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护理英语交班Nursing English reportObstetrics DepartmentGeneral conditionsoGood morning, every one, oNow we are passing the obstetrics area nursing shift reports on April,8th,2010 各位,早晨好2009年4月8日产科护理交班General conditionsoThere are total 36 patients and 15 babies in the ward, including 1 patient discharged,1 admitted ,1 performed operation, 1 seriously ill.病人总数:36/15 出院病人数:1 入院病人数:1手术人数:1, 病重人数:1Discharged caseoBed 3,Liu Yu, the fifth day after operation , discharged with the baby at 11:00 yesterday.3床, 刘玉,剖宫产术后第五天,带婴于11:00出院 New admissionoBed 1:Liu Yu,40 years old,1/0, is 38 weeks pregnant, diagnosis: fetal distress, admitted through emergency at 13:00.1床,刘玉,40岁,产妇1/0,孕38周,胎儿窘迫,急 诊于13:00入科New admissionoAfter admission, the doctor zhou Hong was notified immediately and the admission interview was done. The common diet was served and grade 2 nursing care was given as doctors orders.入院后立即通知周虹医生,入院介绍已做. 遵医嘱给予二 级护理,普食.与活泼型客户相处的原则o多微笑 o说大白话o多讲故事,少谈业务o多保持一些神秘o多提醒他o趁热打铁o让他多说,你多听与完美型客户交往的原则o应表情严肃,衣着正规o避免使用肢体语言o多提供资料,少说o注意你的细节o不要夸张,要具体o多进行感情上的沟通New admissionoThe vital signs were normal.oThe fetal heart rate: 146/minute .oHaving no uterine contract.产妇生命体征平稳.胎心140次/分,无宫缩.Seriously ill caseoBed 10,Wang Li, eclampsia , the first day after the cesarean section, the state of mind is clear, Oxygen was given and the flow rate was 2L/min.,continues ECG monitoring was given10床,王丽,子痫,剖宫产术后第一天,神志清,持续心电监 护,持续低流量吸氧Seriously ill caseoAt 10:00,magnesium sulfate (MgSO4 )10g in normal saline 500ml were give by IV infusion. The drop rate were 20ml/h. 遵医嘱给予静脉输入生理盐水500ml+硫酸注射液10g, 滴速为20ml/h。Seriously ill caseoGive the oral administration of the potassium medicine treatment ,having no negative response, the uterus contract well, colporrhagia 10ml(milliliter), the wound surgical dressing is dry, the ureter is fixed well and unobstructed.给予静脉输液抗生素补液治疗,无不良反应,现宫缩好 ,阴道出血10ml,伤口敷料干燥,尿管固定好,引流通 畅 Seriously ill caseoThe skin was integrity. The total input was 400ml and the output was 300ml.皮肤无破损,全天入量400ml,尿量300ml.Operation caseoThe parturient woman, performed the cesarean section operation emergencily under anaesthetization for the gestation period diabetes产妇因妊娠期糖尿病,急诊在硬膜外麻醉下行子宫下段 剖宫产术Operation caseotaking out a live female infant at 10:36, with the umbilical cord reverses 22,and the racket shape placenta于10:36取一活女婴,脐带扭转22圈,球拍状胎盘 Operation caseothe blood pressure is 130/80mmHg when returningto ward , the uterus contract well, the wound surgical dressing is clean, the ureter is fixed well and unobstructed , the venous transfusion is unobstructed, having no negative response, 返回病房血压130/80mmHg,宫缩好,伤口敷料干燥 ,尿管固定好,引流通畅,静脉输液通畅,无不良反应 Operation caseo the baby scored for 10 cents according to the Appgar Points, the physical examination is normal, weight :2830g, breast feedinghas been done.婴儿生后评10分,查体正常,体重2830g,已指导母乳 喂养。Operation caseoThe patient was changed the position every 2 hours and the skin was integrity. The uterus contract well. The total intake was 2500ml and the output was 2000ml.定时翻身,皮肤好,宫缩好, 全天入量2500ml, 出量 2000ml.Operation caseoThe baby sleeps well and feeds well, and assist the parents with the baby nursing.婴儿精神、吃奶好,协助新生儿护理。oThats alloNurse on duty: Shi xiao na交班完毕.值班护士:史肖娜常用词汇o胎动: Fetal Movement; 预产期: Date of delivery; Due date 胎儿心音: Fetal Heart Sounds 流产: Abortion 怀孕: Pregnancyo分娩: Delivery 子宫收缩: Contractiono阵痛: Labor Paino见红:The bloody showo急产:precipitate deliveryo早产:preterm deliveryo足月产:term delivery常用词汇o过期产:Postterm delivery 足月产:term delivery先兆临产:threatened laboro习惯性流产:habitual abortiono先兆流产:threatened abortion人工流产:induced abortiono双胞胎: Twins 多胞胎: Multiple Birtho会阴切开: Episiotomyo阴道检查: Internal (Vaginal) Examination妊娠合并症o高危妊娠: High risk pregnancyo肩先露:shouder presentationo臀先露:breech presentationo破水: Membrane Rupture / Water brokeno羊水过多: Polyhydramnioso羊水过少:oligohydramnioso早期破水: Premature Ruptureo产后出血:Postpartum hemorrhageo蛋白尿症: Albuminuriao胎盘前置: Placenta Praevia妊娠合并症妊娠剧吐hyperemesis gravidarum 妊高征 hypertension(PIH) 妊娠高血压疾患 hypertensive disorders of 先兆子痫 pregancy pre-eclampsia 子痫 eclampsia 胎死宫内 convulsion intrauterine death 骨盆狭窄contracted pelvis 胎儿窘迫 fetal distress 前次剖宫产史 history of previous cesarean section 初产头浮 primipara with floating head cervical 宫颈机能不全 incompetenceoThanks!
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