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说课展示Module 7 My school day教学目标重点难点教法学法教学过程设计说课结构板书设计诊断测试学情分析教材分析一、教学目标Teaching aims语言知识目标谈论学校的常规 实义动词(主语 I ,they, we you)一般现在时的陈述形式熟练使用句型:What time is it?,We have maths at 语言技能目标。能听懂点钟的表达及分辨学校的课程科目能简单介绍学校开设的科目及上课时间能阅读介绍学校一天的生活文章能使用and连接两个简单句,描写个人一天的学校生活文化意识和情感态度目标。了解英语国家学生的学校生活情况乐于谈论学校生活,培养良好的学习愿望和兴趣教材分析 Analysis of the teaching material本节的话题是谈论时间和课程 通过学习时间表达法让学生会应用 通过学习科目名称,能简单介绍一天的生 活,。 教学目标重点难点教法学法教学过程设计 板书设计 诊断测试学情分析教材分析二三、重难点Important and difficult points 单词的听、说、分类和记忆是本课的重点。 句型:What s the time ? What time is it ? It s six oclock. It s half past four. We have Chinese at eight . I like maths 教学目标重点难点教法学法教学过程设计 板书设计 诊断测试学情分析教材分析四、学情分析Analysis of the learning situation认知基础 cognition base本节课的学习主体为初一学生,他们好奇心强,乐于表达, 有较强的模仿能力和求知欲,具备了简单的英语口语交际能 力. 知识基础 knowledge base学生已经在从前的学习中掌握了一些时间和课程的说法,. 教学目标重点难点教法学法教学过程设计 板书设计 诊断测试学情分析教材分析五教法分析Analysis of the teaching 交际教学法。在用交际法进行教学的过程中, 课堂教学活动应是任务型的。 在具体教学中以情景教学为主,活动教学为辅 ,充分利用实物教具和电化教学手段创设情景 ,利用图片、多媒体等辅助设备,培养学生直 接用英语理解、表达和思维的能力。 因材施教,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学生学 习的积极性。 教学目标重点难点教法学法教学过程设计 板书设计 诊断测试学情分析教材分析六学法分析Analysis of the learning 引导学生掌握学习的主动,学会体验、实践、参 与、合作与交流的学习方式。 总结法,归纳法 教学目标重点难点教法学法教学过程设计 板书设计 诊断测试学情分析教材分析七教学过程设计Designing of the teaching porcedures1.Warmming up出示ppt ,让学生尽可能多的说出 他们所知道的时间表达激活学生的原有词汇,会说句 型:What day is it today ? Its .教学过程设计意图2课内探究。利用多媒体课件出 示本课所要教授的句型,用 句型Whats the time? It six oclock? What are your lessons today?在这一过程中,学生反复练习,记忆 时间表达法和学习有关科目名称4、speaking and pronunciation学生通过听力获得信息并掌握语 言材料,学会谈论 “My school day” , 培养学生口头表达能力教学过程设计意图.3.听力 listening 放录音 ,让学生先听。出示多媒体课件To identify school subjects and understand conversations about “a school day ”。 时 间 的 英 文 表 达 法How to ask the time? 如何问时间? What time is it? Whats the time? Could you tell me the time? Excuse me, have you got the time? What time is it by your watch/ clock?How to tell the time? (1) 如何表达时间? It is Expression of the time . (时间的表达法)一、整点 :整点钟oclock 例如: ten oclock 1)时间未过半 : 分钟past点钟例如:9:10=ten past nine2) 时间刚好一半 : half past 点钟 例如 :9:30= half past nine3) 时间已过半 :( 60分钟) to (点钟 +1)例如 : 8:50=(60 50)+to+(8+1)=ten to nine1.顺读法:直接说数字,先说小时数,后说分钟数 例如:eight ten(8:10)八点十分 二、含有小时和分钟:2.逆读法:quarter - 一刻,15分钟 ,1/4half - 一半,30分钟, 1/2What time is it? Itsnine oclock.What time is it? Itshalf past five.What time is it? Itseight twenty. or twenty past eight .What time is it? Itsten thirty-five.or twenty five to eleven .自然科学mathsChinesechemistryscienceEnglisharthistoryEnglishWe have science at nine oclock.We dont have chemistry at Listen and answer:1.What day is it today?2.Is Bettys science lesson at half past ten?It is Friday.Yes, it is.Listen and Check the true sentences.1.Daming and Lingling have a Chinese lesson at half past eight.( ) 2.Damings maths lesson is at ten oclock.( )3.Linglings art lesson is at one oclock.( )4.Lingling and Daming dont have history today.( )5.Bettys science lesson is at half past ten.( )6.Bettys favourite lesson is art.( ) Read the dialogue again then try to recite the dialogue:(读对话并试着背诵对话。 )Daming:What dayBetty: Its WhatlessonDaming: Today,We have Chinese atLingling: I dont like maths! We I dont In the afternoonBetty: We have English and Lingling: AndBetty: We love favouriteGroup workTask 1A:What _ is _ today?B:Its Thursday.What _ our lessons today? A:In the morning,we _ at eight oclock. We _ at nine oclock. We have English _ .I like English.B:What _ in the afternoon?A:We _ science at _and we _ history _. What subject do you like ?B:I _ science.Its funny.TimeThurs. Fri.8:00语语文数学9:00数学美术术10:00英语语英语语下 午2:30科学体育4:00历历史音乐乐根据课程表补全对话dayitarehave Chinesehave mathsat ten oclockabouthavehalf past twohaveat four oclocklike形成性测验Individual activity教学目标重点难点教法学法教学过程设计 板书设计 诊断测试学情分析教材分析八单词拼写:1. Can you tell me the (时间)?2. Our Chinese lesson is _(在)nine (点钟).3. Its _ (一半)past ten.4. I like _ (历史).I dont like (化学).5. They are _ (谈论)about the film.6. We _(上课) art at half past one.timeatoclockhalfhistorychemistrytalkinghave选择正确答案. ( )1.We have English nine oclock. A. in B. on C. at ( )2.We dont have Chinese the afternoon. A. in B. on C. at ( )3. Would you like to go to swim Sunday?A. in B. on C. at ( )4.We like meat.A. arent B.are C. dont ( )5.Its 4:30. 读作 .A. four past half B.half past four C. four and half ( )6.A:What day is it today?B: .A. Its half past six. B. Its six oclock. C. Its Friday.ACBCBC完成下列句子:1.今天星期几?today?2. 我们八点钟上语文。We
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