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Plant Pathology Li Hongmei E-mail: lihmnjau.edu.cn Mobile: 159 519 64113Department of Plant Pathology Nanjing Agricultural UniversityThere is a dim light at the other end of the tunnelThere is a dim light at the other end of the tunnel The tunnel brightens more as I draw closerThe tunnel brightens more as I draw closer Fear, my worst enemy wants me to give upFear, my worst enemy wants me to give up Hope my most valuable companion keeps me moving onHope my most valuable companion keeps me moving on Taking one step ahead is not easy but I shall overcomeTaking one step ahead is not easy but I shall overcome For I believe that all the suffering is not put to wasteFor I believe that all the suffering is not put to waste For there is a dim light at the other end of the tunnelFor there is a dim light at the other end of the tunnelThere is a light at the end of the tunnelNathan Gwira 哭的时候没人哄,我学会了坚强;怕的时候没人陪,我学会了勇敢;烦的时候没人问,我学会了承受;累的时候没人可以依靠,我学会了自立.就这样我找到了自己,原来我很优秀,更可贵的 是,世界上,我只有一个,只有一个我!渐渐地,我成熟了,知道了人是被逼出来的!You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have. 当坚强成为你唯一的选择,你才知道自己可 以有多坚强。 1.Disease and plant disease2.Modes of nutrition of micro-organisms3.Symptoms of disease4.Kochs postulates5.Factors affecting disease development1. General introduction mycoplasmas 支原体 substrate 基质或底物saprophytes腐生物 parasites寄生物symbiotic共生 sooty moulds煤污病, obligate parasites专性寄生物facultative parasites兼性寄生物 biotrophs 活体营养 dampingoff 腐烂 necrotrophs死体营养 waterlogged浸水的symptoms 症状 discolorations 变色abnormal growth 畸形 rot 腐烂pycnidia分生孢子器 physiological wilts 生理性萎焉Translationskochs postulate 科赫氏假设( rule 法则) soft rot of potatoes 马铃薯软腐病Erwinia carotovara subsp. carotovora 胡萝卜软腐菌 胡萝卜亚种 implicate 涉及stem base rot of cereals 禾谷茎基腐病Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides ( the cause of eyespot 眼点) 小麦基腐病菌brown foot rot 褐色根腐病Rhizoctonia cerealis 禾谷丝核菌sharp eyespot 纹枯病、立枯病、尖眼点病synergistically互相作用的,促进的Septoria tritici 小麦叶枯病病菌S. nodorum小麦颖枯病病菌inoculation 接种inoculum 接种物、接种体 复数: inoculaultra-violet light 紫外光rain-splashed fungal spores 雨水飞溅传播的真菌孢 子simulate 模仿aphid 蚜虫Erysiphe graminis powdery mildew of cereals 禾谷类作物白粉病multiply 繁殖,增加disease complex 病害复合体build up 建立colonization 定殖reproduction 繁殖5. Factorspropagules ( inoculum) 繁殖体the quantity of initial inoculum 初侵染量transient 短暂的 first infection 初侵染further infection 再侵染 sclerotial inoculum 菌核接种oilseed rape 油菜 Sclerotinia sclerotiorum 油菜菌核病菌stem rot 茎腐 sclerotia 菌核balance 平衡 critical 批判的aggressive quality 侵袭力 soil-borne 土传Gaeumannomyces graminis 禾顶囊壳take-all of cereals 小麦全蚀病eradicate 完全根除negligible 可忽略的,去足轻重的starve out 因饥饿而减少humidity 湿度,潮湿 rainfall 下雨,雨量inhibit 阻止,抑制 early-sown winter barley 早播冬大麦frost 霜冻 subsequent infection 再侵染snow mold of cereals 禾谷雪霉病snow-cool damp condition 雪冷的湿度条件下ear blight of cereals 禾谷穗疫病 conducive 导致的,有助于的pustule 脓疱 latent period 潜伏期epidemic 流行病 black stem rust 杆锈病interval 间隔 striking 突出的,显著的unventilated 不通风的, 空气不流畅的 dew 水珠,露水 potato blight 马铃薯晚疫病 Phytophthora infestans 致病疫霉菌germination 萌芽 germ-tube 芽管exception 例外 adversely 相反的aggressive quality 侵袭力 soil-borne 土传Gaeumannomyces graminis 禾顶囊壳take-all of cereals 小麦全蚀病eradicate 完全根除negligible 可忽略的,去足轻重的starve out 因饥饿而减少humidity 湿度,潮湿 rainfall 下雨,雨量inhibit 阻止,抑制 sporulation 孢子形成,产孢子severity 严格,苛刻 proportional 成比例的drained soil 可排灌地 motile zoospore 运动的游动孢子tuber initiation 薯块发芽 prone 易于的,可能的common scab on potatoes 马铃薯疮痂病Streptomyces scabies疮痂链霉菌powdery scab 马铃薯粉痂病 Spongospora subterraneanirrigate 灌溉 disperse 散开,传播clubroot of brassicas 芸薹根肿病 Plasmodiophora brassicaedramatic 戏剧性的,引人注目的 incidence 发生率manipulation 操作,处理 liming of soil 土壤石灰化fairly widespread practice 相当广泛的惯例措施nitrogen 氮 deficient 缺乏的,不足的withstand 经受,承受 fertilizer programme 施肥计划microclimate 小气候 dense canopy 密集的覆盖物flourish 茂盛的 1.Introduction2.The concept of disease in Plants3.Classification of plant diseases4.History of Plant Pathology5.Discovery of the Role of Fungi6.Control of Plant DiseasesIntroduction to Plant Pathology 7. Physiology8. Genetics of Resistance to Disease9. Bacteria in Plant Disease10. Nematodes in Plant disease11. Viruses in Plant disease 12. Protozoa in Plant disease 13. Mycoplasmas in Plant diseasewelfare 健康,幸福,繁荣 manufacture 生产、加工innumerable 无数的,数不清的livelihood 生计,谋生 textile 纺织品,织物canning industry 罐头业 derive from 由。起源availability 可用性,有效性,实用性maintenance 维持,维护 entity 实体,mechanism 机制 alleviate 减轻,缓解,缓和botany 植物学 mycology 真菌学bacteriology 细菌学 virology 病毒学nematology 线虫学 plant anatomy 植物解剖学plant physiology 植物生理学 genetics 遗传学2. Introduction to Plant Pathology molecular biology 分子生物学 genetic enginee
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