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考前给力20天考前第10天记一记 单词识记 count 数,重要的是 crash 撞坏;坠坠落 creature 生物 criminal 罪犯 courage 胆量,勇气 curious 好奇的 What counts is not that the boy can count from one to one hundred,but that he shows great interest in it. 重要的不是孩子能从一数到一百,而是他对对 此表现现出的强烈兴兴趣。damage 损害;毁坏data 数据deadline 最后期限debate 讨论;辩论declare 声明;宣告 decline 婉拒;下降;衰退Teenagers are damaging their health because they play computer games too much.青少年由于过多沉迷电脑游戏正在自毁健康。decrease 减少defeat 击败;战胜defend 保卫;防御;为辩护delay 推迟;延误demand 需要;要求It is reported that he has employed the UKs top lawyers to defend him.据说他请了英国一位顶尖律师为他辩护。短语有约1turn 构成的常用短语语turn away 不准某人进进入,把某人拒之门门外turn down 调调低,拒绝绝turn off 关掉,拐弯turn out 结结果是,在场场,熄灭灭turn over 移交,翻身turn to 向求助(2011年高考江苏苏卷)You look upset.Whats the matter?I had my proposal turned down again.你看上去不高兴兴,怎么了?我的建议议又被拒绝绝了。2hold 构成的常用短语hold up 支持住,抬起,阻碍,提出hold back 阻挡,抵制,隐瞒hold on 坚持住,别挂断Hold on a moment and I will go to your rescue.坚持一会儿,我去营救你。佳句诵读1The information on the Internet gets around much more rapidly than that in the newspaper.因特网上的信息,要比报纸报纸 上的信息传传播的快得多。2(2010年高考陕陕西卷)The cost of renting a house in central Xian is higher than that in any other area of the city.在西安市中心租一套房子的费费用比在该该市任何其他地区租一套房子的费费用都要高。(2010年高考山东卷)Helping others is a habit,one you can learn even at an early age.帮助他人是习惯,是一种甚至年幼时你就能学着养成的一种习惯。练一练 (2011年河南质质量调调研)What would I do for Carols 50th birthday?It was_1_that she didnt want a party,certainly not a surprise party (that was an agreement at our marriage)“How about a small dinner with_2_?” I asked.“No,” she said,“I hate being the center of_3_.”Still,the milestone had to be marked._4_wasnt going to let her get away with a Stouffers frozen dinner and a movie video,_5_this was all she said she wanted.I thought and thought,and_6_making my decision,I sent a letter to her friends,asking them for photos,poems, and letters.“Carol doesnt_7_a party in person.but Im hoping to_8_her a party in a book.” I bought a(n)_9_with a friends advice,and_10_what I wanted. For a few minutes at the end of every workday, I_11_pull out the marking pens and make up the_12_,Carols.Photos of her in junior high,pictures of us_13_the boys,original songs,notes,cards,and poems.It made me_14_for all the years we had had together.The_15_was more than the album.It was the friendship and love she had given to me and to our kids and to all her friends and family.You could _16_ it on every page.I wrapped it up and_17_it home.“Happy birthday,sweetie,” I said.“Its not a frozen dinner or a video,but its_18_you deserve,” she cried.She doesnt_19_like to cry,but I think she likes the book.Shes said so many times. And every time I remind her _20_putting it together was a gift to me.1.A.amazing Bclear Cunusual Dimportant2A.neighbours Bchildren Cfriends Dclassmates3A.attention BcommentCview Dinterest4A.She BIt CHe DI5A.for Bor Cand Dbut6A.before Bafter Cwhen Donce 7A.want Bhave Chold Dattend8.A.make Bchoose Cfind Dgive9A.album Bnovel Cmirror Dovercoat10A.went on Bpoured inCturned back Dgot away11A.could Bshould Cwould Dmight12A.decision Bstory Cmind Dbook13A.for Baround Cwith Dexcept14A.grateful BworriedCnervous Dspecial15.A.meaning Bgift Cparty Dworld16A.count Bread Cexpress Dimprove17A.took Bsent Cplaced Dpacked18A.how Bwhy Cwhich Dwhat19A.normally BmerelyCreally Dobviously20A.whether Bthat Cwhich Dwho【解题导语】 在妻子50岁生日时,丈夫送给妻子一份特殊的礼物。那是一本精心制作的书,记录了妻子几十年对朋友和家庭全部的爱。1解析:选选B。根据本段最后括号里的内容可知:显显然,Carol不喜欢欢我为为她举办举办 一个生日宴会。2解析:选选C。我问问她,“找几个好友聚餐怎么样样?”3解析:选选A。她说说她不喜欢欢成为为大家关注的中心。因为为是Carol过过生日,她当然会成为为大家关注的中心。attention“注意力”,符合语语境。4解析:选选D。此处处表示我不想让让她生日的那天就这样这样 随便过过去吃Stouffer牌的冷冻冻食物,看一个电电影视频视频 。5解析:选选C。前后句表示并列,故选选and。她说这说这 就是她(在生日那天)想要的一切。6解析:选选B。我想了又想,作出决定之后,我开始给给Carol的朋友们们写信。7解析:选选A。Carol不想(want)举举行生日宴会。第一段的“she didnt want a party”是线线索提示。8解析:选选D。我想给给她举办举办 一个书书本上的派对对。give sb.a party意为为“为为某人举办举办 一个派对对”。9解析:选选A。我在一个朋友的建议议下买买了一本相册(album)。下文15空后面的“more than the album”是线线索提示。10解析:选选B。根据下文可知此处处表示我把想要的东东西不断地放入相册中。pour in“不断涌向”符合语语境。go on “继续继续 ”;turn back“往回走”;get away“脱身;逃离”。11解析:选选C。此处处would表示“(过过去)常常,总总是”。我总总是在每个工作日快结结束的几分钟为钟为妻子制作这这本书书。12解析:选选D。8空后的内容暗示,我要给给Carol做一本书书。13解析:选选C。我搜集到的有她上高中时时的照片,我们俩们俩 和儿子们们在一起的照片等等。with表示“与在一起”。14解析:选选A。收集到的东东西让让我非常感激我们们一起走过过的岁岁月。be grateful for“感激”。16解析:选选B。在这这本书书的每一页页中,你都能“读读”到这这些。17解析:选选A。我把这这本书书包装好之后带带回家中。take it home带带回家。18解析:选选D。我说说:“这这可不是一顿顿冷冻冻的饭饭菜或者是一个视频视频 ,而是你值值得拥拥有的东东西。”what you deserve 为为表语语从句。19解析:选选C。她哭了。实际实际 上,她不喜欢欢哭。但是我认为这认为这 本书书感动动了她。really“实实际际上”。20解析:选选B。每一次我都提醒她整理出这这本书对书对 我来说说也是一个礼物。空白处处之后为宾语为宾语从句,从句中不缺少句子成分,因此用that连连接。本部分内容讲解结束按ESC键键退出全屏播放
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