2 研究方怯6I.4 论文研究的目的和意义7第 2 章相关理论概述92.I 胜任力模型理论概述92.I.I 胜任力模型的含义92.I.2 主要胜任力模型I02.I.3 胜任力模型在人才选拔中的作用
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