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电子数据证据认定问题研究 学位论文独创性声明 本人所呈交的学位论文是在导师的指导下取得的研究成果。据我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含其他个人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中作了明确说明并表示了谢意。 作者签名: 日期: 学位论文使用授权声明 本人授权沈阳师范大学研究生处,将本人硕士学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索;有权保留学位论文并向国家主管部门或其指定机构送交论文的电子版和纸质版,允许论文被查阅和借阅;有权可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编学位论文。保密的学位论文在解密后适用本规定。 作者签名: 日期: I 电子数据证据认定问题研究电子数据证据认定问题研究 中文摘要 我国最新颁布实施的中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法中第四十八条第一次将“电子数据”纳入法定证据种类之中,和视听资料证据共同被列为第八种刑事诉讼证据。这一举措也是我国第一次在立法的角度将独立的法律地位赋予给了“电子数据”证据,使之与传统类型证据具有相同的法律地位。 至此, 电子数据证据的法律地位从立法上得到根本的确认。但是由于电子数据证据在法律上的地位确立较晚,所以我国关于电子数据证据的可采性认定以及证明力认定问题的研究尚处于初级阶段,本文将以新刑事诉讼法证据规定修改为契机,深入探讨电子数据证据的内涵特点,以及在其法律归属充分探讨的基础上,着重在电子数据证据的可采性认定以及证明力认定问题方面进行深入的探索,力求对我国未来的电子数据证据法律规范的构建有所裨益。 电子数据证据的具有广义和狭义两种含义,狭义上的电子数据证据,它仅指借助计算机手段生成和读取的电子信息,又可称为数字化证据。另一种是广义上的电子数据证据,那些各种经由电子学方法、光学方法或者其他方法生成、运输、传递或者存储的信息电文数据均包含在电子数据证据的范围内。电子数据证据作为新型的证据类型,不仅具有传统证据所具有的特点,还具有依赖性、隐蔽性、脆弱性、开放性、共享性等独有的特点。电子数据证据具有可采性,从客观性、关联性和合法性三个方面加以认定。对电子数据证据证明力的认定从证明力高低认定以及证据完整性认定。在电子数据证据证明力高低认定中,要充分重视经公证的电子数据证据的证明力认定问题,尤其是最近开始起步流行的网络公证制度,这是传统的公证制度与电子数据证据相结合的产物,在司法实践中尚未形成完善的制度流程, 需要在实践操作中不断地完整。 电子数据证据作为一种新型的证据类型,在还原案件事实、定纷止争上起到了越来越多的作用。在新刑诉法上将其确立为独立的证据类型,是对其法律地位的认可,但因为在新刑诉法中电子数据证据与视听资料证据并列为第八种电子数据证据,所以其法律地位还没有真正的独立。 电子数据证据的发展适用空间是巨大的,要建立完善的电子数据证据适用法律法规体系,让电子数据证据在实践中更好的为我们服务,还原案件事实真相,做到真正的公平正义,维护当事人的合法权益不受侵害。 关键字:电子数据证据 脆弱性 法律归属 II The determination of electronic data evidence Abstract Theory of Hans Kelson purely legal effect an integral part of law theory. Kelson believes that the special force of law is the existence of norms. No effect in law of a specification is simply not a legal norm. If a legal norm is judged as effective or effective, it points to a binding of human behavior, there are eligibility requirements to gain their respect and obedience. Therefore, an effective legal norms, is that people should be provided as legal norms, as behavior, should be subject to and application of norms. Electronic data evidence has broad and narrow sense two meanings,electronic data evidence on the narrow sense,it refers to only with the help of computer generated and reading electronic information,which can also be called digital evidence.Another is the electronic data evidence the broad sense,those various via electronics method,optical method or other methods to generate, transport, transfer or storage information message data are included in the range of electronic data evidence.Electronic data evidence as a new type of evidence,not only has the characteristics of traditional evidence has,also has the dependence,concealment,vulnerability,openness,sharing and other unique characteristics.Electronic data evidence is admissible,identified from the three aspects of objectivity,relevance and legitimacy.On electronic data evidence that from the proof power of cognizance and integrality of evidence cognizance.In the electronic data evidence level determination,full attention must be paid to the electronic data evidence notarization of evidence cognizance,especially recently started popular network notarization system, his is a product of the notary system and electronic data evidence combined with the traditional process,has not yet formed a complete system in the judicial practice,need to practice constantly complete.Electronic data evidence as a new type of evidence, in the reduction of the facts of the case,settle disputes has played a more and more important role. In the new criminal law will be established as the independent type of evidence, in its legal status recognition, but because in the new criminal law of electronic data evidence and audio-visual material evidence are eighth kind of electronic data evidence, so its legal status is not truly independent. Electronic data evidence for the development of space tremendous,to establish perfect laws and regulations applicable to electronic data evidence system,electronic data evidence better in III practice for our service,reducing the facts of the case,to achieve true fairness and justice,maintain the lawful rights and interests of the parties are not infringed. Key words: Electronic data evidence Vulnerability Legal ownership 目目 录录 中文摘要 . I Abstract . II 引 言 . 1 第一章 电子数据证据的特点及法律归属 . 2 一、电子数据证据的特点 . 3 (一)依赖性 . 3 (二)隐蔽性 . 4 (三)脆弱性 . 4 (四)开放性 . 5 (五)共享性 . 6 二、电子数据证据的法律归属 . 7 (一)视听资料说评析 . 7 (
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