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贵德县王屯小学焦永祥 Unit5 Lets eat P.A lets learn and lets singHello, teachers!do, oh, do! Hello, teachers!do, oh, do! Hello, teachers ! do, oh, do! Hello! Hello! Hello!KFCI likeWhat do you like?hot dogcakeFrench frieschickenhamburgerbreadWhat do you like? I like French fries.Here you are.Thank you.I like French fries. Me too.Ok! have some French fries.Thank you.A: I like hamburgers.(我喜欢吃汉堡包) B: I like hot dogs.(我喜欢吃热狗) C: Here you are. (给你)Hot dogs and hamburgers.(汉堡包和热狗) A: I like French fries.(我喜欢吃薯条) B: Me too.(我也是) C: Ok! Have some French fries.(好的,给你们薯条。) A: Thank you.(谢谢)Lets have a picnic today. Lets have a picnic today. Lets have a picnic today. On such a lovely day!1)将我们今天学的对 话读给同班同学听, 并背会。2)回家听lets talk 部分的录音。
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