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IGU - WHOLESAFE GAS PRICE FORMATION 2014 International Gas Union1IGU - WHO OLESL L LAFE GAS PRIC CE FORO MATION 2014 I4 nternationalnal a Ga s Unionion n1Wholesale Gas Price Survey - 2015 Edition?Wholesale Gas Price FormationGas: Sustaining Future Global GrowthSection1 Key Findings? %?2 Introduction? % 11 ?%?-?+A!B.*?(?%?0? ? ?(?%?%?&?3? ?#?)?*?,? B?(?!? ?:?!.!?6? ?#?)?*?(? ?7,?%?&? 5?L?O?(?,?!?%&?0?*)?+? ?8?3?*)?%?&? ?(? ?D?!?,?!? ?&?%.“5?LQ?K? ?&?8?,?(? +?,?+?%&?O?Q?O?B+)? 6?(?)?!?7? ?)(?%-?8?Q?LE?(? *?5?.?%.“5?Q?K?(? &?0?=?5?(?,? ?D?!.!?D?(?.“5%Figure 4.3. World Price Formation 2005 to 2014 LNG Imports94.2.4 Total Imports &?D? ?(?Sq? -?M?,?!.!?(? E?,?.“5? ?!.!?5?B?(? B+)?!.!%?.“5?(?(? ?5?(?(?,?+? ?D?B? ?=?-?8?-?,? ?(?0?6-?87? ?(? ?.“5?%?.“5? ?0?E?B?%Figure 4.12. Southeast Europe Price Formation 2005 to 2014 4.3.3 Asia &? ?(?+?%?#?(,? an increase in OPE from around 35% to 45% over the seven ?(?,?(?3?-?8%?&?-?8?.“5?=? ?D?,?3? ?%?&?B-+?Q?EQ? ?,?(?=?-? ?M?B+)?8(?%? ? !.!,?,?D?D?.“5?!.!?D!? ?A?*?5%?&?-?8?E?=? ?%Figure 4.18. Middle East Price Formation 2005 to 20144.4 WHOLESALE PRICES COMPARISON?,? or price formation mechanisms, it should be noted that the ?O? ?,?,?,?(?O? ?(?0?0?$%? ? +?,?,? ?0?(?%4.4.1 Changes in Wholesale Prices by Price Formation Mechanism&?:? ?(?(?%Figure 4.19. Wholesale Price Levels 2005 to 2014 by Price Formation Mechanism?(? ?!.!?gK%?88-&*,? ?M,?g?%?,?(? ?g?%?E?g?%E?%?&? ?(?%? .“5?:?(?g?%?88-&*? ?g?%?E,?,?
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