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Integrating SkillsStep 1 Lead-inAnimal experimentsSARS疫苗动物实验 1. Which of the following is true? 2. A. Every year 2.5 million animals die in experiments. 3. B. Animals are only used to test new medicines. 4. C. Scientists say that animal testing does not work. 5. D. Almost all the medicines people use have been tested on animals.Step 2 Reading 2. The text mainly about _.A. divergence on animal experimentsB. the results of animals experimentsC. the process of animal experimentsD. loss of animals in experiments4. What is the writers attitude towards animal testing in the text?A. Neutral B. SupportiveC. Indifferent D. Against3. Animals rights activists are _.A. doctors B. officials C. scientistsD. people who defend animal rightsStep 3 Useful expressions: 1. develop and test medicines2. test sth on sth 3. there is a very chance that it also works with people 4. there is no doubt that 5. animal rights activists 6. have no rights to do sth.7. fight for 10. break laws8. feel pain 11.make clear 9. be on side 12. go against ones viewExercise:1. The teacher is _ the students _ their English. (老师正在测试学生的英语)2. I dont want this to happen again-do I _ myself _?(我讲的话你们听清楚了吗?)3. Your opinions dont make much sense. Whose _ in this question?(支持某方)4. He _ _ _ _ me in this plan.5. Mother _ _ _ David against Father in the argument.make cleartestingonside are you ontook the side oftook sides with1.doubt v. 怀疑,疑惑,不相信 我怀疑自己的眼睛。I doubted my own eyes我不相信他的诚实。 I doubt his honesty. 注:doubt后可接从句,在肯定句中用whether或if引 导,在否定句或疑问句中用that引导。 我怀疑他能否成功。 I doubt whether hell be successful. 我相信他会成功的。 I dont doubt that hell be successful. Step 4 Language pointsn.“怀疑,疑惑” 此时常构成一些句式或短语 。 there is no doubt about / that have no doubt about / that “对没有疑问”她是诚实的,这一点不容怀疑。 She is honest and there is no doubt about it. 我对关于他取得成功的消息不太相信。 I have some doubt about the news of his success. 约翰肯定会按时来的。 There is no doubt that John will come on time. in doubt “拿不准,不能确定”我拿不准该做什么。 I was in doubt about what to do. 当对一个单词的意思拿不准时,要查查词典。 When you are in doubt about the meaning of a word, you should refer to the dictionary. without(any)doubt “毫无疑问地”不要着急,他肯定会回来的。 Dont worry; hell come back without doubt. no wonder that clause no use /good in doing It isno point /sense /use (in) doing no need to do There is no doubt no possibility that clause.no chance It is a waste of time /great fun doing sth.A. There is B. It is1._little doubt that our team will beat yours.2. _ no need for you to start now.3. _ no use crying over spilt milk.4. _ no possibility /chance that we can finish the work on time.5. _ no wonder you are so tired. Youve washed so many clothes.6. _ no good arguing with him.ABAABBComplete the following sentences.Step 6 DebateDo people have the right to use animals?Group A: Pro Group B: ConReading on P92 General idea: It is an experiment report. From the first sentence we know this experiment is used to separate different liquids. Outline: introduction, materials, instructions, description, results, discussion.Homework1. Remember the key sentences.2. Learn to write an experiment report after the reading.
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