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Unit 1 Topic 1 ReviewOur country has developed rapidly.词汇复习 proper bell shut rope granny describe education develop communication adj. 恰当的,合适的 n. 钟(铃)声;铃,钟 v. 关上,封闭 n. 绳子,绳索 n. 祖母;外婆;老奶奶 v. 描写,叙述 n. 教育;培养 v. (使)发展;开发 n. 通讯;交流;交往词汇复习 quick sort rapid progress succeed war consider tool adj. 快的 adv. 快地 n. 种类 v. 把分类 adj. 快的,迅速的 n. 进步,进展 v. 进展 v. 成功 n. 战争 v. 考虑 n. 工具,器具重点词语讲解1、though 2、afford 3、consider 4、whole1、though 原句再现:Though I had no time to travel, I still felt very happy this holiday. 用法展示:though意为“虽然”,相当于although,它 们不能与but同时出现在一个句子中,正如用了 because就不能再用so一样。不过,though可 以与副词yet或still一起使用,强调反面对比。 如:1、thoughThough he lives alone, he is happy. Though he lives alone, yet he is happy. He lives alone, but he is happy. though引导的让步状语从句,可置于主句前, 有时也可置于主句后。如:He often helps me with my English, though he is quite busy. 2、afford 原句再现:Parents couldnt afford their childrens education. 用法展示:(1) afford表示“有足够的金钱、时间做某事; 买得起、负担得起”等。通常与can, could, be able to等连用表示有时间、金钱等条件来做某 事。afford后常接名词、代词或动词不定式。 如: 2、affordAt last, they could afford a house. He cant afford to buy a new car. (2) afford表示“提供;给予”等。如:Watching TV affords pleasure. 相关链接:afford与provide都有“供给”的含义,但afford指 为一定的目的而提供所需要的东西;provide主 要指为某人、某物供应某物品,特别是指生活 必需品。 3、consider 原句再现:First, consider it carefully. 用法展示:consider 用作动词,意为“考虑”,相当于think about,后接名词、代词、-ing形式、从句或“ 疑问词 + 不定式”作宾语,但不能直接跟动词 不定式作宾语。如:He has never considered how to solve the problem. 4、whole 原句再现:Have you spent the whole holiday working there? 用法展示:(1) whole意为“整个的、全部的”。如:I told him the whole story. (2) whole还可意为“完整的、无损伤的”。如 :He was surprised to find himself whole after the car accident.4、whole(3) whole后面通常接单数名词,它一般不能 与物质名词或不可数名词连用,如不可以说 the whole money,应说all the money (全部 的钱)。 相关链接:(1) whole与all两者都有“全部的”意思,但使 用时,在句子中的位置不同。whole用于冠词 、代词等之后;all用于冠词、所有格或其它限 定词之前。一般而言,all与复数名词连用时, 有“所有的”意思;与单数名词连用时,有“整个 的、全部的”意思。4、whole(2) the whole of 相当于all。如:the whole of my life / all my life; 等。 重点词语小练I. 选用所给的词语填空。though afford consider whole 1. Why dont you take the T-shirt, Linda?I have only $10. I cant _ it. 2. The _ class was happy about his win in the school sports meeting. 3. _ he has a lot of work to do, he often helps those old men. 4. For your next vacation, why not _ visiting Beijing?afford wholeThoughconsiderII. 根据中文提示,完成句子,每空一词。1. 他的妈妈很穷,不能支付起他的教育费用。His mother was very poor, so she _ _ _ pay for his education. 2. 林平花了整个晚上的时间玩游戏。Lin Ping spent _ _ _ the evening playing computer games. 3. 你最好考虑一下我的建议。You _ _ _ my suggestion.couldnt afford tothe whole ofhad better consider4. 我把整个情况都告诉了他。I told him _ _ thing. 5. 我很想去度假,可抽不出时间来。I would like to go on holiday, but I _ _ the time. 6. 虽然他身体不好,但他工作很努力。_ _ _ in poor health, he works hard.the wholecant afford Though he is常用短语归纳 take place improve ones English by the way a disabled childrens home learnfrom Chinese teenagers in the past have a hard life in detail 发生 提高某人的英语水平 顺便问/说一下 残疾儿童之家 向学习 中国青少年 在过去 过艰苦的生活 详细地常用短语归纳 afford an education spend ones childhood support ones family be child laborers give support to get a good education living conditions ring roads be crowded in 负担得起学费 度过某人的童年 养家糊口 当童工 援助,支持 受到良好的教育 生活条件 环道 拥挤在常用短语归纳 receive a good education enjoy lesure activities keep in touch with the reform and opening up more sorts of make rapid progress succeed in doing sth. dream about 受到良好的教育 享受休闲活动 保持联系 改革开放 更多种类的 取得很快的进步 做某件事情很成功 梦想课本要点训练 根据汉语提示,完成下列句子,每空一词。 1. 我昨天看见他们正在打扫教室。I _ them _ the classroom yesterday. 2. 他们常听见我们唱英文歌曲。They often _ us _ English songs. 3. 这个箱子如此重,以至于我搬不动它。The box is _ heavy _ I cant carry it. 4. 大声点讲, 以便大厅里的人都能听清。Speak louder _ _ the people in the hall can all hear you. 5. 虽然他很穷,却很快乐。_ he was poor, he _ _.saw cleaninghear singso thatso thatThough was happy课本要点训练 根据汉语提示,完成下列句子,每空一词。 6. 那里曾是些低矮而脏乱的房舍。There _ _ _ low and dirty houses. 7. 她习惯于晚饭后去散步。She _ _ _ _ a walk after supper. 8. 现在越来越多的人在学习英语。_ _ _ people are learning English now. 9. 昨天我在去书店的路上碰巧遇见了彼得。I _ _ _ Peter on the way to the bookstore yesterday. 10. 你听说大卫昨天晚上发生什么事了吗?Did you hear _ _ _ David last night?used to beis used to takingMore and morehappened to seewhat happened toSee you !
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