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Period 4 复习与测试复习与测试1._ n.成人,成年人2._ adj.n.主要的3._ vt.误解4._ n.喜剧5._ n.拳头6._ vt.代表;象征adultmajormisunderstandcomedyfistrepresent 复习与应用双基达标7. _adv.真实地;真诚地8. _ n. v.姿态;手势9. _ vi.about)cabbage and potatoes? 7. She_(愿意;willing)donate money to a worthy cause.followed byNot all the students nor did his brotherare much more likelyone of the most outstanding writersHow about is willing to.完成句子 1我穿过马路以避免遇见他,但是他看见了我并朝我 跑过来。 I crossed the street to avoid meeting him,but he saw me and_ _towards me. 2在幼儿园里,这个孤独的小女孩和小朋友们一起玩 耍唱歌,现在已经开朗了很多。 In the kindergarten,the lonely girl plays and sings_ _ other children and has become more open now.III 完成句子came running together with 3如果你想大幅度提高英语成绩,你就必须改变你学 习英语的方法。 If you want to improve your English a lot,you must change_ _ _ _you study English. 4早上散步是一种很好的运动方式,并且户外新鲜的 空气对你的健康也有好处。 Walking in the morning is a good way to exercise and the fresh air outdoors is good for your health_. 5我们的老师微笑着走了进来,随后紧跟着的校长也 微笑着进来了。 Our teacher came in smiling,_ _our schoolmaster,also smiling.the way in which as well closely followed by 5. There is a new approach to teach a language. _ 6. Whom do you think is he looking after? _ 7. The plane flies highly in the sky. _ 8. I didnt like the way which he speaks to me. _ 9. She as well as you are an English teacher. _ 10. I more prefer to work in China. _teach teaching is he he is highly highwhich in which/that或去掉 are is 去掉more单句改错 1. Are you possible to be in London this year? _ 2. I never saw him again, nor I hear from him. _ 3. On general, your speech is good. _ 4. He majored history at Stanford. _possible likelyI前加did On In majored后加in【写作素材】 1.一般说来,不同文化的人们有着不同的打招呼的方式. 2有的拥抱,有的握手。 3有时有可能引起误会。 4当我们身处异国,我们要记得我们代表着自己的国 家,不要给国家丢脸。 5在国内时,要尽可能让异国他乡的人感觉舒适。 提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。 In general, people from different cultures have different ways to greet each other. Some hug and some shake hands. They are likely to have misunderstanding. So when abroad, we should know we are representing our country and try not to lose face;while at home, we should try to put foreigners at ease.单元知识点应用IV 微写作.书面表达增分策略 使用高级词汇 高级词汇的使用在高考中是得分的亮点,比较下列一 般表达与高级表达: 一般表达高级表达 buy purchase care concern free released fresh vivid get attain give donate/offer leave desert like appreciate/enjoyV书面表达语言运用与应试技巧一般表达高级表达 sometimes occassionally besidesin addition,furthermore considertake.for granted expectinglooking forward to finallylast but not least for in favor of howeverin contrast,on the other hand importantbe of vital importance know figure out shouldbe supposed to though/although despite/in spite of/the fact tha use take advantage of as/so long as on condition that一般表达 高级表达 ask for apply for because of due to,owing to,on account of,as a result of thanks to, be interested inbe crazy about,be absorbed in be made up ofconsist of famous peoplegreat figures in addition toapart from most of. the majority of not.at all anything but try ones best to dospare no effort to do want to be willing to完成句子 1我们正上英语课,这时高老师突然滑倒,摔下讲台 ,我们都很震惊。 The English class_ _ _ when_ _ a sudden,Miss Gao slipped and fell off the stage, _ _ _ _ _. 2我要用我自己的方式尽力帮他们克服困难。 I will _ _ _ _ _ _ them _in my own way. 3另外,它们可以丰富我的生活,给我提供巨大乐趣 。 _ _,they can_ my life and _ me_ _ _.学以致用was going onall ofwhich shocked all the studentsmake a little effort to helpoutFor anotherenrich provide with great fun1 The traditional approach _ with complex problems is to break them down into smaller,more easily managed problems. Ato dealing Bin dealing Cdealing Dto deal 【解析】 考查approach作名词,意为“方法,步骤” 的含义。构成approach to短语,其中to是介词,后跟 动词 ing 形式。句意为:传统的处理复杂问题的方法是 把其分解成较容易掌握的较小问题。【答案】AVI 单项填空2The soldiers fought in _ of their countrys safety. Adefence Bpurpose Csupport Dspite 【解析】 in defence of“保卫”;in support of“ 支持”;in spite of “不管;不顾”,B项搭配错误 。结合句意“士兵们为国家的安危而战”,故选A项。 【答案】 A3He sat back on the chair, listening to the MP4 and _ . Alooking at ease Blooked at ease Cbeing looked at ease Dto look at ease 【解析】 looking at ease “看起来很自在”,作状语 ,它与 listening to.并列,由于 look 作“看起来” 讲时是不及物动词,通常用主动形式来表示被动意义 ,故用现在分词。【答案】 A4. Have you been to New Zealand? No. Id like to, _ . A. too B. though C. yet D. either 【解析】选B。这道题旨在考查though 用作副词时多 置于句中或放在句末,意为“然而, 但是”,相当于 But Id like to,所以正确答案为B。又如:He said he would come to the party, he didnt, though (=but he didnt). 他说他会来参加晚会的,然而
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