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Corporate Prof ile2010.09.2,000 TP Japan使用表明是从合理管理的森林制造的FSC森林认证纸。请将该纸用于回收、再利用。 This product is made of FSC certified papers from well managaed forest. Please recycle this publication.Tel:052-400-1055 Fax:052-409-7491 1 Haruhinagahata Kiyosu, Aichi 452-8564, Japan Phone:81-52-400-1055 Fax:81-52-409-7491 http:/www.toyoda-gosei.co.jp/公司简介21总经理致辞Message from Management2事业领域Business Portfolio3R (2) adhering to manufacturing practices rigorously consistent with the fundamentals of making things well and working continuously to upgrade production processes; and (3) build and continuously strengthen a globally optimized supply network.车内外装配件 Interior and Exterior Parts车身密封产品 Body Sealing Products机能部件 Functional Parts安全系统产品 Safety System Products油箱总成部件 传动系统部件 底盘及传动系统部件Fuel Tank Module Components Power Train Parts Chassis and Drive Train Parts气囊组件 方向盘Airbags Steering Wheels光电子学产品 Optoelectronic Products通用工业产品 General Industry ProductsLED灯芯片 LED照明用具产品LED Lamps LED Lighting通信机器部件 空调产品 住宅相关部件 建设、产业机器部件Communication Equipment Components Air Conditioning Products Home Construction Components Construction and Industrial Machinery Components车内外装配件 Interior and Exterior Parts 31.5%通用工业产品 General Industry Products 1.5%机能部件 Functional Parts 15.7%安全系统产品 Safety System Products 29.1%车身密封产品 Body Sealing Products 15.5%光电子学产品 Optoelectronic Products 6.7%按事业类别划分的销售额 Sales by Business Units散热器格栅 Radiator grilles小型车用轻型 车门框装饰 Light opening trim weatherstrip for compact car玻璃导槽 Glass run 车门框装饰密封条 Opening trim weatherstrip 车门密封条 Door weatherstrip树脂加油管 Plastic fuel filler pipes笔记本电脑用背光光源 LED backlight for laptop computers白光表面安装型LED White SMD type LEDs 白光LED灯 White LED lamps等速万向节护罩 Constant velocity joint boots方向盘 Steering wheels手机外壳 Mobile phone cases空气过滤器 Air purifiers气囊 Airbags驾驶座用组件 Cockpit modules 109车身密封产品不仅可以隔断风雨、噪音以提高车内舒适感,还 具有让车门开闭、玻璃升降更顺畅、降低关门声音等众多作 用。安装在车门框上的车门密封条、车窗框上的玻璃导槽、车 身侧的车门框装饰密封条等产品,均位据世界榜首。我们的优 势在于:通过海外14个生产据点的全球供给和从材料开发到 材料 “筹集“ 的自费化、产品设计、生产准备、成形、加工的 一条龙制造体系,提高商品企划能力、生产技术能力,积极地 向汽车制造商提供方案。同时推进轻量化和再利用的开发。Body sealing products play a major role not only in protecting the interior from wind, rain and noise, but also in allowing the smooth opening and closing of doors and windows, as well as reducing the sound produced when shutting doors. Some of the products Toyoda Gosei manufactures include door weatherstrip for door frames, glass run for window frames, and opening trim weatherstrip installed onto the vehicle body, with top shares in the global market. The companys strength lies in its ability to supply products globally through its 14 overseas production centers and consistent manufacturing system from independent material development and production, product design, pre-mass-production operation, molding and processing. This advances our product planning and production technology, enabling us to make proactive proposals to automobile manufacturers. Toyoda Gosei is also moving forward in the development of weight reduction and recycling skills.2009年度(合并)销 售 额766亿日元Fiscal 2009 (consolidated)Sales:76.6 billion yen销售构成比15.5%Percentage of sales: 15.5%A-A断面 A-A SectionB-B断面 B-B SectionE-E断面 E-E SectionAAEEAA玻璃导槽 Glass RunA-A断面 A-A SectionB-B断面 B-B SectionC-C断面 C-C SectionA-A断面 A-A SectionBBCCAA车门密封条 Door Weatherstrip车门框装饰密封条Opening Trim Weatherstrip模具成形 Molding portion模具成形 Molding portion模具成形 Molding portion模具成形 Molding portion模具成形 Molding portionBB模具成形 Molding portionC-C断面 C-C SectionCCDDD-D断面 D-D Section行李箱密封条 Luggage WeatherstripA-A断面 A-A SectionAA车身密封事业部Body Sealing Products车内外装配件事业部放物盒(左右两开式)总成 Console boxes (double door)Interior and Exterior Parts前柱装饰件 Front pillar garnishes辅助扶手 Assist grips散热器格栅(支持毫米波天线罩) Radiator grilles (Millimeter-Wave RADOME)背门装饰件 Back door garnishes复合车轮 Hybrid wheels挡泥板 Mudguards茶杯座 Cup holders音响设备罩盖 Audio covers驾驶座用组件 Cockpit modules除霜器喷嘴 Defroster nozzles储物箱 Glove compartments车内装配件 Interior Parts仪表板、构成部件 Instrument Panel Modules and Components车外装配件 Exterior Parts前保险杠下阻流板 Front bumper spoilers侧护板 Side protection moldings散热器格栅 Radiator grilles放物盒 Console boxes备用胎护罩 Spare tire covers蓝灯格栅 (LED) Blue light grilles (LED)汽车附件 Car Accessories发光二极管(LED)应用产品 LED ApplicationsLED灯组件 LED lamp modules聚光灯光源组件 Light source modules for spot lamp内把手用LED灯组件 LED lamp modules for inside handle液晶后照灯单元 LED backlight units for LCD脚踏部分照明保护板 (LED)Lighting illumination scuffplates (LED)车内灯和地图灯总成 (Lamp assy, Map & Room)营造车内舒适空间的仪表板、构成部件、车内装配件和让车身 设计更为美观的散热器格栅、车轮盖帽等车外装配件。每一款 产品都能做到让顾客一目了然,且质量和设计无懈可击。最近 正在推进轻量化、减少化、再利用,全力进行更为环保的产品 制造。此外,我们在海外拥有11个生产据点构成的全球体 制,因此在供给力、竞争力方面更胜一筹。利用自主研发、生 产LED的优势,除致力于车载用LED产品的开发之外,还努力 提出将此项技术转向住宅用LED照明。The Interior and Exterior Parts Business Unit produces instrument panels, their components and other interior components for a beautiful interior space, and radiator grilles and hubcaps for sleek exterior accents, where the automobile is most visible to users and where their quality and design are tested. This Business Unit has recently focused on production
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