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第七讲 非谓语动词考点透析1.不定式、分词、动名词的否定式都是在其前面加 not/never。例如: (1)Mrs.Smith warned her daughter never to drive after drinking. (2)Not knowing what to do,I went to the teacher for advice. (3)I apologize to you for not telling you the truth immediately.2不定式的进行时表示动作与谓语动作同时发生。不定式、分词、动名词的完成式表动作在谓语之前 发生。例如: (1)When mother came into the room,Tom pretended to be working hard at his lessons. (2)Robert is said to have studied abroad,but I dont know what country he studied in. (3)Having finished all my homework,I went out to play football with Li Ming. (4)The boy was severely punished by his father for having told lies.3不定式作定语时,如果不定式是不及物动词,或者不定式所修饰的名词是不定式动作的工具、地点 ,不定式后就应有必要的介词。例如: There are five pairs to choose from,but Im at a loss which to buy. 4不定式主动表被动的几种情况: 在 There be结构中,作定语的不定式既可用主动语态也可用被动语态。例如: There is a lot of work to do/to be done.不定式作定语时,如果不定式所修饰的名词是不定 式的宾语,但是又可在句子中找到另一个词作不定 式的逻辑主语,不定式要用主动语态。例如: Would you please give the boy something to read? (something是 read的宾语,the boy是 read的逻辑主 语,不定式用主动语态。)注意比较下列两个句子: I have some letters to type.(隐含意义:Ill type the letters myself.) Do you have any letters to be typed,sir?(隐含义: Ill type the letters for you.)5关于不定式的省略。在连词than,as后,介词except,but,besides后,如果前有实义动词do的某种形式,动词不定式一般不带to,反之则带to。例如:(1)In that case,there is nothing you can do than wait.(2)He likes reading novels besides to play the piano.使役动词make,let,have和感官动词see,watch,hear,observe后接不定式作宾补时要省略to,但在被动语态中,to不能省略。例如:(1)A computer does only what thinking people have it do. (2)Paul doesnt have to be made to learn.He always works hard. 6admit,advise,avoid,appreciate,cant help, consider,delay,deny,escape,enjoy,finish,feel like,fancy,imagine,mind,miss,practise,risk, suggest等动词以及所有带介词的短语动词后面只能跟动名词作宾语。例如: (1)I really appreciate having time to relax with you on this nice island. (2)The boy was lucky enough to escape being punished.7remember,forget,try,mean,regret,stop,go on后接不定式做宾语与接动名词作宾语,意义有很大区别,必须牢记。 regret doing 因做过某事而后悔,动作已发生regret to do 因将做某事而遗憾,动作没发生remember doing 记得做过某事, 动作已发生remember to do 记得去做某事,动作没发生forget doing 忘记曾做过某事,动作已发生forget to do 忘记做某事,动作没发生mean doing 意味着mean to do 打算做stop doing 停止做stop to do 停止做某事而做另一件事try doing 尝试做try to do 努力做例如: (1)She searched the top of the hill and stopped to rest on a big rock by the side of the path.(2)You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.Well,now I regret having done that.(3)I usually go there by train.Why not try going by boat for a change?(4)Mastering a foreign language doesnt mean learning it in class only.8look forward to,devote oneself to,pay attention to,stick to,devote to,make contributions to,be used to,get used to,object to中的to是介词,因而其后接动名词作宾语,不要误用动词不定式。 (1)Im looking forward to seeing you again.(2)Mr.Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to setting up some schools for poor children.9在“There is no主语” 句型中,常用动名词作主语。There is no telling what will happen in the future.(There is no telling.It is impossible to tell.)There is no denying that he plotted this rebellion.无可否认,他策划了这次谋反。10关于being过去分词。“being过去分词”是分词一般式的被动语态,常用作定语,表示一个正在进行的被动动作。分词短语作状语时,如要表示一个被动动作,用过去分词即可,因为过去分词本身就可表被动,一般不能用 being过去分词。只有当分词表示一个正在进行而且又是被动的动作时,才可用beingdone (这种用法很少见)。(1)Founded in 1636,Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.(不用being founded) (2)The house being built in our school is for us teachers. Though theres noise most of the day we still feel happy about it. (being built是定语,“正在被修建的”) (3)Translated into English,the sentence was found to have a completely different word order.(不用being translated)11关于分词选定的原则。 分词短语作定语时,分词的选定依据分词与被其修饰的名词的关系而定。如果名词是分词动作的执行 者,用现在分词;如果名词是分词动作的承受者, 用过去分词。分词短语作状语时,则要看分词与句 子主语的关系。如果句子的主语是分词动作的执行 者,用现在分词;如果主语是分词动作的承受者, 用过去分词。(1)Seen from the mountain,the city looks beautiful. (2)Seeing from the mountain,we can see the river running through the city. (第一句:the city“被看”,用过去分词;第二句: “我们看”,表主动,用现在分词) (3)The computer center,opened last year,is really popular among the students in this school. (the computer center“被开办”,用过去分词opened) (4)The boy running on the playground is from England.(男孩是“跑”的执行者, 用running)12judging from/by,considering,generally speaking,roughly speaking,strictly speaking,personally speaking,frankly speaking,talking of,granted that等引导的分词短语在句中作插入语,说明全句。 (1)Judging from his accent,he must be from Guangdong.(2)Generally speaking,girls are more careful than boys.13关于过去分词given。given的基本意思是“给”。另外,它还有“特定的”、“假设的”意思,根据上下文,又可把它引申为“考虑到”,在句中作条件状语。 (1)Given more attention,the trees could have grown better.(2)Given his age,the performance is really great.(given his age“考虑到他的年纪”)14分词作状语时,其逻辑主语必须与句子的主语一致,如果不一致,就要在分词前加上其逻辑主语 ,构成独立主格结构。 (1)Finding her car stolen,she hurried to a policeman for help.(分词的逻辑主语是she,与句子的主语一致,是现 在分词作状语) (2)His mother being ill,he had to stay home to look after her. (his mother being ill是独立主格结构作状语)观察下列独立主格结构,请注意它们与分词短语作 状语的区别。 Everything being ready,we started out.(表原因) “Mama!” he cried suddenly,tears rolling down his cheeks.(表伴随情况) Weather permitting,well go outin
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