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Words study 1. formal _正式的非正式的formally _正式地非正式地 Eg.1 那就是一个非正式的聚会,你不需要穿得 如此正式。 It is just a/ an_, you neednt wear _.informal party such formal clothesinformal informally2. serious adj. 严肃的,认真的 情景导学P22 _ adv. 严肃地,认真地 *a serious_*认真/真诚地对待 _ *认真对待 _ * be +adj.+about 的结构 _ 对着迷 _ 对谨慎,警惕 _ 对很小心 Eg.1你应该认真对待学习。 You should _. 2.他说的话别太当真;他从来不信守诺言。 _; he never keeps his promise. person/illness/ mistake/accidentseriouslybe serious about take sb. / sth. seriously be crazy about be cautious about be careful aboutbe serious about studyYou cant take his promise seriously.3. confident adj. 自信的_ adv. 自信地_ n. _ 自信be confident of sth./ that _Eg.1 The four girls _ their success. They _they will succeed. As we all know, _is an element of success.are confident of are confident that selfconfidenceconfidentlyconfidenceselfconfidence 对充满自信4. lack n./v. 缺少,缺少,不足,没有 (1) lack sth./ for sth. v. (2) for lack of sth. 因为缺乏 (3) be lacking in 缺少 Eg.1 A person_(缺乏自信) cant succeed. 2. _ confidence can lead to a lot of suffering. 3.Since he is young, he _.(缺乏经验)who lacks confidenceA lack of is lacking in experience4.The project had to be abandoned _ funds. 工程因资金匮乏只得放弃。 5.She seems to _/_ common sense.她似乎 缺乏常识。for lack of lack forlack情导P345. be nervous about_ n. 神经_ adv. 神经质地,焦急地,提心吊胆地_n. 神经质,紧张不安6.advance 情景导学P36 adj. 预先的,在前的 提前警告_ 预定_v. 前进,促进,提出 n. 前进,进步,发展,提升 advanced adj. 高级的,进步的,先进的 _. n. 进步,发展 advance on/ towards v. 朝前进 in advance = _ n. 提前,预先nerve nervously nervousness warning bookingahead of time advancement填空 Eg1. China is creating such_ mobile applications as Weixin, known as Wechat in the West.2. The booking office sells tickets 3 days_. Now we can go and buy one. 3. As I _ the dog, it sparked and struck at(攻击) me. 4. Oxford Advanced English Leaners English-Chinese Dictionary 牛津高阶英汉字典advancedin advanceadvanced on/ towards 7. Think of carnival, and you think of crowds, costumes, and confusion. 情景导学P37 think about think over think out think highly / well of think of as Eg. 1 People _Yuan Longping. 2. We _the cleverest person in our class. 3. I _my best friend Li Lei when I saw the old photo. 4. He _a good way to overcome the difficulty._ _ _ _ _think highly of think of him as thought ofthought out考虑虑,思考 仔细细考虑虑 仔细细思考,想出主意 对对 评评价高 把 看作8.in addition 副词短语,句首,句中,句尾 = _除之外 in addition to sth. / doing sth. 复合介词短语 = _除之外还有Eg.1. In the terrorist event in Kunming, _ the killed, 143 were injured. 2. To finish the project, you need money and time;_, you need diligence.(勤奋) 3. 他除了懂英语和汉语之外,还懂法语。 _ he also knows French.in addition toin additionIn addition to /Besides / Apart from English and Chinese, moreover / besides / whats more besides / apart from sth.9. opportunity n机会CU Eg. 1.机不可失,失不再来。 -Dont miss the opportunity; it may never come again. - Opportunity only knocks once.10. _ from n. 缺席_心不在焉,精神恍惚in the absence of (人)不在,缺席;(物)不存在,缺少_在某人不在时,在某人缺席时(2) _adj. 缺席的,不在的be absent _ . 未出席,缺_adj. 心不在焉的情景导学P8-4absenceabsence of mind in ones absence absentfromabsentmind ed . 介词填空Penny has been absent work for two days and I dont know why. the absence of actual data no reliance can be placed on such figures. my absence the assistant manager will act for me.fromInIn信赖.能力题 句型转换Mary will be in charge of the office during my absence.Mary will be in charge of the office when_the office.She was absentminded during driving, which nearly caused an accident.Her during driving nearly caused an accident. I am absent fromabsence of mind11.(1) be aware that / what clause 觉察,知悉make _使某人明白某事(2) _n. 意识_提高的意识Eg这个周计划表会使你意识到你是如何花费你的时间的。This weekly schedule will how you spend your time. 意识到问题的严重性,他立刻向老板打了电话。_he called his boss at once.make you aware (of) Aware of the the seriousness of the problem,sb. aware of sth.
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