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Section Grammar & Writing写作专题突破Unit 1语法专题突破Section 语法专题突破动词动词 的 ing 形式作表语语、定语语和宾宾语补语补 足语语讲讲解归纳归纳作表语语的动词动词 的 ing形式可分为现为现 在分词词和动动名词词。用法举举例 现现在分词词作表语语表 明主语语的特征、性 质质或所处处的状态态。 常作表语语,表达主 语语状态态特征的现现在 分词词有: amusing逗人的 charming迷人的 encouraging令人 鼓舞的今晚的电视节电视节 目真的 很有趣。 The sleeping beauty was so charming. 睡美人真是太迷人了 。 The situation is encouraging. 这这个形势势鼓舞人心。用法举举例 disappointing令人失 望的 discouraging令人丧丧气 的 convincing令人信服的 astonishing令人吃惊 的 这类这类 分词词几乎已经变经变 成 了形容词词。The theory sounds quite convincing. 这这个说说法听起来很有 说说服力。 It was astonishingto everyone that the court had made such a decision. 法庭竟作出这样这样 的裁 决,这这使大家惊讶讶。用法举举例 动动名词词作 表语语是对对 主语语内容 的解释说释说 明,这时这时 主语语和表 语语的位置 可互换换。The real problem is getting to know the needs of the people. 真正的问题问题 是了解人民的需要。 Reading is learning,but applying is also learning and the more kind of learning at that. 读书读书 是学习习,应应用也是学习习, 而且是更重要的学习习。用法举举例动动名词词和动词动词 不定式 都可以作表语语。一般 说说来,在表示比较较抽 象的一般行为时为时 多用 动动名词词;而表示具体 某个动动作,特别别是将 来的动动作时时,多用不 定式。Their job is building houses. 他们们的工作是盖房子 。 Our task now is to increase food production. 我们现们现 在的任务务是增 加粮食产产量。2.动词动词 的ing 形式作定语语动词动词 的ing 形式作定语语一般有两种含义义,有的可置于名词词前,有的需要置于名词词后。用法举举例 表示被修饰词饰词 的某种用途, 此时动词时动词 的 ing 形式常置于 被修饰词饰词 的前 面。a reading room 阅览阅览 室 a walking stick拐 杖 a washing machine洗衣机 a measuring tape 卷尺,皮尺用法举举例 表示所修饰饰 的人或物的 动动作或状态态 ,在意思上接 近于一个定 语语从句,可 以表示正在 进进行的动动作 ,也可表示 经经常性的动动 作或当时时的 状态态。Do you know the man sitting in the middle of the first row? 你认识认识 坐在第一排中间间的那个人吗吗 ? The car waiting nearby is a Ford. 停在附近的那辆辆小汽车车是福特车车。 Those wishing to join this club should sign here. 想加入本俱乐乐部的人在这这里签签名。3.动词动词 的ing 形式作宾语补宾语补 足语语用法举举例 现现在分词经词经 常用于 动词动词 see,hear, notice,watch, keep,find,get, have,feel,set, leave,catch等后 作宾语补宾语补 足语语,句He tried to start the engine running. 他设设法把发动发动 机发动发动 起来 。 His remark left me wondering what he was driving at 他的话话使我摸不清他到底 是什么意思。用法举举例 子变为变为 被动语态时动语态时 ,则则作主语补语补 足语语。 现现在分词词作宾补宾补 (主 补补)表达了宾语宾语 (主语语) 当时时正在发发生的动动作 (即处处于发发生的过过程 中,还还没结结束),或 者动动作的连续连续 性、重 复Im sorry to have kept you waiting. 对对不起,让让你久等了 。Suddenly we heard someone knocking gently on the window. 忽然我们们听见见有人在 轻轻轻轻 敲窗户户。用法举举例 性。作宾补宾补 的现现在 分词词表示的动动作是 由宾语发宾语发 出的,即 其逻辑逻辑 关系为为主谓谓 关系。I suddenly felt myself being hit by a heavy fist. 我突然感到被 重重地打了一 拳。.完成句子1(2011年高考课标课标 全国卷)他看到的下一件事就是烟从房子后面冒出来。The next thing he saw was smoke _ .语法专练语法专练rising from behind the house2. (2011年高考山东东卷)往那看有一条很长长很曲折的小路通向那所房子。Look over theretheres a verylong,winding path_.leading up to the house3(2011年高考江西卷)一接到他妻子的电话电话 ,说说她摔了一跤,戈登先生立即从他的办办公室跑回家了。On receiving a phone call from his wife _,Mr.Gordon immediately rushed home from his office.saying she had a fall4(2011年高考江苏苏卷)最近,一项项对对比两家不同超市同种货货物价格的调查调查 引起了市民们们的热议热议 。Recently a survey _ the same goods in two different supermarkets has caused heated debate among citizens.comparing prices of5(2010年高考浙江卷)交通规则规则规规定:四岁岁以下,体重不到40磅的小孩必须须坐在安全的座位上。The traffic rule says young children under the age of four and _ must be in a child safety seat. weighing less than 40 pounds6(2010年高考湖南卷)听!你听到 有人在呼救吗吗? Listen! Do you hear someone _? 7报报告表明,45%的学生所从事的 工作不需要特定的资资格证书证书 。 The report indicated that 45% of students were in jobs _ _.calling for helpnot requiring specific qualifications8(2009年高考全国卷)他们们使用电脑电脑 来保证证交通顺畅顺畅 。They use computers to _ the traffic _smoothly.keeprunning9(2009年高考浙江卷)有很多证证据显显示,音乐乐活动动与大脑脑的很多部分有关。There is a great deal of evidence_that music activities engage different parts of the brain.indicating10(2009年高考江西卷)政府计计划 出台新的法律,迫使父母对对孩子的 教育承担更多的责责任。 The government plans to bring in new laws _ _ _ _the education of their children.forcing parents to take more responsibility for.句型转换转换1. Do you know the boy sitting under the tree?Do you know the boy_ under the tree?who is sitting2I wonder the name of the tall man who is speaking to our teacher. I wonder who is the tall man _to our teacher. 3. There is an old man living alone in that house. There is an old man _ alone in that house.speakingwho lives4The girl standing by the school gate is my sister.The girl _by the school gate is my sister.5The sleeping girl is her daughter.The girl _ is her daughter.who is standingwho is sleeping.阅读阅读 下面句子,按照句子结结构的语语法性和意义连贯义连贯 的要求,使用括号中词语词语 的正确形式填空1He had a wonderful childhood,_(travel) with his mother to all corners of the world.2_(look) at my classmatestravelingLookingfaces,I read the same excitement in their eyes.3The man_(stand) by the window is our teacher.4The lady walked around the shops,_(keep) an eye out for bargains.standingkeeping5The old man,after_(work) abroad for twenty years,is on the way back home.6_(watch) the opening ceremony of 2010 Asian Games held in Guangzhou was_
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