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Driving a fork-lift truck at XXX 在XXX开铲车Most Frequent Cause or AccidentsMost Frequent Cause or Accidents 大部分时常发生的事故大部分时常发生的事故 Different factors that can cause accident 不同的因素都会引起事故 :Bad work organization 不好的工作组织Attitude 态度Work place not suitable for fork trucks 铲车在不适合的地方工作Load characterisics 铲车负重情况Mechanical or technical failure fo the fork truck 铲车的机械或技术故障Incorrect OrganizationIncorrect Organization 错误的组织错误的组织 IneffectiveTraining 无效的培训 Work place is not effectively organized 没有有效的组织工作地点 Poor maintenance 维护工作不到位Attitude Attitude 态度态度 Bad attitude 差的态度 Driving dangerously on the bend 用不正确的方法危险驾驶 Not making others aware by sounding the horn 不鸣喇叭示意其他人注意 Work place culture 工作地的文化氛围 Taking a passenger 用铲车载人 Playing games 玩游戏 Braking too hard 刹车太猛 Not wearing the seat belt 没系安全带Changing the Work PlaceChanging the Work Place 改善工作地点改善工作地点 Keep all pathways clear 所有通道保持清洁 Keep areas of free loading and unloading 划出可自由装卸货的区域 Drivers must be aware of people working or walking nearby 驾铲车的人必须注意在旁工作或走过的人Load CharacteriticsLoad Characteritics 装载情况装载情况 Poor stacking of the boxes on the pallet 托盘上的纸箱堆放糟糕 Bad condition of the pallet 托盘情况糟糕 Heavy load 装载很重 Unstable load 装载不固定 Load restricts view 装载限制了视线Mechanical Failure Mechanical Failure 机械故障机械故障 Brakes, steering, clutch 刹车,方向盘,离合器 Lifting system 升降系统 Leak in the hydraulic system or gear box 水利系统或传动箱漏水Some Important RulesSome Important Rules 一些重要的规定一些重要的规定Do not work with a defective truck.不要用损坏的铲车工作。Tell your supervisor.告诉你的主管。Steering wheel 方向盘 Horn 喇叭Other controls (truck dependant)其他控制(根据铲车)Hand brake/foot brake 手制动器/ 脚制动器 Forks 叉子 Oil leak 漏油Only move the truck when you are sitting on the drivers seat. 只有当你坐在驾驶座上时才可以开 动铲车。Take the load as close as possible to the truck.Place it as close as possible to the truck mast. 放置货物时尽量靠近铲车。尽量贴近铲车的桅杆 。For a heavy load,ensure that the truck does not over balance. 遇到重的货物时,确保铲车的平衡。Do not overload the truck. 不要超负荷载货。Do not drive too fast and be aware of other people.不要开的太快,同时要留意其他人。Drive slowly around the bends .Accelerate and brake carefully. 转弯时要减速。加速和刹车时要小心。Before moving,ensure that the forks are down.开动铲车前,确保叉子已经降下。1. Ensure that the ramp is in position before driving. 开车前确保斜坡放在适当的位置。 2. Use chocks under the wheels of vehicles. 在货车的轮子下放置楔子。Drive backwards when carrying a load. 当搬运一满车时,向后开车。Always look in the direction of movement. 总是朝搬运的方向看。Do not move a load if someone is nearby.如果有人在一旁,不要搬运货物。Do not carry people.不要载人。Transporting people may only be permited if the appropriate equipment is used.只有使用适当的器材时,才允许载人。Park the truck in a safe manner,without obstruction.把铲车停放在安全的、没有障碍物的角落里。Driving 500 meters at 25 KM per hour instead of driving 15 KM per hour saves you 48 seconds.以25公里/小时的速度开,而不是15公里/小 时的速度开,你会节约48秒钟。And him .?然后他.?
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