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Unit 2-ReadingDo Word study on page 111.List more than five languages spoken around the world. 2. What languages can you speak? 3. What language is the most widely spoken and used? Try to find the main idea of each paragraph. Para.1Para.2Para.3English is spoken as mother tongue and as second language.Many people learn English as a foreign language.Many people communicate in English every day.Read the passage carefully and then do some exercises. T/F Exercises1. English is a language only spoken by people in English-speaking countries.2. The number of people who learn English as a Foreign language is more than 750 million. 3. In Hongkong, people speak English only as a second language.FTF4. In only sixty years, English has developed into the languages most widely spoken and used in the world. F5. As English is widely used, it will be more and more important to have a good Knowledge of English.TNumber of speakersExample countriesThe native language The foreign languageThe second languageMore than 375 millionUSA UK Australia south Africa Canada IrelandMore than 750 millionMore than 375 millionIndia Pakistan Nigeria The PhilippinesChina (except for Hong Kong)Complete the Following summary.English is a _ _all around the world. For more than 375million people in countries such as _ and _, English is their _ _. Another 375 million people _ _ as a second language. However, most people learn English at school as a _ _. The English language _also _ by most international organizations as their working language, as well as in inter-national _ and _. Most foreigners visiting China are either_ or _. If they cannot _ Chinese, they use _ to communicate with Chinese people. In global culture, for example the Internet or popular music, English is widely used. In the future we will be speaking Chinese with our_, but we will be _ English with people around the world for our work.language spoken UK USAmother tongue learn English foreign language isusedtradetourism businessmentouristsspeak EnglishspeakingfamilyAs we all know, English is widely used in many fields,While Chinese is spoken by the largest speakers. Do you think Chinese will become an international language all over the world in the near future? Discussion1. 全世界2. 加起来,总计3. 母语4. 属于自己的5. 的数量6. 除了7. 国际组织8. 国际贸易和旅游业9. 全球性的文化10.通过收音机11.与交流12.通过互联网1. around the world2. in total3. mother tongue4. of ones own5. the number of6. except for7. international organisation8. international trade and tourism9. global culture10.on the radio11.communicate with12.through the InternetSentences1.English is a language spoken all around the world.2.There are more than 42 countries where the majority of the people speak English.3.With so many people communicating in English every day, it will become more and more important to have a good knowledge of English.itto have a good knowledge of EnglishIntegrating Skills1. America stopped being a part of England in _.A. 1707 B. 1828 C. 1776 D. 19112. Which of the following statements is true? _.A. After 1828 American English and British English stayed the same.B. After 1828 American English changed but British English stayed the same.C. After 1828 British English changed but American English stayed the same.D. After 1828 both British English and American English changed.3. British English is different from American Englishbecause_.A. British decided to change the spelling of many American words.B. American English changed but British English stayed the same.C. The Americans and British took different words from other languages.D. American is a bigger country. 4. Noah Wester was _.A. an American president B. a Spanish farmerC. a British teacher D. an American writer5. Which of the following statements is true? _.A. In the future both American English and British English will stay the same.B. In the future American English will change but British English will not.C. In the future British English will change but American English will not.D. In the future both American English and British English will change.1. 产生2. 以告终3. 使和不同4. 书面语5. 口语6. 或多或少7. 在方面有困难1.come about2.end up with3.make different from4.written English5.spoken English6.more or less7.have difficulty (in) doing sth.HomeworkRewrite the following sentences:1). My mother told me, “ Dont believe a stranger easily.”2). The principle asked the Ss, “Wash your clothes by yourselves.”3). “Dont throw away the leftovers. Its too a waste of food.” The owner said to his customers.4). “I am going to Japan tomorrow. I have asked for a leave of six months.” Jerky said to her colleagues.5). “You should take care of your parents now. They are old and are not able to live by themselves.” One of his friends said to the
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