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Page 1 of 3 中瑞酒店管理学院学员表现评估表工作绩效评估期限Appraisal Period is from 年(Y) 月(M) 日(D) 至年(Y) 月(M) 日(D) 请参考附件详细说明并按以下标准打分5 - 总是- 展现有效的行为Always consistently demonstrates the effective behaviors on a daily basis 4 - 经常 展现有效的行为Often demonstrates the effective behaviors in most of the situations 3 - 有时 -在 50%的情况下展现有效的行为Sometimes demonstrates the effective behaviors in about 50% of the situations 2 - 偶尔 展现有效的行为Rarely only occasionally demonstrates the effective behaviors 1 - 从不 展现有效的行为Does Notnever demonstrates any of the effective behaviors 评述项目Rating Items 自我评估Self Evaluation 主管评估SupervisorsEvaluation 备注Remarks 1. 行动导向于工作中展现出热情、冲劲和决心,并精力充沛地追求目标;随时表现出自信和乐观;采取主动,为本身的工作负责,并随时为他人的安全着想。Demonstrates enthusiasm, drive and determination to get ahead and pursues goals energetically; shows self-confidence and an optimistic outlook; acts on own initiative and takes responsibility for one s own work and for the safety of others. 2. 适应能力意识到自己的强项和弱点;在不确定的环境中,即使没有或仅有有限指示及讯息,亦能安心工作;接纳新的主意,支持更新的行动;根据不断变化的状况,来调整或改变自己的观点和行为;能够找出个人发展的需要并寻求改进的机会;能够吸取新的讯息并学习新的技能;在压力及紧张的工作情况下保持稳定的表现。Shows awareness of one s own strengths and weaknesses; works comfortably in uncertain conditions with no or little direction and information; accepts new ideas and supports change initiatives; adapts or changes one s own views or behaviors to change circumstances; able to identify one s own developmental needs and seeks opportunities to improve; is able to absorb new information and learn new techniques; maintains stable performance under pressure and in stressful work situations. 3. 沟通鼓励组织内全面的沟通;与他人分享讯息并清楚表述意见及讯息;设身处地地聆听并将他人的感受和观点纳入考虑范围;沟通对优点及缺点的认识并承认错误;与组织的各个层面的人姓名 : Name: 班级 / 学号 : Student No: 入职时间 : Date Joined: 职位 : Position: 部门 : Department: 总部门 : Division: Page 2 of 3 评述项目Rating Items 自我评估Self Evaluation 主管评估SupervisorsEvaluation 备注Remarks 员保持良好的关系。Encourages communication throughout the organization; shares information with others and clearly expresses opinions and information; listens to others sympathetically and takes feelings and views into consideration; communicates awareness of strengths and weaknesses and admits to mistakes; and maintains relationships with people at all levels in the organization. 4. 以客为尊 / 品质认真关注客人的利益和抱怨,致力于辨识和满足他们的需求;提供及时、有效而个人化的服务;对他人不同的看法和态度展现同理心和理解;确保达到专业、高品质的工作水准;有接受批评的雅量而不致于仇视或狡辩,能建设性地利用批评来改进。Focuses on identifying and meeting customer s needs by taking their interests and complaints seriously; delivers prompt, efficient and attitudes; and ensures professional, high quality work standards are met; accepts criticism without hostility or defensiveness and uses it constructively to move forward. 5. 诚信持续展现清晰的道德和价值观;以身作则,为他人示范高标准的行为;保密并坚持与他人的协定;与不同文化背景的人互动良好; 在工作与生活中保持平衡, 使两者之间没有负面影响。Acts consistently in accordance with clear ethics and values and models high standards of behavior for others through one s own actions; maintains confidentiality any upholds agreements made with others; able to relate to people from different cultures; and maintains a balance between work and personal life so neither affects the other negatively. 6. 人际关系和团队合作在不同环境中,辨识并应用最恰当的人际模式;与他人和睦相处,群策群力;迅速获得他人的信赖;尽全力帮助有困难的人,并支持他们度过低潮;对他人的观点展现宽容和体谅;稳定自身的情绪,不至使个人情绪影响工作。Identifies and uses the most appropriate interpersonal style to suit different circumstances; identifies well with others and is able to work efficiently in a team; quickly builds rapport with others; helps people with individual limitations and supports them through difficult periods; and shows tolerance and consideration for other s viewpoints; is able to keep onw emotions in check and not allow personal feelings to disrupt work. 7. 时间与工作管理有效管理时间,守时;按时完成任务;有系统地计划工作和相关的活动;尊重并遵守公司的政策;对组织有使命感;确保工作场所的安全;乐于接受并积极配合管理;展现对自身工作范围内的相关知识、操作能力和专业技术有透彻了解。Manages time effectively and shows punctuality; completes tasks on time; structures work activities in a systematic way; respects and follows company policies; shows organizational commitment; ensures safety at the workplace. Shows receptiveness to be managed and co-operates willingly; demonstrates detailed job knowledge, manual ability and technical expertise in one s own area. Page 3 of 3 违规分 Disciplinary Points 列出所受纪律处分的行动及扣分警告-1 分严重警告- 2 分总分 Total Points 评估分 Appraisal Points 违规分 Disciplinary Points = 总分 Total Points 实习通过(减)= 实习未通过评语 /未来计划 (将来提升水平或所需培训等方面的计划) :Comments/Action Plans (Including working improvement plans and training needs) 受评人签名及日期评估人签名及日期Appraisee s Signature & Date Appraiser s Signature & Date
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