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外研版Book3Module 3 课文课件Answers词组: be experienced in 在方面老练full of experience 经验丰富. 翻译: 1. 你体验过真正的饥饿吗?2. 他有着丰富的教学经验.3. 登上泰山极顶是一次难忘的经历.4. 他想要一个有经验的医生治疗他. 2.翻译: (1) This car caused me a lot of trouble.This car caused a lot of trouble to me.(2) His illness caused him to miss the game. 翻译: (1) Carelessness is often the cause of fires.(2) You have no cause for complaint.n4. 翻译: (1) 那事故是昨天发生的.(2)一个想法出现在我的脑海里 (3) 我想起可以邀请她共进晚餐.5. 翻译: (1) The bad weather ruined our trip.(2) 我们参观了一座诺曼式城堡 的遗迹.6. 翻译: (1) 在以前的话题中,他提到过那 个 话题.(2) Previous to this, shes always been well.n7. 翻译: (1) This is a terrifying experience.(2) Ghost stories terrify him. . 8. 翻译: (1) She takes an active part in school life.(2) He is very active in his class.9. 翻译: The accident did a lot of damage to the car. Homework3. D 4. B 5. C 6. Cnviolent-violence (n)nerupt -eruption (n)nPossibility-possible (adj)nActive-activity (n)IntroductionnThe Violence of Naturehurricane floodtornadon1. floodn2. hurricanen3. thunderstormn4. lightningn5. tornado Pre- reading nC 2. A 3. A 2. (1) more than 400 kilometers per hour(2) It stays where it was(3) About 800(4) more than 700n(5) It has huge wavesn(6) 8th September, 1900n(7) No, he wasntn(8) His coffin was dropped in the sea by a hurricane and carried to Canada by the Gulf Stream. 3. 1) fur 2) tropical 3) disaster4) feathers 5) bury 6) occurReading nStep 1 n1. violent violence (n) n2. erupt eruption (n)n3. possible possibility (n)n4. terrifying terrify (v)n5. luckily fortunately (近义词)n6. active activity (n) Step 3The most violent have winds of more than 400 kilometers per hourtranslation: 最激烈的龙卷风到达每小时400千米以上. 形容词前加定冠词the 表示一类人或一类事物.e.g. The wounded are taken good care of in hospital伤员正在医院里得到很好的照顾.n(3) of (表示性质,特征) 拥有的性质(特征)的.e.g. (1) a woman of ability一位有能力的女性(2) a man of poverty一个穷困的人.n2. Tornadoes can pick up cars, trains and even houses and put them down in the next street- or even in the next town.n(1)translation: 龙卷风能把汽车,火车甚至房屋卷起,把 它们带到旁边的街上- 甚至能卷到邻近的城镇.n(2) pick up: (1) 拾起,捡起;(2)开车接某人;(3 )无意中学会n Try to translate:(1)I just pick up Greek when I lived in Greece。n 我在希腊居住时学会了希腊语n(2)Ill pick you up at the gate of the hotel.n 我在旅馆门口接你n3. They can take the fur off the back of a cat and the feathers off a chicken.n(1) translation: 它们能把猫背上的软毛和鸡 背上的羽毛拔掉.n(2) take off: (1) 起飞,出发;(2)脱掉; (3) 事业腾飞;(4)取下来。n4. They can destroy houses,but leave the furniture inside exactly where it was 。nTranslation: 它们能毁掉房子,却把里面的家具 留在原地.nleave v. 让.继续处于某种状态。leave + 宾语 + 宾语补足语,宾语补足语可以 由形容词,副词,分词,介词短语充当。n翻译: (1) 昨天晚上,谁使门开着Who left the door open last night.n(2)不要让他在外面的雨中等待.Dont leave her waiting outside in the rain. 5. On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, causing about 80 deaths and 1,500 injures.nTranslation: 在美国,平均每年有800次龙卷风,致使约 80人死亡,1500人受伤.n词组:on average:平均,另两种形式:above/ below average。nTry to translate:1. On average, 20 percent of senior students are nearsighted平均来说, 高中20% 的学生是近视眼2. His quality is above average. 他的品质比普通人好n(3) causing about 80 deaths and 1,500 injures. causing为v-ing形式作状语,表示结 果。n翻译:Her mother died in 1969,leaving her with four younger brothers and sisters. 她的妈妈死于1969年, 留下了她和四 个弟弟和妹妹.n6. . Winds of 200 kilometers per hour and five-meter high waves hit the city.n(1) translation:时速为每小时200公里的大风 和5米高的巨浪袭击了该市.n(2) hit 用法:1.袭击,击中,使遭受。n翻译: 一次强烈的地震袭击了这个小城镇。A powerful earthquake hit the small town.n7. The cemetery where Coghlan was buried was destroyed by the hurricane andnCoghlans coffin ended up in the sea.n(1) Try to translate: 埋葬考夫林的墓地被飓 风摧毁了, 他的灵柩也被冲到了海里.n(2) end up 以结束(后面可接形容词,名词或 v.-ing形式)nend up in: 以结束,但in后跟的是结果nend up with: 以结束,但with后跟的是方 式.n翻译: 1. 他的第一次实验以失败而告终. His first experiment ended up in failure.n2.We were going to go out, but ended up watching videos.n我们原计划外出, 结果却是在家看录像nHomeworkn1. 此刻他的事业腾飞了. nHis career takes off at this moment.n2. 我们每天平均收到5封来信.nOn average, we receive five letters each day. n3. While working in the countryside, the students _B_a great deal of knowledge on plant life.n A: looked up B: picked up C: put up D: called upn4. Liu Xiang got a gold medal in mens 110m hurdles at the Athens Olympic Games,_A_ himself a hero of the whole country overnight.nA: making B: to make C: having made D: and makesn5. 他做了很多坏事,最终进了监狱.He did a lot of bad things and ended up in prison
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