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Section Introduction & Reading and VocabularyLanguage Study重点难点探究Section 速效提能演练重点难点探究词汇精研词汇精研1He describes the moment as “One small step for man,one giant leap for mankind”他把那一时时刻描述为为 “个人的一小步,人类类的一大飞跃飞跃 ”。品味经经典 He got over the stream with a single leap.他一跃跃就跳过过了小溪。Look before you leap.三思而后行。自我探究 leap n飞跃飞跃 ,跳跃跃;v.跳跃跃;飞跃飞跃 ;急速行动动,冲归纳归纳 拓展by/in leaps and bounds迅速地,突飞飞猛进进地leap/jump to ones feet跳起来leap up跳上leap at the chance/opportunity/offer立刻抓住机会/迫不及待地接受提议议易混辨析 bounce,jump,leap,hop(1)bounce(球)反跳,有 “弹弹起”的意思;(2)jump跳,最普通的用语语;(3)leap跳过过,常指跳过过相当的间间隔;(4)hop跳,常指(人)单单足跳,(蛙、鸟鸟等)齐齐足跳。牛刀小试试 用bounce,jump,leap,hop的适当形式填空 (1)She _to her feet and ran out of the room. (2)He _the wall and ran away. (3)He had hurt his left foot and had to _. (4)The ball _twice before he could reach it.jumped/leaptleapt hop bounced2He spends eight days on board the Russian part of a joint USARussia space mission.他在美俄联联合航天任务务中的俄罗罗斯一方呆了八天。品味经经典 By their joint efforts they managed to complete the project on time.他们们通过过共同努力总总算按时时完成了计计划。He worked in a joint venture.他在一家合资资企业业工作。I have a pain in the knee joint.我的膝关节节疼。All things there are out of joint.那儿的一切都乱七八糟的。牛刀小试试完成句子(1)Who cooked the meal?Actually,it was a _ (共同的) effort.joint(2)At the party,the boys screaming again and again put his mothers nose _ (气歪)out of joint3Ever since Neil Armstrong first set foot on the Moon back on 21st July,1969,people have become_accustomed_to the idea of space travel.自从尼尔阿姆斯特朗在1969年7月21日首次踏上月球以来,人们对们对 太空旅行这这一概念已经经非常熟悉。品味经经典 I am accustomed to sleeping late.我习惯习惯 于睡得很晚。My eyes cannot be accustomed to the desert sun.我的眼睛不适应应沙漠里的阳光。This is not the kind of treatment I am accustomed to.这这不是我惯惯常受到的那种待遇。自我探究 be/become accustomed ton./v.ing 相当于be/get_used_ton./v.ingaccustom用作及物动词动词 , “使习惯习惯 于”。常用搭配:accustom oneself ton./v.ing “使自己习惯习惯 ”。牛刀小试试汉译汉译 英(1)我过过了一段时间时间 才习惯这习惯这 个想法。_(2)她在炉火边经边经 常坐的座位上坐了下来。_(3)假期过过后,他不习惯习惯 于这这么早起床了。_It took me a while to accustom myself to the idea.She took her accustomed seat by the fire.He is not accustomed to getting up so early after the vacation.4But this was going to be a special flight and so millions of people tuned in to witness the takeoff on TV.但这这将是一次特别别的飞飞行,因此数以百万计计的人们们通过电视过电视 来观观看这这次起飞飞。品味经经典 The police found the witness to the murder case.警察找到了那件谋杀谋杀 案的目击击者。I was called as a defense witness.我被传唤传唤 作被告证证人。He witnessed to having seen the man enter the room.他作证说证说 他看到那个男人进进入了房间间。A blush witnessed (to) her shy disposition.她脸红证脸红证 明她个性害羞。易混辨析 witness,see,look,watch,noticewitness指某事物能够够提供证证据;see强调调 “看到”的结结果;look强调调 “看”的动动作;watch观观看,指集中注意力观观看;notice注意到。牛刀小试试用witness,see,look,watch,notice填空(1)Can you _(看到) the evidence of the volcano from the stone?(2)_(看)!There is a rare old vase in the hole.(3)I have _(观观察) the volcano burning for more than three hours.seeLookwatched(4)He _(注意到) that a river of liquid rock was coming towards him.(5)This old classroom has _(见证见证 ) many geniuses.noticedwitnessed5The world was in shockmaybe they assumed this space flight would be no more dangerous than getting on an aeroplane.全世界震惊了也许许人们认们认 定这这次太空飞飞行与登飞飞机一样样安全。品味经经典 We must assume him to be innocent until he is proved guilty. 尚未证实证实 他有罪,我们们就必须须假定他是清白的。 I think it is reasonable to assume that the economy will continue to improve. 我认为经济继续认为经济继续 好转转是有道理的。 We are working on the assumption that everyone invited will turn up. 我们们假定了每一个人都会应应邀出席并就此作出安 排。自我探究 归纳归纳 拓展Given it rains tomorrow,what shall we do?假如明天下雨,我们们将做什么呢?Providing what he said is right,who is wrong?假使他所说说的是对对的,那谁错谁错 了呢?牛刀小试试完成句子如果你能上大学,你将如何支付学费费?_that you get a place at university,how are you going to finance your studies?Assuming6When I heard,a few weeks later,that the bodies of the astronauts and even the teachers lesson plans had been found at the bottom of the ocean,I was not so sure it was worth it at all.几个星期后,当我听说说那几位宇航员员的遗遗体,甚至连连那位老师师的教案在大洋底部被找到的时时候,我不再确定这这一切是值值得的。品味经经典 How much is the ring worth?这这个戒指值值多少钱钱?Id rather my money went a worthwhile cause.我宁愿把钱钱花在有价值值的事业业上。The film A Story of Lalas Promotion is worth seeing.The film A Story of Lalas Promotion is worthy of being seen/is worthy to be seen.电电影杜拉拉升职记职记 值值得一看。自我探究 worth是一个只能作表语语的形容词词,意为为 “值值得,价值值”。由于它类类似于介词词,后须须接名词词、代词词或动动名词词的主动语态动语态 作宾语宾语 。易混辨析worth作形容词时词时 ,只作表语语,意为为 “值值得”,所以前面可以 由well修饰饰表程度,而不用very;后面跟名词词、代词词或 动动名词词,如跟动动名词词,须须用主动动形式表被动动含义义。 worthy为为形容词词,可作定语语,也可作表语语。可用very修饰饰,作 定语时语时 ,意为为 “有价值值的;可尊敬的;配得上的”,用 来修饰饰人、思想、品格、习习俗等;作表语时语时 ,表示 “值值 得的”,常用于be worthy of,of后面可跟名词词,如跟动动 名词词,须须用被动动形式表被动动含义义。也可用be worthy to be done。 worthwh ile为为形容词词,既可作表语语,也可作定语语,可用very修饰饰, 意为为 “值值得做的,值值得花时间时间 /精力的”。适用于Its worthwhile to do sth./doing sth.,it作形式主语语,由不 定式或动动名词词作真正的主语语。牛刀小试试完成句子(1)Thank you for your timely help.My pleasure.Its hardly _(值值得) talking about
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