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ADissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in EngineeringSafety and Stability Analysis of Gate-Dam ofDiao Jiang YanGraduate Student:Wang Gang Major:Hydraulic Structural Engineering Supervisor:Prof. Ren DejiChina Three Gorges University Yichang, 443002, P.R.ChinaMay, 2011三三峡峡大大学学硕硕士士学学位位论论文文I三峡大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。 对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体均已在文中以明确方式标明,本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。学位论文作者签名:日期:三三峡峡大大学学硕硕士士学学位位论论文文II内 容 摘 要重力坝是全世界采用最多的坝型之一, 是主要依靠其自身重力在地基上产生的摩擦力和坝基与地基之间的凝聚力来抵挡水推力的挡水建筑物, 在各种可能出现的荷载组合下重力坝都应保持稳定。因为重力坝在防洪、发电、灌溉、城镇供水、航运、养殖和旅游等方面都发挥了巨大的作用, 所以稳定分析就成了重力坝分析的一项最重要的内容。实际工程中坝址具有良好地质条件的情况较少,大多数重力坝都会遇到复杂的地质情况。目前拟建或在建的离混凝土重力坝规模越来越大,大坝的地质条件和稳定性能也变得越来越复杂。本文主要的研究对象为云南硕多岗河吊江岩水电站的混凝土挡水坝段、 泄洪闸坝段、冲沙闸坝段和排污闸坝段四个坝段,由于坝基有软夹层,坝基的不均匀变形与抗滑稳定问题突出,成为制约本工程投资和安全的关键技术。本文主要采用三维有限元法对其进行系统的研究,主要研究内容包括:(1)综述了目前国内外重力坝在抗滑稳定分析方面的研究现状,讨论了各种重力坝抗滑稳定的分析方法。(2)研究了有限元法理论,重点介绍了各种材料的本构关系以及刚体极限平衡法与有限元法在重力坝深层抗滑稳定分析中的应用, 着重介绍了重力坝的单斜面深层抗滑稳定与双滑面深层抗滑稳定计算模型,针对不同模型提出了不同的计算方法,为进行重力坝抗滑稳定分析提供理论依据。(3)对吊江岩水电站重力坝建立了三维仿真模型,研究了在施加了旋喷桩之后的不同工况下坝体及坝基位移和应力特征,并分析计算结果。(4)对防渗设施进行优化,得出最佳优结果,并对重力坝进行有限元分析,并进行抗滑稳定性分析,对坝体和坝基的应力应变和稳定性作出评价。(5)针对吊江岩水电站复杂的地质条件,先对软夹层进行钙化,然后进行高压旋喷桩布设,再对其进行有限元复核计算,取得了一些有价值的成果。关关键键词词:重重力力坝坝软软夹夹层层抗抗滑滑稳稳定定钙钙化化高高压压旋旋喷喷桩桩三三峡峡大大学学硕硕士士学学位位论论文文IIIAbstractGravity dam is a type of dam which is used most worldwide.It is a structure which isused to baffle the thrust of water by the friction generated bettween its gravity andfoundation and the cohesive force between dam foundation.It must keep steady under anyload combination which is possible.With the rapid development of production、science andtechnology,people bengin to pay more and more attentions to the stability of engineering.Gravity dam has playing an important part in flood control、power generation、irrigaion、water supply of towns、shipping、aquaculture and tourism,so stability analysis hasbecoming more and more important in the analysis of gravity dam.Among the practicalprojects,there are few dam sites with excellent geologic condition.With the advancement inscience,technology and economy,hydroelectricity is quickly developed.At present the highconcrete gravity dam is on a large scale,and the geological condition and stability of thedam become more and more complicated.This thesis has studied on the four dam segments of concrete block dam segment,flood discharge gate, stand-sluicing gate and sewage discharge gate of the Diao Jiang YanHydropower Station in the Shuoduogang River, Yunnan Province. There are severalproblems such as the soft interlayer in the foundation of the dam, the asymmetricaldeformation of the dam foundation, as well as the severe problems of stability againstsliding, which have become the key technological constraints for the investment andsecurity of the project. This paper has made a systematical study on the problems above ina three-dimensional finite element method, and the main contents are as the following:(1)This paper has summarized the whole situation of the study on stability of thegravity dam at home and abroad, as well as discussed various analytical methods toanalyze the stability of the dam against sliding.(2)It has studied the analytical theory of finite element simulation, emphaticallyintroducing the constitutive relation of various materials and the application of limitequilibrium method for rigid block and the finite element method in the stability analysisof the gravity dam, as well as the computation model of the deep-level stability againstsliding for both the single bevel and the bi-bevel, and proposed different calculationmethods for different models, providing theoretical basis for the security analysis of thegravity dam against sliding.(3)This paper has built a three-dimensional simulation model for the gravity dam of三三峡峡大大学学硕硕士士学学位位论论文文IVDiao Jiang Yan hydropower station, and studied the displacement and stress characteristicsof the dam body and the foundation when the gravity dam was pressed by the groutingcolumn, as well as analyzed and calculated the results.(4)The paper has optimized the seepage control facility with the optimum result,analyzed the gravity dam in the finite-element analytical method and he stability againstsliding as well, evaluating strain and the stability of the dam body and the foundation.(5)According to the complicated geological conditions in the Diao Jiang Yanhydropower station, the calcification of the soft interlayer should be carried out first, andthen the high-pressure grouting column be laid, and the finite-element calculation followed,with some valuable experimental results in this paper.Keywords: Gravity Dam; Soft Sandwich; Stability Against Sliding; Calcification;High Pressure Jet Grouting Pile三三峡峡大大学学硕硕士士学学位位论论文文VI目录1 绪论.1 1.1 研究背景及意义.
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