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Human-Freedom and Law development -The process legality of homosexual marriage in BritishApplicant: Supervisor: Faculty: Jan. 5, 2016 HOHAI Universityi Contents 摘 要 . iii Abstract . iiii 1. Introduction . 11.1 The Legal Basis of Topic. 11.2 Research Methods . 12. Procress Research . 22.1 The history of Britrish homosexuality . 22.1.1 The disparity treatment. 22.1.2 The appearance of turning point . 22.1.3 Further recognition and concern . 22.2 Theoretical Basis of the Topic . 32.2.1 From Church . 32.2.2 From Party . 32.3 Related Studies . 33. Gay in British . 44. Other related materials . 54.1 Special note on the new bill . 54.2 The difference between same-sex marriage and civil partnership in British . 55. My own idea of The Same-Sex marriage . 6Bibliography . 7ii 摘 要同性婚姻是指两个相同性别成员之间以婚姻的形式结合。瑞典是世界上首个认可同性婚姻的国家, 至今已有 30多个国家和地区对同性婚姻赋予权利,同性婚姻逐步成为今年来各国立法的热题。 而作为原来几乎统治了整个地球的老牌帝国英国,虽未第一个在法律上真正接受同性婚姻,但是经过长达近两个世纪的不断进取和斗争,于 2013年7月19日,英国女王正式签署了同性恋合法化法案,这也标志着英国已经在接受同性恋存在的问题上跨出极为重大的一步。本文着重探索、梳理英国同性恋合法化发展进程,揭示原本并不为大众所认可理解的同性婚姻的秘密。同性婚姻不仅地同性恋者的权利,更是人个性的解放, 是社会进步带来的法律发展,是法律国际化全球化的表现,更标志者全人类的进步。关键词: 同性婚姻同性恋合法化进程英国的同性发展iii Abstract The same-sex marriage is that two person of the same sex can get married.Sweden is the first country in the world that recognizes the same-sex marriage is legal and so far, there are more than 30 countries admit it and give rights to them. The same-sex marriage is becoming a popular law topic in the world in recent years. And as the original empire, British, which almost ruled the whole earth before, but is not the first country totally accept the exist of the same-sex marriage in law now. After nearly two centuries of continuous struggle, on July 19, 2013, the Queen Elizabeth signed the bill to legalize gay, which also marks the Britain has crossed a very significant step in the acceptance of homosexuality. This thsis focuses on exploring and combing the process of the legalization of homosexuality in the United Kingdom and reveals the secret of homosexual marriage which is not recognized by the public. The same-sex marriage is not only the rights of homosexual, but also the liberation of human, the law development from the improvement of society and the representation of process for human being. Key words: The Same-Sex marriage Homosexuality The process legality of homosexual marriage The development of Britain homosexual marriage 1 1. Introduction 1.1 The Legal Basis of Topic Gays and lesbians in England and Wales would enjoy the same legal rights as married couples under proposals to be released by the British government. If adopted by parliament, the reforms will create civil partnerships to give homosexual couples pension and property rights, so long as they sign an official registration document. It would also give next-of-kin rights in hospitals, allow gays to benefit from a deceased partners pension, and exempt them from inheritance tax on a partners home. “W
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