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Lets do 1.1.能听、说、认读能听、说、认读 fish,noodles,vegetable,soupfish,noodles,vegetable,soup等单词等单词,会听、,会听、 说、读、写说、读、写rice,beefrice,beef 2.Lets 2.Lets playplay。初步掌握初步掌握What would you like What would you like for dinner ? Id like somefor dinner ? Id like some 3.3.学唱学唱C C部分部分 lets singlets sing 难点:难点:食物的单复数概念食物的单复数概念学习学习目标:目标:juicemilkbreadhamburgerhotdogchickennoodlesricesoupfishbeefbeefvegetablePractice:小组合学 1.学生在小组内练读单词:一名同学读 ,其他同学边听边指着课本上相应的 单词(如果听出读的有错误,及时帮 助纠正)这样进行完一轮后,再换另 一名同学读单词,如此轮换。 2.组长随意说词,其他同学快速地在课 本图片上指出。一找出下列单词相对应的图片1.fish 2. rice3.beef 4.soup5.noodles 6.vegetable成果检测快速指一指看口型猜单词 学术助理不出声地做一个单词的口型 ,如“rice”,让学生猜是哪个单词 ,谁先猜出来谁大声说出来。二. Sentences What would you like ?Id like somebeeffishwWhat do you like ?I like noodles Can I have some rice ,please?Sure. Here you are.Homework1.Copy the new words.2.试用句型What would you like for dinner? Id like some 询问家人或同学,制作一份他们所喜爱的晚饭菜单
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