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英译汉练习2: The Fall of the House of Usher During the whole of a dull, dark, and soundless day1 in the autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens1, I had been passing alone, on horseback, through a singularly dreary tract2 of country; and at length found myself, as the shades of the evening drew on3, within view of the melancholy House of Usher. I know not how it was - but, with the first glimpse of the building, a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spirit. I say insufferable; for the feeling was unrelieved by any of that half-pleasurable4, because poetic, sentiment, with which the mind usually receives even the sternest natural images of the desolate or terrible5. I looked upon the scene before meupon the mere house, and the simple landscape features of the domainupon the bleak wallsupon the vacant eye-like windowsupon a few rank sedges6and upon a few white trunks of decayed trees with an utter depression of soul which I can compare to no earthly sensation more properly than to the after-dream of the reveller7 upon opiumthe bitter lapse into every-day lifethe hideous dropping off of the veil. There was an iciness, a sinking, a sickening of the heartan unredeemed dreariness of thought which no goading8 of the imagination could torture into aught9 of the sublime.背景介绍: 选自美国作家爱伦坡的小说名篇The Fall of the House of Usher。这段文字展示了作者如何用具有特殊联想意义的 词语来营造自然氛围和心理气氛,诸如dull, dark, soundless, oppressively low。 好的散文体语篇也应该有语音和语义的跌宕起伏,从而使 读者阅读时能感受到节奏上的张驰。翻译时也应当要考虑 联想意义和音韵节奏。 难点解析: 1. a dull, dark, and soundless daythe clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens:原文作者 用特殊联想意义的词语来营造自然氛围和心理氛围 ,此处可将前后两处合而为一,故译为“一个晦暝 、昏暗、廓落、云幕低垂的日子”。 2. tract:an expanse of land(广阔的土地)。 3. drew on:意为get nearer or pass(接近;临近 ;消逝)。 4. half-pleasurable:喜悦之情是不能进行数学 上的精确分割的,因此译为“几分喜悦”。 5. the sternest natural images of the desolate or terrible:the desolate指“荒凉的地方”;the terrible指“险恶的地方”;stern指relentless(无 情的)。结合上下文,译为“更凄凉的荒郊野地 、更可怕的险山恶水”。 6. sedges:意为any of numerous grass-like plants of the family Cyperaceae(莎草)。 7. reveller:意为a person who is enjoying himself in a noisy and often drunken way(狂欢者),此处指“吸食鸦片的人”。 8. goading:表示provoking or annoying (someone) so as to stimulate an action or reaction,这半句可以理解为“唤起想象力,将悲哀转化为某种崇高的思想”。 9. aught:指anything at all,起强调作用。参考译文:那年秋天一个晦暝、昏暗、廓落、云幕低垂的日 子,我一整天都策马独行,穿越一片异常阴郁的旷 野。当暮色开始降临时,愁云笼罩的厄舍府终于遥 遥在望。不知为什么,一看见那座房舍,我心中便 充满了一种不堪忍受的抑郁。我说不堪忍受,因为 那种抑郁无论如何也没法排遣,而往常即便到更凄 凉的荒郊野地、更可怕的险山恶水,我也能从山情 野趣中获得几分喜悦,从而使愁悒得到减轻。 望着眼前的景象那孤零零的房舍、房舍 周围的地形、萧瑟的垣墙、空茫的窗眼、几 丛茎叶繁芜的莎草、几株枝干惨白的枯树 我心中极度的抑郁真难用人间常情来比拟 ,也许只能比作鸦片服用者清醒后的感受: 重新堕入现实生活之痛苦、重新撩开那层面 纱之恐惧。我感到一阵冰凉、一阵虚脱、一 阵心悸、一阵无法摆脱的凄怆、一阵任何想 象力都无法摆脱的悲凉。
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